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Detailed Rogue guide.

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  • Detailed Rogue guide.

    Just want to give credit to for providing info about the pixies.

    Ok, so i'll take you through the basics of rogues, pros and cons of my build, then gradually we will start talking
    about the more advanced stuff.

    If you don't like my build, dont leave hateful comments, just leave the thread,


    High crit and dodge.

    "Stealth" Skill which makes you invisible until someone takes you out of stealth by landing an aoe on you,
    time running out or you attacking someone.

    4 second stun, within that time you should be able to decimate every class around the same level with the exception of
    pure end knight.

    Low defense

    You can get took out of stealth alot by Mages or Rangers as they have alot of AoEs.

    If you're caught out of stealth from a ranged class, you're as good as dead if they're a skilled kiter.

    Rogue basics ( You should know about most of these already)

    1. Rogues are made for having high crit chance and dodge.

    2. Rogues are fairly weak at the start of the game until level 50-60 unless you're a casher.

    3. Rogues are different to all other classes with their basic attack as they hit twice with one click of the basic attack.

    Now I will teach you the steps of the game and what to do at what time.

    1. You will need to have a high soul to be succesful in this game. Collect all SS( Soul Shards ) everyday from the
    Ranger Elder in ToL ( Tree of Life )

    2. As soon as you can, get 3 pets. 2 pets with charm. preferably BA's (Burning Angels) or if you can't afford burning angels,
    get 2 pandas and morph them to Panda ( Adult ), these help you do dungeons at lower levels, all you need to do is switch between them
    once the cooldown on them is completed. The last pet you will need to get is a pet with stun. Preferably a DK ( DemonKing) or
    a scorpy. If you cant afford those two, get a bonosauras and try to morph that too. I will explain the effect of having a stun pet
    later on in the guide.

    3. At mortal, you will need to put all of your attribute points into strength as at plane mortal you dont have many PATK bonuses
    from gears/gems/enchantments. Scion + go full agility.

    4. Use half savage and half epic set from level 30-79, this will make dodge and crit chance higher. The savage will be Helmet, ring and gloves. Epic Ethereal/
    Epic Bloodforged/Epic Nightshade/Epic Mistweave set will be Boots, Necklace and Armour.

    5. Do dungeons everyday and use all the HWs ( Heroic Wings) and MUTS (Mount Upgrade Tokens) you get everyday until you get ultimate demigods maxed
    and until you get battle bear.

    6. Level as fast as you can to scion, the difference between mortal and scion is huge. Check out this leveling guide to help you out.

    7. Use a HoE (Heart of Eden) until level 80+, then use the rogue offhand for extra crit.

    What do I do with gems?

    Use all of your gems that you get on Fire Opal Gems, Garnet Gems or Fragarach Shards. Fire Opal Gems are used to increase crit dmg.
    Garnet Gems are used to increase crit rating. Fragarach Shards are used to upgrade the Fragarach weapon, which is the most powerful weapon availbable at the moment.

    The gem setup that you will need for armour and weapon is as follows:

    Helmet: Jade gems
    Armour: Amber gems.
    Gloves: Garnet/Rubys, it's all about preference.
    Boots: 2 Amber and 2 Sapphire.
    Amulet : If you manage to get orange exelorn/purgatory then use crit defense gems
    Ring; If you manage to get orange exelorb/purgatory then use Fire opal/Pink Diamond gems.

    What is the best PvP skill tree setup?

    There is no "best" PvP skill tree setup. Skill trees are just preference , whichever skills you're comfortable with, use them. but I will share my skill
    tree to give you an idea of how I PvP .

    Mortal :


    Slayers Speed 5/5. ( This skill is used to get extra attack speed which is essential for rogues.)

    Slayers Call 5/5. ( This skill is used to get extra crit which is essential for rogues.)

    Assasins Thrust 5/5. ( This skill penetrates the enemies defenses no need to get improved/master thrust as it is just a fixed extra 1k dmg.)

    Shadow Rush 5/5 (This skill stuns the enemy for 4 seconds.

    Choke Hold 1/5 ( This skill is more of a tactical advantage for rogues I will explain later.)

    Slayers Cloak 1/5 ( This skill makes you invisible. No need to upgrade it at mortal.)

    Shadow strike 1/5 ( Basically the same as Slayers Cloak but this skill can be used in combat.)

    Blade Sweep 1/5 ( The first AoE that a shadow rogue gets, decent dmg good cooldown.)

    Knife rush 1/5 ( This is the second and last AoE that a shadow rogue gets, good dmg bad cooldown.)

    Slayers Sprint 1/5 ( This skill is used as an escape)

    Brutality 1/5 ( This skill gives extra crit for 4 seconds, it helps at lower levels but sacrifices 0.5 sec of your stun time.)

    Slayers Shadow 1/5( This skill increases movement speed whilst stealthed, not essential at this stage)

    Improved Slayers call 5/5 ( This is a MUST, 25% crit dmg is irresistable.)

    Blur 1/5 ( This skill reduces the enemies hit rate if it procs)

    Shadow Slap ( This skill takes away enemies potions, useful in seng and deli)

    Slayers Deftness 5/5 ( Need dodge for survivability.)

    Basically the same skilltree but you get Quick Death which is a must, you could get Slayers dedication level 5 or slayers march level 5 too.

    Which souls do I focus on?

    You need to focus on void and brilliance souls the most.

    The main focuses on Void and Brilliance are Simplicity,Deftness, Vulgarity, Cruelty and Dominance. Work on Simplicity and deftness the most.

    Void Souls: You should focus on Simplicity and Deftness at the start, get those both to level 8 before upgrading anything else on the void tree, after you have both of those nodes level 8, then try to upgrade Truth and Spirit to level 8, these nodes give AGI % increases meaning that your crit, dodge and hit rating will be way higher if you've upgraded the agility souls that I suggested you to do so. To get to to these nodes, you will need to get Acceptance and Forgiveness. Acceptance gives Crit defense and HP, this soul is more useful to Tanks but still helps rogues, more HP and Crit defense gives you more time to kill people. Forgiveness gives AP defense and purge chance, AP Defense will help you survive longer to get more kills and Purge is one of the best things for ANY class. Purge negates all negative effects, this will stop ranged classes from kiting you, other rogues from stunning you and also will stop tanks stunning you, purge also means you can't get charmlocked or stunlocked, this is a major factor in PvP and could be the difference between living and dieing.

    This is a suggestion of how you should upgrade your souls.

    First of all, get level 5 madness,rage,ferocity and braveness.

    Secondly, get level 8 Simplicity, Deftness,Vulgarity,Cruelty and Dominance.

    Proceed to level 8 Madness,rage,ferocity and braveness.

    Then get level 10 Simplicity, deftness, vulgarity,Cruelty and Dominance.

    Soul DOES take alot of time and it's gradual upgrades but soul makes PvP what it is, nearly everyones soul is different.

    What we're aiming for in this build is maximum AP (Armour Penetration), Crit dmg and attack speed, these
    are the stats that make you kill faster in PvP, these stats are better than PATK when it comes to PvP, PATK helps but is not as good as
    AP, crit dmg and attack speed.

    Titles :

    Get the title Silent Destroyer as soon as you can, an extra 8% crit is great at lower levels.

    Weapons :

    Use the celestial fragrach weapon all the way through the game, upgrading it as you go along.

    PvP Tactics and strategys.

    Stealth>Stun>Assasins Thrust>Blade Sweep>Chokehold>Shadow Strike. Rinse and repeat, if the enemy is too strong, he will be slow from the chokehold still so you can get away better.

    Rogues v Rogues : In a rogue 1v1 (No Pets) you need to be very familiar with rogues and you also need to be very skilled with them.
    Basically in a rogue 1v1 you want to make your enemy waste their good skills and then strike back with yours. I.E. A rogue
    activates Vagabonds Swiftness and Brutality and runs at you, run away untill the effects of those skills ware off then turn around, use your vagabonds swiftness7
    and brutality if you have it then chokehold them so they cant run away from you.

    Rogues v Rogues : in a rogue 1v1 ( With pets ) attack the other rogue once and run away while keep your enemy on your screen, as soon as you see
    that your pet has charmed the enemy, you can go in for the kill. Remember to keep switching pets for extra charm time.

    Rogues v Priests : (With Pets) This is pretty straight forward, priests normally die in 1 combo. But if the enemy priest is tanky, keep switching
    between your pets so the priest is chamrlocked and can't attack back. If he trys to "kite" you, pull out your stun pet, which will make them
    stand still and not be able to use any skills. Charm only stops them from using skills but the priests can still run away from your attacks.

    Rogues v Priests : Basically just do your combo and if they survive, you will NEED to chokehold them to prevent them from kiting you, if you can't
    kill them just run away.

    Rogues v Knights ( DPS ) : DPS knight's aren't a problem for rogues, except for their aoe's if you're not careful.
    DPS knights tend to die in 1 combo, if they don't just charmlock them.

    Rogues v Knights ( Tank ) : Tank knights are tricky and the rogues worst enemy. Most of the time you wont be able to kill this pesky class
    in one succesful combo which means you will definately need to charmlock him/her.

