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  • Clarification

    i just want to clarify something about rogues
    for example; Your toon has
    Critical Strike: 431(45%)
    Critical Damage:198%

    431x0.45=194(P.S i rounded it off)
    (critical dam. dtermines the amnt of bonus damage ur Crtcal strike do)
    so . .194x1.98 =384

    so 4456 (pattack) + 384 = 4840 . .so my toon's critical is 4840??? normal attack

    please response if im correct and if im wrong. tell me how to calculate the critical . .and also. .does attack speed works??
    IGN: (S1)EchoO
    Server:Aurora Point
    Class: Hybrid Rogue
    Lvl: 50+
    Plane: Scion

    " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

    A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
    A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

    -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher

  • #2
    crit strike is the chance of hitting critical. If achieved crit strike it would add 198% of your current max strike. If that makes any sense >< lol


    • #3
      So if u hit while achieving crit strike, and u hit for 4840. It would be (4840) + 198%.


      • #4
        ohhh. so critical strike is somewhat a chance to achive a hit of (4840) +198% ?
        IGN: (S1)EchoO
        Server:Aurora Point
        Class: Hybrid Rogue
        Lvl: 50+
        Plane: Scion

        " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

        A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
        A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

        -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher


        • #5
          yes..... as of attk speed, it is a rouge must have XD


          • #6
            does attck speed works?? i think it is not working
            IGN: (S1)EchoO
            Server:Aurora Point
            Class: Hybrid Rogue
            Lvl: 50+
            Plane: Scion

            " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

            A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
            A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

            -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher


            • #7
              Originally posted by devourzak00 View Post
              does attck speed works?? i think it is not working
              Yes attk speed works.


              • #8
                Just my 2 cent. Don't forget that if you go PvP your enemy sometimes has crit def (certain stat to defend opponent's crit attack chance). For example, if you have 60% crit but your enemy got 50% crit def, then your chance to score crit to him reduced into 60%-50% = 10%
                阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
                地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


                • #9
                  Your equation makes no sense at all.

                  PATK: 4456
                  Critical Strike: 431(45%)
                  Critical Damage: 198%

                  To get the damage you will deal when you crit, you just multiplied 4456 (PATK) by 1.98 (Critical Damage). And the 431(45%) thing is just the chance of getting critical strikes. That means you will deal 8823 damage when you crit.

                  And attack speed works like this:

                  Normally, you have 100% attack speed (which means you attack once per second). If you have 150% attack speed, you'll attack 50% faster than you normally do and that means you will attack thrice per two seconds. If you have 200% attack speed, you'll attack twice per second.
                  Last edited by RandomGamer; 06-05-2013, 03:47 AM.
                  life is unfair


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RandomGamer View Post
                    Your equation makes no sense at all.

                    PATK: 4456
                    Critical Strike: 431(45%)
                    Critical Damage: 198%

                    To get the damage you will deal when you crit, you just multiplied 4456 (PATK) by 1.98 (Critical Damage). And the 431(45%) thing is just the chance of getting critical strikes. That means you will deal 8823 damage when you crit.

                    And attack speed works like this:

                    Normally, you have 100% attack speed (which means you attack once per second). If you have 150% attack speed, you'll attack 50% faster than you normally do and that means you will attack thrice per two seconds. If you have 200% attack speed, you'll attack twice per second.
                    clarification is the title right? so i was just asking. .i dont need negative commnts
                    IGN: (S1)EchoO
                    Server:Aurora Point
                    Class: Hybrid Rogue
                    Lvl: 50+
                    Plane: Scion

                    " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

                    A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
                    A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

                    -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by R24656887 View Post
                      Just my 2 cent. Don't forget that if you go PvP your enemy sometimes has crit def (certain stat to defend opponent's crit attack chance). For example, if you have 60% crit but your enemy got 50% crit def, then your chance to score crit to him reduced into 60%-50% = 10%
                      Betcha the crit deff doesn't even work, so nothing to worry about, lol.
                      Stalkers OP.

                      Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "

