Make me understand about this new achievements.Ty.
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New Achievements
Looks like something snuck through during emergency maintenance. We will have to wait and see if it will be announced in the future, or if it will be hidden after the weekly maintenance.Last edited by MemoryLane; 08-14-2012, 02:17 AM.New R2 Community Discord Server:
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R2Games Ticket System for browser games:
owh. the title look familiar with mo xiang... or is it something else ^^Server - S53 Exelow Hollows
Char - Rohbean
Class - Knight balance (called it Bear Knight)
Level - Eido 120++
Rank - Squire XD
Pet - Firelord Gen1 ..... Demon King Gen 3
Mount - Gryphon
Sperion - Supr Immortal Def Max lvl Gem lvl 5 -_-lll
Beast Soul - Tiger
Silent Player FTW
i like the last achievement on the new 1
plus 1k mdef,pdef,mattck,pattck,hpign: AnnaJean/Xepher
class: priest/Mage
guild: ForeverAlone
position: Guild Master
lvl: 50(Scion) :cool:/54(Mortal)
server: Nebulan Ridge/Ethereal City
Oh so you want to be respected? Tell me more about how much you respect others.
It should be something like this
Buffs, charm points, etc.
I doubt those new titles will be implemented anytime soon. In case ya didn't notice, they said it was an accidental addition that managed to slip through durin the last Emergency Maintenance. I'm takin that to mean we weren't supposed to be made aware of 'em. Either way, no sense in speculatin over 'em atm, just Let the GMs work. We may not see those again after next Maintenance 'til they're translated completely and ready.
Name: (S24)Gracia
Server: (S24)Tundara (Merged with (S29)Molten Highlands)
Class: Lvl 71 Mortal DPS/Support Hybrid Priestess
Guild: (S29)UnderWorld
Spouse: (24)darknes22 (Scion Knight)Name: (S24)Gracia
Server: (S24)Tundara
Class/Lvl: Lvl 56 DPS/Support Hybrid Eidolon Priestess
Guild: (S6)Elysium (Guildmaster)
Spouse: Happily engaged to (S24)TooL (Lvl 100 Eidolon Fire Mage)
How beautiful you look wrapped in the shadow of ecstasy...the glow of the dancing flames illuminating the chaos that shines through your innocent eyes, lying dormant in your twisted, tormented soul, the product of a world oh so cruel...let it shine, dear child, for it can set you free.