    Rogues v Mages ( Fire ) : Mages can also be the rogues worst enemys as they have high DPS and alot of AoEs to get you out of stealth, mages usualy die
    in 1 combo but if they dont and they try to kite you, pull out your stun pet and stop them from kiting you, stun pet is your best friend against ranged classes
    that kite.

    Rogues v Mages ( Ice ) : Basically the same as Fire Mages except they have a skill that makes their phys def reduction rise by 20% but
    their attacks are less powerful, if they survive your combo pull out stun pet.

    Rogues v Rangers ( Nature ) : Rangers are the same as mages except they have alot of traps including traps that take your health and give it to
    the ranger, except from trap's they're basically the same as mages.

    Rogues v Rangers ( Anti Mage ) : They're basically the same as Nature rangers and Mages but they're easier to kill as they dont have as many AoEs/traps.

    But if you follow this guide carefully you wont need to do these tactics as you will most likely kill the opponent in one combo of skills,
    if you're having trouble killing people try to get a high level insignia to get better versions of " Rage Explosion " , it's a long range
    high damage attack so it will work against all classes.

    Work on your honour as much as you can as you will need it for better versions of savage/slayers and for better insignias.

    If I work on crit dmg,AP and attack speed, my PATK will be low.

    Not neccesarily. You have gems, gear,winga,mount and enchantments to get your PATK higher.
    also, PATK doesn't compare to crit dmg,AP and attack speed, PvP stats are better than PATK.

    If I have low defense how do I survive in group fights?

    Well, movement speed and dodge is a rogues best defense, movement speed to move out the way of aoes and dodge to dodge everyones attacks,
    survivablility also depends on decision making ( When to use different skills in fights).

    Why AP, crit damage and attack speed?
    AP (Armour Penetration) Cuts through enemy defenses, it halfs enemy defenses everytime you attack if you have high enough AP meaning that your attack is basically doubled making AP one of the best PvP stats.
    Crit dmg for obvious reasons, rogues strong point is crit, making a strong point stronger.
    Attack speed, Rogues job is to get in, kill the opponent and get out without being noticed. Attack speed helps kill faster and make that more possible.

    Now, I will be giving you the guide on pixies and how they increase your stats.

    Flower Pixie Maxed
    16 SS, 1.6g

    Base Boost Max Boost
    PATK 1.0% PATK 5.0%
    MATK: 1.0% MATK: 5.0%
    PDEF: 1.0% PDEF: 5.0%
    MDEF: 1.0% MDEF: 5.0%
    HP: 1.0% HP: 5.0%
    Healing 1.0% Healing:5.0%

    Dreamora Pixie Maxed
    30 SS and 4g

    Bare Boost Max boost
    PATK 3.0% PATK 8.0%
    MATK: 3.0% MATK: 8.0%
    PDEF: 3.0% PDEF: 8.0%
    MDEF: 3.0% MDEF: 8.0%
    HP: 3.0% HP: 8.0%
    Healing:3.0% Healing:8.0%

    Terrene Pixie Maxed
    80 PUC, 30 SS and 3.2g

    Bare Boost Max Boost
    PATK 8.0% PATK 14.0%
    MATK: 8.0% MATK: 14.0%
    PDEF: 8.0% PDEF: 14.0%
    MDEF: 8.0% MDEF: 14.0%
    HP: 8.0% HP: 14.0%
    Healing:8.0% Healing:14.0%

    Celestial Pixie Maxed
    195 PUC 65 SS and 10.4g

    Bare Boost Maxed Boost
    PATK 12.0% PATK 19.0%
    MATK: 12.0% MATK: 19.0%
    PDEF: 12.0% PDEF: 19.0%
    MDEF: 12.0% MDEF: 19.0%
    HP: 12.0% HP: 19.0%
    Healing:12.0% Healing:19.0%

    Holy Terrene
    700 PUCS, 200 SS and 32g

    Bare Boost Maxed Boost
    PATK 30.0% PATK 38.0%
    MATK: 30.0% MATK: 38.0%
    PDEF: 30.0% PDEF: 38.0%
    MDEF: 30.0% MDEF: 38.0%
    HP: 30.0% HP: 38.0%
    Healing:30.0% Healing:38.0%

    Celestial Stage Pixie Maxed
    2210 PUCS, 680 SS and 102g.

    Bare Boost Max Boost
    PATK 72.0% PATK 81.0%
    MATK: 72.0% MATK: 81.0%
    PDEF: 72.0% PDEF: 81.0%
    MDEF: 72.0% MDEF: 81.0%
    HP: 72.0% HP: 81.0%
    Healing:72.0% Healing:81.0%

    Now for sperion, increasing around 6k PATK maxed.

