so hi my name is omgtou known as the number 1 mage on server 61 thats not saying much since its a fairly new server but for my first time playing cs and quiting after 3 months i did a fairly good job. i am lvl 70 edo with full flawless gems soul aura gorilla titan etc. as most people know mages are underplayed and there is close to zero guides on mages on the forums or in general. so alot of new players or mage players tend to have a huge problem adopting to the game or growing. so in this guide i will explain not only good builds but lvl up tips and farming. i will not be providing any Screen shots but i will explain as much as i can so people can understand it. this is all based on my personal experience and not saying these ways are the only way.
To start i would like to list the Pros and Cons. this is for over all mage not for each build.
Pros. Mages are great honor farmers. they have great aoe and in seng with people always so grouped up its easy to get 3 to 4 kills in a matter of seconds. their damage over all is amazing with great aoe and really fast dungeoning times (in the later stages of the game). they have blink (a spell that teleports you a certain radius) which helps alot in pvp and escaping.
Cons. Have close to no def at the start of the game. bad at farming early. Not saying its not do able just needs alot of investment. really cash heavy if not built properly. over all its kill or be killed with mages.
Time for builds.
Full Ice mage: gives def slows and allows you to survive and kite but not as much spam and burst as fire mage.
Full Fire Mage: gives huge burst damage spam able moves really powerful in dps. really glass cannon. (huge burst but can easily be 1 shotted)
Hybrid Mage: fairly high burst using all the fire damage skills. and decent def using the ice passive skills. (my mage of choice for early to mid game)
Soul building. your main goal will be the ice soul as it gives you def. and Light soul as it gives you intel and more matk. Depending on how you build your mage you can also build into void soul as i did for the added crit and hit rates.
Gears. Stick to savage than slayer. gives you tons of added stats that mages excel on. for Weapon I currently use a perfect orb so frag is truly amazing on a mage. but only when its sup or up. If you cant afford sup frag yet stick to savage until you can farm up.
Pet. This is your personal choice. Demon King Stun and damage. Burning Angel Stun heal decent damage. Teeka heal charm support. Dino huge health pool and alot of absorb.(note if your going to use this i highly say delete the move drag.) you as a mage no not want people getting close to you.
Lvling. is fairly easy on a mage since it kills mobs really fast. Do main quest. Do blessed bath an event in which you go with a party of 5 (unless your a lvl 40+priest than you can solo) and stand on a bridge. Once it starts you will lose health each time you lose health you gain exp.(There is a full guide on forums for people who need a full understanding). Day in Virdlia AMAZING QUEST. you can do it 10 times a day and each time gives exp and a prize pack which contains amazing prizes and each quest is quick and easy. Ladder is an daily quest you can do once a day in which you like the name says climb a ladder with your team. each floor has monsters and as you go up the monsters get tougher. Bring a priest and a tank. the higher you go the more exp you get. at lvl 45 you can do crypt an event in which is like puzzle solving there is 15 floors and each floor there is 3 stairs. 1 stair takes you to the next floor while the other 2 bring you down a floor. either way collect the prize on each floor. TRaining ground a lvling event twice a day or 3 times if your vip. you go in and fight 10 rounds of monsters each time the number increases as a mage you wont be able to solo it at the start so find a party. TRaining ground is lvl based meaning your party should be 40-49 50-59 etc. it is best to do training ground when your guild leader activates guild 2x and seignor(server wide 2x) is on ask around and join a guild to ask on the time on your server. you should also use your own 2x or 3x card as all 3 bonus stack. Redemption you buy a scroll from the priest in starglade. the one next to bath. and you will have to kill a monster they assign you. gives honor and experience. you should get a party as the boss hits hard. AFK MODE. at monsters 3 lvls above you. dont stand in starglade doing nothing. and afk mode when you sleep or go to work. by doing all this you should gain a lvl a day at the higher up lvls which i mean 50+. other wise you should easily get to lvl 50 in a couple of days max. there are other events to lvl up but frankly either i forgot them or i feel like they are to time consuming.
Farming: OH GOD KILL ME NOw. Mages are horriable early game farmers. they die way to fast. at the later stages if built right they can do dungeons in 2 to 3 minutes nightmare. your best bet here would be to build soul. this will take alot of work but saves you from cashing. Make alts to lvl 30 and do indigo blight(theres a quick guide on how to do this.) make 3 alts thats 15 purfied crystals. a day. in which you can use to build soul or sell to build your wings or mount. so frankly making lvl 30 alts is going to be your bread and butter till your stronger. another way to solo dungeons not really solo but is to make a priest alt and try to lvl it up and work on it a bit. than duo dungeon with your alt. set the heal as its default skill and click on your mage. as this way the priest will follow your mage and constantly heal it. which you get decent soul and lvl 55 you should be able to do all normal dungeons from that point on. Nightmare Vault you can do at lvl 55 to 60 depending on soul. the rest i would suggest getting priest buff or scion buff. or waiting till after you reborn. so continue making alts and farming because that will save you alot of money in the long run.
k going to finish off the guide
. this build is for hybrid mage
reason is i believe this is the best around build for a mage until you hit end game as in lvl 120 edo but much sooner this will only help you get the hang of things. so to start hybrid is based on fire damage kills and def passives. so to start as a mortal its pretty easy for the most part.
