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problems with the event's :(

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  • problems with the event's :(

    y don't u guys make more fair events? like i hear a lot of ppl complaining about how the written in the star's event cancer pack unfair, and even worst... u have to be lvl 50+ and heck i'm not even lvl 40+ this sucks and the quit BOSSING me event not very good either because most of the 120+ eidolon's sit there waiting till the boss to appear as soon as boss's appear they die and we hardly get a chance to fight them, and climbing height's event, most of us mortals die at lvl 20 and the strong one's that pass lvl 20 always say scion+ and exelorn invasion monster's are 85+ are u ppl like making these events perfectly for eidos? -_- y are u makin it complicated? its easy to make a fair stinkin event!

  • #2
    i totally agree man


    • #3
      that's just dead on right


      • #4
        Yeah... Seeing some of my guildmates get nice goodies from their pack while I get the scorpio pack which is just a bunch of supreme enchantment xtals is kinda discouraging...


        • #5
          Zodiac is lvl 50+ So not as many alts can just farm but people farm the events anyway.
          'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'


          • #6
            they make most events like that so people can't farm them on alts honestly i'd just make everything bound instead of tradable
            IGN: (S14)DarkPriest26
            Server: S14 Lycanmarsh
            Guild: (S23)DragonFire
            Class: Hybrid Priest
            Level: 60 Eidolon

            Level 110 Ediolon
            Hybrid Ranger
            Server Celestial Peaks (S12)


            • #7
              I totally disagree with your statements.

              The reason why our Gm's made this kind of events is because of our constant moaning and groaning about alt-ers. So, yeah. What else is r2 supposed to do? All of you players are saying that alt-ers are just a @!£$!. And what did r2 do? They turned either the items bound, nor high-er level objectives. I mean seriously, isn't this what you guys wanted?

              And about leveling, it's not our fault that you aren't working hard enough like other players.
              •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
              •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
              •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
              •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
              •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


              • #8
                And to be honest, in my opinion the people who make alts are WORKING hard aswell.Like all the other players. So, yeah. I don't get why people start to protest about it.
                •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                • #9
                  I beleive that sometimes r2 make bad events. But still, no event is perfect. They try there best to run the game smoothly for us players. Just for us to have fun. Can't we be thankful for it? I know all those casher as some-what not happy about the game. And they think that they deserve better than us normal players. They are wrong. I know that the money that comes from the players to the company pays their allowance and what-not. But, maybe you got get off their back just a tiny bit? All games are like this.Without any money, r2 would have to stop making such great games.And without cahser, well.. i guess you can figures it out by yourself
                  •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                  •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                  •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                  •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                  •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                  • #10
                    i gotta agree with u google
                    IGN: x27
                    Class: Mage
                    Server: Killer's den
                    lvl: 120+
                    plane: Eidolon
                    Wings: Demon Lord Wings
                    Pet: GA, Teeka, Royal Nymph, and more.


                    • #11
                      i im lvl 73 i got to lvl 51 and i have 9 lvl 3 ladder gems oh yea im a mortal maybe u should lvl instead of complaining gms made lvl caps so ppl wont cheat and make more alts to do written in that stars
                      Level: Scion 63+
                      IGN: (S28)Destroyer
                      Guild: Imperium
                      Server: Bloodfang Village
                      Soul: 475
                      Pets: Super Demon lvl 72, Super Angel lvl 66, Megasaurus lvl 57, Boxer Rex lvl 53, and File Lord lvl 48
                      Rank: Arch Duke-102670
                      Mount: Gorilla Titan


                      • #12
                        In seng when this one eidolon rouge enters, it finishes within 2 mins.


                        • #13
                          I agree that it may be unfair to lower levels for such events, buy the lower level toons can't kill those bosses on their own anyway.
                          So if yo were in a strong party you will be the free loader.

                          As it is you complain about higher level toons not taking freeloaders to CL.
                          Maybe offer to pay them for a super run to level 50 or 60 or 75
                          For the right price I'm sure they'll spare a spot in their party for you.

                          Better stil make friends in the game, and join guilds.
                          The point of parties and guild is so that player of the same caliber can group together to beat dungeons and monster and grow strong together.

                          Don't hate the player
                          Hate the game

                          and if you hate the game, then go play something easier like war tunes


                          • #14
                            not quite true look at wow its still surviving and no cashers, u just have to buy membership so i guess in a way cash but still
                            Crystal Saga:
                            IGN: (S57)Suzemebatchi
                            Server: Eternal Sanctum
                            Class: Rogue
                            Plane: Eidolon
                            Level: 150
                            Spouse: (J7)Rhaiine01
                            Wings: Demon Lord +4
                            Weapon: Prefect Frag IX +9
                            Mount: Gilded Battle Stallion, Alicorn, Flying Carpet, White Griffin, Angelfire Dragon
                            Pixie : Celestial
                            Nobility: Emperor
                            Guild: (S2)Dragonspine
                            Pets: Teeka Gen 3 +9, Fire Lord, Ultrasaurus Rex, Gobbler, Dark reaper +13, Werewolf Overlord +12, Pet Bunny, Panda Adult, Super Angel/Demon.


                            • #15
                              make event for low level people

                              IGN: LightKeeper
                              lvl: 41
                              PlaneL: mortal
                              WIngs:Ultimate Dual Wings VII
                              Pet: Baby demon
                              Weapon: [(Superior) Fragarach Orb II]