    Mortal Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 20 Defense/Attack Sperion
    3 Soul Print
    10 Purified Crystal
    30 silver

    Superior Mortal Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 30 Defense/Attack Mortal Sperion
    10 Soul Print
    12 Purified Crystal
    80 silver

    Earth Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 40 Superior Mortal Defense/Attack Sperion
    20 Soul Print
    24 Purified Crystal

    Superior Earth Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 50 Earth Defense/Attack Sperion
    40 Soul Print
    48 Purified Crystal
    4 gold

    Sky Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 60 Superior Earth Defense/Attack Sperion
    80 Soul Print
    72 Purified Crystal
    8 gold 50 silver

    Superior Sky Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 70 Sky Defense/Attack Sperion
    120 Soul Print
    108 Purified Crystal
    16 gold 10 silver

    Immortal Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 80 Superior Sky Defense/Attack Sperion
    180 Soul Print
    162 Purified Crystal
    27 gold 40 silver

    Super Immortal Defense/Attack Sperion Requires:

    Level 90 Immortal Defense/Attack Sperion
    260 Soul Print
    243 Purified Crystal
    41 gold 19 silver

    If you have any constructive critisism, i'd apreciate it but no hate please.

    EDIT: I Will be adding more and more to this guide everyday.
    Last edited by POWAABOOM; 07-14-2013, 02:37 PM. Reason: Developed guide alot more

  • #2
    Legit guide

    Sever:Amethyst Forest


    • #3
      Nice guide, although some of the info could be variable. Still though, very good guide I like it.
      What are bugs?


      • #4
        lol ......................


        • #5
          Originally posted by FinalTensaZangetsu View Post
          Legit guide
          are you weak ? ...


          • #6
            Originally posted by josh_oyson11 View Post
            lol ......................
            Originally posted by josh_oyson11 View Post
            are you weak ? ...
            stop thinking you are the best. you are not, if you think you are.. you are just a victim of milking machine
            I love myself.


            • #7
              Just saying cool skill build, its exactly the same as mine at the moment.
              Except for the other combat skills, still mortal.
              Originally posted by iTz_SoN
              I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
              I treat all players equally - so they all die.


              • #8
                Thank you everyone for the feedback. Joshoyen, I did say if your going to hate get off the thread


                • #9
                  1 comment. LOL.
                  Server: (S68) Silver Hollow
                  Character's name: Bishop
                  Class: Priest
                  Level: Eidolon 50+
                  Current Guild: (S68)SAO(Lv7 Guild)
                  Soul Completion: 588
                  Tenets Completion: Mortal Lv. 3 (Will be maxing soon enough!!)
                  Mount's: Rocky(lv20), Epic Alpaca(Lv6), Battle Bear(lv1)
                  Current Frag: Perfect Fragarach I +9
                  Pet's: Ultrasaurus Rex(Rexy Lv104/ 8.6% Complete on soul), Demon King(Raishin Lv104 18.2% soul)
                  Beast Soul: Tiger soul lv 4(Work in progress)


                  • #10
                    i dont use 5/5 slayers rush. i use 3/5 considering i kill faster then most rogues at the time. and i dont require that additional 1 sec to finish a kill. and im only a lv 65 mortal. i can take on any rogue, knight, mage, and ranger. and i can kill them within that 3 seconds if not i can triple stun considering i have the correct soul build for being a lv 65 mortal.
                    Server: (S68) Silver Hollow
                    Character's name: Bishop
                    Class: Priest
                    Level: Eidolon 50+
                    Current Guild: (S68)SAO(Lv7 Guild)
                    Soul Completion: 588
                    Tenets Completion: Mortal Lv. 3 (Will be maxing soon enough!!)
                    Mount's: Rocky(lv20), Epic Alpaca(Lv6), Battle Bear(lv1)
                    Current Frag: Perfect Fragarach I +9
                    Pet's: Ultrasaurus Rex(Rexy Lv104/ 8.6% Complete on soul), Demon King(Raishin Lv104 18.2% soul)
                    Beast Soul: Tiger soul lv 4(Work in progress)


                    • #11
                      Is this comment just you showing off or is it worth anything?


                      • #12
                        emm..good guide
                        Server : Eternal Sanctun S57
                        Char name : dauztough :p
                        Spouse : Still single
                        Level : Scion 60
                        Class : Shadow Rogue
                        Guild : (S57)SilentKiller (Haki)
                        Wing : Angel Lord:(
                        Pet : Golden Teddy,Panda Adult :)

                        -KILL SILENTLY-


                        • #13
                          Thank you ^^


                          • #14
                            good guide bro √
                            IGN: (S1)EchoO
                            Server:Aurora Point
                            Class: Hybrid Rogue
                            Lvl: 50+
                            Plane: Scion

                            " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

                            A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
                            A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

                            -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher


                            • #15
                              Thanks bro