Fire side:Row One 1 point into every skill except improved fireball make it lvl 5 and use that as your default skill. Row 2: 1 point into every skill. row 3 1 point into flame shield and 1 into blink. Ice side. ONLY THE THIRD ROW max ice shield lvl 5 max deeplvl5 freeze icicle armor lvl5. rest 1 point. from there you can decide what to put your points into. as long as its ice passive third row. alarcity is faster casting speed or magic pent which ignores armor. in frank moral it dont matter much once you hit lvl 70 you can pretty much farm tons of honor in seng with your lvl 70 aoe.
You now reborn. congrats scion mage. so points is the same thing as the top except this time around you can max a number of skills. my favorite is to max lcl 70 skill flame explosion and max blink. Plus you get a number of new skills best is the lvl 80 fire mage metor strike. max it out for a 3.5 second stun. once you hit lvl 80 you can pretty much kill and kill fast. you lead off with metor strike stun them than use your scion skill and than flame explosion. in truth doesnt matter what combo you use the 3.5 stun is good enough to kill many people.
Edo mage. same as scion mage you got way more than enough points mess around. in all honestly once you become scion you will have enough knowledge on your skills this is just a base of where to start. except i do need to mention once you hit scion dont use any spells as your default the crappy casting time can ruin many kills for you. if you built right with decent soul your normal attacks are more than enough
Farming honor: Guild resource. Seng battle grounds your a mage just spam your aoe
. Guild quest best is the labor ones take the quest and gather the amount needed to finish all the quest so example 7 guild labors collect 35 items. do crypt free apples. do hell storm if you dont want to waste time simply go in and talk to the guard to leave you still got prize. those are the easiest and fastest ways. there should be plenty more but those are quicker. also redemption 80 honor per one quest done
Gems. DEF gems. gives you more armor for dungeons. dont go for crit def gems as a mage doesnt matter how much crit you stop yourll die in 2 shots either way the gems will just provide you with a added def for dungeons. Health in your helm hat w,e lol. reason is your perfect frag works great with health and as a mage your mdef is decent. you can off course use mdef as well. offhand you use crit gems a mage that can crit can easily 1 to 2 shot anyone. weapon gloves off course topez. there are many who put crit in everything and i find that dumb whats the point of high crit if your matk isnt high. that makes zero sense.
like i said this is my first guide i am currently lvl 70 edo quit over 2 months ago toke me 3 months to become lvl 70 edo so following this guide will help you. i didnt leave out any special information its all from trial and error. i will revise when i have time to improve the spelling and add pictures to make this guide more potent. anything else you would like to add comment below. theres a few mages out there that i think can offer some insight please do so as the game lacks mages
ty have a nice day if you need a picture before i get a chance to upload them go to S61 i should still be on the top rankings omgtou.
(i should have full flawless gems except i put alot of them into my zodiac gears) dont ask why it just seemed cool. LAST NOTE.
To start i would like to list the Pros and Cons. this is for over all mage not for each build.
Pros. Mages are great honor farmers. they have great aoe and in seng with people always so grouped up its easy to get 3 to 4 kills in a matter of seconds. their damage over all is amazing with great aoe and really fast dungeoning times (in the later stages of the game). they have blink (a spell that teleports you a certain radius) which helps alot in pvp and escaping.
Cons. Have close to no def at the start of the game. bad at farming early. Not saying its not do able just needs alot of investment. really cash heavy if not built properly. over all its kill or be killed with mages.
Time for builds.
Full Ice mage: gives def slows and allows you to survive and kite but not as much spam and burst as fire mage.
Full Fire Mage: gives huge burst damage spam able moves really powerful in dps. really glass cannon. (huge burst but can easily be 1 shotted)
Hybrid Mage: fairly high burst using all the fire damage skills. and decent def using the ice passive skills. (my mage of choice for early to mid game)
Soul building. your main goal will be the ice soul as it gives you def. and Light soul as it gives you intel and more matk. Depending on how you build your mage you can also build into void soul as i did for the added crit and hit rates.
Gears. Stick to savage than slayer. gives you tons of added stats that mages excel on. for Weapon I currently use a perfect orb so frag is truly amazing on a mage. but only when its sup or up. If you cant afford sup frag yet stick to savage until you can farm up.
Pet. This is your personal choice. Demon King Stun and damage. Burning Angel Stun heal decent damage. Teeka heal charm support. Dino huge health pool and alot of absorb.(note if your going to use this i highly say delete the move drag.) you as a mage no not want people getting close to you.
