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AFK Mode time duration

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  • AFK Mode time duration

    Hello, this is my first time posting in the forums so forgive me if I have some minor/major mistakes...

    I have a question about the AFK duration.

    I am confused on how this is used up. Yesterday, the time left for my bonus time is 47 mins. and 54 seconds before I left. And now the time remaining is 1 hour. So my question is, does the bonus time somehow increases whenever I am NOT using AFK mode or logged out for a long time? If not, how did it became 1 hour?

    My coins are still the same so that doesn't mean I bought anything. As for the crystals, I have none since the moment I started playing the game so it is impossible for my character to auto-buy more AFK time.

    Thank you so much for your kind answers.

  • #2
    Well everyday, u get 1 hour of free AFK but then after that's used up then u have to use the cards, so don't worry about the bonus, u don't need to pay for that


    • #3
      Thank you so much!


      • #4
        Also if your vip you get 3 free hours of afking daily. You also for the login bonus get afk cards daily off that atleast 1 card a day so that could have been where you got that extra time from.
        Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
        Server: Glacial Planes.
        Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

        For in depth knight guide click the link below

        "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"

