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Shinning Peridot

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  • Shinning Peridot

    I just Want to ask if i put shinning peridot on my savage helmet does it works on Bath??

  • #2
    hp regen is not working in bath
    IGN: xSpade
    Server: zensho Island
    Class/Job: rogue


    • #3
      put 8 immaculate peridot to overcome HP reg -1000/3 second :3


      • #4
        Originally posted by R21975465 View Post
        put 8 immaculate peridot to overcome HP reg -1000/3 second :3
        it's a good idea.
        class: knight
        Server S1
        Be Nice To The Ones Who Smoke.. Every Cigarette Might Be Their Last..!


        • #5
          Originally posted by NouKin View Post
          it's a good idea.
          it is xD -1000/second
          "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane


          • #6
            it doesent ....
            when u see it it just like -999/3 sec,,, i havin it and it doesnt work in bath..... only priests angels blessing works in bath ,,,, none upgradation on any cass wont work... it always deal percentage damage nothing matters to ur stat point too,.... hope this helps...=)


            • #7
              thank you all
              Last edited by miami18; 05-20-2013, 09:04 AM.


              • #8
                I've been told it does work. You need to sit down in order to regain your HP


                • #9
                  Yes it will work in bath. BUT.... BUT..... you have to sit down or the regen don't work. If you sit down the peridot will start working. 5 shining peridot is not enough to keep you alive in bath but you will have more hp than other people in the party and you will have more margin of error (if the heal bugs you will have better chance of surviving than other toons depending on how many peridot you have). Hope I helped.
                  A weird and noob priest with an emerald socket
                  ♫ Lv1 mortal, 1 matk, 1(0%) def, 1 heal, baby turtle muahahahaha :p who cares about stat just have fun ♪
                  come visit ;)


                  • #10
                    If hunting for the lighting rod title, just get a nimbus crystal and use the buff. It will give 10k HP every second.
                    • Server: Emerald Ridge
                    • Character: Dylan
                    • Class: Elementalist
                    • Vigor: Grandmaster Elementalist
                    • Guild: Reborn

