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How to turn off my Health Orb bar?

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  • How to turn off my Health Orb bar?

    I'm on PvP server and always annoyed whenever some bullies (evil players who hit me until my HP barely left, but not kill me immediately, and hit me again when HO bar restores my HP, over and over again until my HO bar totally runs out and i die) pick on me, and this totally drains my Health Orbs severely. My Health Orbs are meant solely to farm on dungeons and not to deal with this **** (Not to mention, they're expensive on my server)

    That said, is there any way for me to turn off my health orb bar? I'd prefer getting killed and die immediately rather than sacrificing my precious Health Orbs

  • #2
    click the gear button (above the sound button and next to the goddess icon). youll see the option about health and mana reserves.


    • #3
      Yes go to setting at the bottom right and click on the tick which will disable health orb usage when health is under 50%.
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