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    Dear Gm's/R2 team i would like to make a complain about one of the players in S37 Ign "Dazi" she is playing on a good friends account helping him while he can't play.
    reason why im posting this is that i feel that she was being very offensive to me and i feel that it was unacceptable in crystal saga, i feel that everything that was saying shouldnt affect the player as he wasnt playing this game at the time of this convasation.
    i have printscreen the whole convosation just to see if you would find this offensive.. "near the beggining i admit that i was abit harsh but i feel that it was an acceptable action for what she was trying to imply.Click image for larger version

Name:	phoenixfire convo.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	321.4 KB
ID:	1732132 i cant add the others for some reason when i click add image then add from computer and try to select the image it doesnt show when trying to post onto this ? any help? without the other pictures doesnt realy explain my point soo would like a reply
    Last edited by macroo; 08-16-2012, 04:08 PM. Reason: explain the reason why i cant add pictures + spelling
    IGN- (S37)Skylla
    Class - Priest
    Pet - Super Angel +13
    Guild - DevilBound
    Server - Cheurna Gorge
    Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition

  • #2
    Click image for larger version

Name:	convo 22222.gif
Views:	1
Size:	450.1 KB
ID:	1660101Click image for larger version

Name:	convo 3 edit.gif
Views:	1
Size:	455.9 KB
ID:	1660102Click image for larger version

Name:	covo 4.gif
Views:	1
Size:	439.1 KB
ID:	1660103Click image for larger version

Name:	convo 5  edit.gif
Views:	1
Size:	496.6 KB
ID:	1660104Click image for larger version

Name:	convo 7 edit.gif
Views:	1
Size:	472.5 KB
ID:	1660105
    i think theres one missing but your get most of the convasation
    IGN- (S37)Skylla
    Class - Priest
    Pet - Super Angel +13
    Guild - DevilBound
    Server - Cheurna Gorge
    Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


    • #3
      From what I can see from the convo, this person doesn't know you and you are talking to him/her. Some people get defensive when strangers start whispering them.

      I don't really see anything rude said by the other person, just from you. And, none of it is against the ToS, except for the whole character sharing thing but that is something that needs to be done through the ticket system so it can be investigated, not through the forums.

      My suggestion is just don't bother this person anymore.
      New R2 Community Discord Server:

      Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

      Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

      Rules of the Forum are found here.

      R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


      • #4
        you think that calling someone a staker cant be taken offensive? then your completly wrong i did that this is the reason why i posted this.. and i wasnt realy talking to strangers phoenix is a friend on game "probs not for much longer but o well", and i didnt say it was against the rules i was saying can you see how i would take this offensively? from the answer you gave doesnt even seem that you read my comment,
        but as i can see from your comment that you just wrote you dont realy care about the game cause on most games this would be classed as cyber bulling and i am not posting any ticket against him as i dont want to cause any problems i just wanted to see if anyone esle finded this offensive.
        and nothing i said was offensive she clearly called me a staker and my answer was just in self defence as well as you should know thats my right.

        And just to save you the time i will be quiting very shortly the r2 team doesnt show any sign "to me" that they care for the players on the game, and as my passion is gaming i care very much about the community of the games i play and forerooms play a huge role in my gaming and if you cant see a reason why i could take offence in anything that was said in that convasation and why im getting upset about this whole convsation.

        ps your game was one of the things i actually enjoyed playing on my time off before i started talking to "dazi"

        p.s.s you need to edit the killer den map it annoyed me while i was playing at the start of the of map "left side" there a huge space that you cant use idk if its for nm or hard or something i only did normal just saying.

        cya Skylla
        Last edited by macroo; 08-16-2012, 05:12 PM. Reason: just edit's
        IGN- (S37)Skylla
        Class - Priest
        Pet - Super Angel +13
        Guild - DevilBound
        Server - Cheurna Gorge
        Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


        • #5
          I don't see how calling someone a stalker is offensive, and I did read your comments and the whole discussion. I suppose some people will take some comments a different way than the person saying the comment intends. Either way, whether it's offensive to you or not, the comment itself is not against the ToS, so I'm not understanding exactly what you want other than to find out if other people find being called a stalker offensives.

          To answer that, I don't find it offensive at all. I call my ighubby a stalker whenever he teleports to me with the teleportation ring. I call people who pay close attention to my character view page a stalker too. I call coworkers stalkers when they seem to always be where I am. It's not really an offensive comment in and of itself.

          Cyber bullying is not calling someone a stalker, by the way. There's quite a few websites that clearly explain what cyber bullying is, and none of them include one conversation.
          New R2 Community Discord Server:

          Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

          Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

          Rules of the Forum are found here.