Lvling. is fairly easy on a mage since it kills mobs really fast. Do main quest. Do blessed bath an event in which you go with a party of 5 (unless your a lvl 40+priest than you can solo) and stand on a bridge. Once it starts you will lose health each time you lose health you gain exp.(There is a full guide on forums for people who need a full understanding). Day in Virdlia AMAZING QUEST. you can do it 10 times a day and each time gives exp and a prize pack which contains amazing prizes and each quest is quick and easy. Ladder is an daily quest you can do once a day in which you like the name says climb a ladder with your team. each floor has monsters and as you go up the monsters get tougher. Bring a priest and a tank. the higher you go the more exp you get. at lvl 45 you can do crypt an event in which is like puzzle solving there is 15 floors and each floor there is 3 stairs. 1 stair takes you to the next floor while the other 2 bring you down a floor. either way collect the prize on each floor. TRaining ground a lvling event twice a day or 3 times if your vip. you go in and fight 10 rounds of monsters each time the number increases as a mage you wont be able to solo it at the start so find a party. TRaining ground is lvl based meaning your party should be 40-49 50-59 etc. it is best to do training ground when your guild leader activates guild 2x and seignor(server wide 2x) is on ask around and join a guild to ask on the time on your server. you should also use your own 2x or 3x card as all 3 bonus stack. Redemption you buy a scroll from the priest in starglade. the one next to bath. and you will have to kill a monster they assign you. gives honor and experience. you should get a party as the boss hits hard. AFK MODE. at monsters 3 lvls above you. dont stand in starglade doing nothing. and afk mode when you sleep or go to work. by doing all this you should gain a lvl a day at the higher up lvls which i mean 50+. other wise you should easily get to lvl 50 in a couple of days max. there are other events to lvl up but frankly either i forgot them or i feel like they are to time consuming.
Farming: OH GOD KILL ME NOw. Mages are horriable early game farmers. they die way to fast. at the later stages if built right they can do dungeons in 2 to 3 minutes nightmare. your best bet here would be to build soul. this will take alot of work but saves you from cashing. Make alts to lvl 30 and do indigo blight(theres a quick guide on how to do this.) make 3 alts thats 15 purfied crystals. a day. in which you can use to build soul or sell to build your wings or mount. so frankly making lvl 30 alts is going to be your bread and butter till your stronger. another way to solo dungeons not really solo but is to make a priest alt and try to lvl it up and work on it a bit. than duo dungeon with your alt. set the heal as its default skill and click on your mage. as this way the priest will follow your mage and constantly heal it. which you get decent soul and lvl 55 you should be able to do all normal dungeons from that point on. Nightmare Vault you can do at lvl 55 to 60 depending on soul. the rest i would suggest getting priest buff or scion buff. or waiting till after you reborn. so continue making alts and farming because that will save you alot of money in the long run.
k going to finish off the guide

Fire side:Row One 1 point into every skill except improved fireball make it lvl 5 and use that as your default skill. Row 2: 1 point into every skill. row 3 1 point into flame shield and 1 into blink. Ice side. ONLY THE THIRD ROW max ice shield lvl 5 max deeplvl5 freeze icicle armor lvl5. rest 1 point. from there you can decide what to put your points into. as long as its ice passive third row. alarcity is faster casting speed or magic pent which ignores armor. in frank moral it dont matter much once you hit lvl 70 you can pretty much farm tons of honor in seng with your lvl 70 aoe.
You now reborn. congrats scion mage. so points is the same thing as the top except this time around you can max a number of skills. my favorite is to max lcl 70 skill flame explosion and max blink. Plus you get a number of new skills best is the lvl 80 fire mage metor strike. max it out for a 3.5 second stun. once you hit lvl 80 you can pretty much kill and kill fast. you lead off with metor strike stun them than use your scion skill and than flame explosion. in truth doesnt matter what combo you use the 3.5 stun is good enough to kill many people.
Edo mage. same as scion mage you got way more than enough points mess around. in all honestly once you become scion you will have enough knowledge on your skills this is just a base of where to start. except i do need to mention once you hit scion dont use any spells as your default the crappy casting time can ruin many kills for you. if you built right with decent soul your normal attacks are more than enough
Farming honor: Guild resource. Seng battle grounds your a mage just spam your aoe

Gems. DEF gems. gives you more armor for dungeons. dont go for crit def gems as a mage doesnt matter how much crit you stop yourll die in 2 shots either way the gems will just provide you with a added def for dungeons. Health in your helm hat w,e lol. reason is your perfect frag works great with health and as a mage your mdef is decent. you can off course use mdef as well. offhand you use crit gems a mage that can crit can easily 1 to 2 shot anyone. weapon gloves off course topez. there are many who put crit in everything and i find that dumb whats the point of high crit if your matk isnt high. that makes zero sense.
like i said this is my first guide i am currently lvl 70 edo quit over 2 months ago toke me 3 months to become lvl 70 edo so following this guide will help you. i didnt leave out any special information its all from trial and error. i will revise when i have time to improve the spelling and add pictures to make this guide more potent. anything else you would like to add comment below. theres a few mages out there that i think can offer some insight please do so as the game lacks mages