          R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


          • #6
            like i said i didnt say it was against the rules, and to your question thats different i was just trying to have a normally convasation to phoenix then she called me a staker for no reason i was not follow her "as you can see i was in afk?" and i only viewed cause ive been telling him to wear the ring and i was just checking if he wore it. "i was only trying to help" if you ask mamy people in server s37 & s41 ive helped hendreds of people and not one of them talked me a staker.. anywways next:
            Cyberbullying is when children or teenagers use the web, or mobile phones or any other technology to threaten, tease or embarrass another.
            there was a convo saying i was trying to take phoenix away from her to marry him myself "thats wasnt the case" <<< embarressing
            saying a was a staker cause i kepted view him <<< embarressing maybe its just me i am abit shy but still.. after all this are you saying that its acceptable to call someone a staker? cause every game i play i would get black marked for that..
            and the intention was to see if i was overacting to the comment but after the convastion im having i dont think soo

            and i asked all my friends on friends list to read the forums to make sure if i wasnt overacting and by the looks of it there on my side. and i would have like it if the backed me up on this.. but o well
            and i know i have been a real pain with all this but i still think it wasnt acceptable she did not have to call me anything she could of said many things apart from that yet im the only one that is in the wrong for trying to defend myself?
            and i think that name calling "chilish but sometimes hurtfull should be one of the many rules in the game"
            and i hope this changes in the near future i know its not just me in this whole game that has tooken something like this offensive
            Last edited by macroo; 08-16-2012, 05:46 PM. Reason: loads of spelling mistakes XD
            IGN- (S37)Skylla
            Class - Priest
            Pet - Super Angel +13
            Guild - DevilBound
            Server - Cheurna Gorge
            Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


            • #7
              maybe it was her and she was joking?


              • #8
                maybe it was maybe it wasnt as no one can see it from my point of view "memory lane". when i talk to people i dont acuse them of being a staker i talk to them politily unless i get upset like i was doing you can ask many people in s37 and s41 i havent once been impolite to any of them then all of a sudden im getting called names?. now can you realy say that calling me a scary staker is a way to talk to someone esle who wwas only trying to help in the first place?
                IGN- (S37)Skylla
                Class - Priest
                Pet - Super Angel +13
                Guild - DevilBound
                Server - Cheurna Gorge
                Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


                • #9
                  like i said maybe it was just a joke and being called stalker not that much of a big deal maybe if she had sweared at u then it would have been a big deal


                  • #10
                    Macroo chill , you're just emotional , maybe hormones kicking in


                    • #11
                      People from one to another was different, i more see this as you two have both a different perspective upon something. I see you was trying to help, which is nice thing, and another view that was quite different. Probably he/she never meant to say something that bother you, i think you can talk to the person about your disagrement that he/she not to speak like that to you.

                      IMO he/she was an easy going person.
                      Emotion affect a proper judgment, take it to personal it will be vry tiringsome.


                      • #12
                        well thats you ive been brought up different i dont go around calling people stalkers and to say stay away from my ig husband anyways ive had enough..

                        just want to say sorry to everyone that i may off offended, what i said wasnt meant to offend anyone i offer my apologies to the r2 team for wasting there time and any player that might of been affected to my the post. i hope that everything ive said at someone took my side and that some changes will be made so othings like this dont happen you may not think much of it but i did

                        bye all skylla
                        hope you all have fun playing the game and hope you dont end up like this
                        IGN- (S37)Skylla
                        Class - Priest
                        Pet - Super Angel +13
                        Guild - DevilBound
                        Server - Cheurna Gorge
                        Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


                        • #13
                          bro ur overreacting just take a minute and relax dont quit over something as little as this


                          • #14
                            @r2216962 ive tryed talking to her shes just ignore me its obviously that im in the wrong and r2 team taking dazi's side soo im obviously a stalker..
                            and nope not an overreacting this is not just why im quiting theres alot of reasons forums is one of them.. they care more of the rule of the games then the players there self, tbh me quiting is a good thing i can carry on with my own game design soo thanks too the people trying to help but not gonan change my mind.
                            like i said before i hope this thread will stay and make a difference in the game offensives words shouldnt be acceptable in games.
                            IGN- (S37)Skylla
                            Class - Priest
                            Pet - Super Angel +13
                            Guild - DevilBound
                            Server - Cheurna Gorge
                            Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs.The government hates competition


                            • #15
                              Come macroo dont quit i have an understanding of what just happen but is ok most people sometimes dont get what other people say or mean, the person probably thought that what it told you wasnt offensive and to you it was,dont really want to say an example cause things may get worse but things happen like that. Sometimes i think if someone is borrowing someone elses account and get a whisper from a friend the one who is borrwing the account should say "hey im borring the accoun"t or "im not the owner playing" ect.., so the friend knows whos hes talking to so there wont be any misunderstanding. So dont quit for what just happen.

