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Total Noob Needs Help

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  • Total Noob Needs Help

    Ive been playing this game for about a week and really enjoy it but there are a lot of things i cant seem to figure out or find guides to help. Im still
    pretty lost at upgrading my weapons, socketing how/where to extend my inventory etc. All the vendors ive been to sell low level junk.No one seems to sell Magic Dust or socket rods etc. Is there a guide that explains what items and how many you need to perform these actions? Through trial and error i have upgraded one weapon but i am still lost and am afraid im wasting items or could have way better equipment i just dont know how lol. I have tons of chpped and low level emeralds but they r just taking up room in my full Vault. Can i buy (in game or real cash) more space for these? Ive found 2 through quests and thats all.Any help or links would be great. Im almost level 30 but feel really underpowered. Thanks.

  • #2
    u can expand ur vault and ur backpack either by buying vault/pack expanders from mall or u can get vault expanders with contribution if u have joined a guild. magic dust and socekting rods arent sold by any1 because there are better materials to upgrade equipment, the higher u lvl the better materials u get. chiped gems can be upgraded to higher gems inside ur backpack there is an option synthesize, will cost u some copper/silver and require 3 gems to make 1 higher lvl. at lvl 30 u are supposed to be underpowered compared to those that are lvl80-120+ they have been playing way longer than u(not sure what server u on). my suggestion is to skip upgrading any equipment yet and rush to lvl to lvl80 and rebirth since this game has 2 rebirths, will give u extra skill points and attribute points in addition to some excluvise plane skills. hope that answered some of your questions


    • #3
      Thatnks a lot! Im on Hellstorm server.Appreciate the help. Ill concentrate getting to level. Also what level do u need to be to get into dungeons? Also can I solo someof them? I saw a video of a player soloing but when i try to get into a dungeon it always says i need a group.Thanks again.


      • #4
        You probably solo Indigo Blight at lvl 30, if you have good equipment (Blue+).
        You don't need a full party just press "P" on your keyboard and click "create party".
        Last edited by vics321; 07-16-2013, 04:45 PM.
        Wartune S477: Seika ~ Lvl 32 Mage
        League of Angels S2: Kurosakihime ~ Lvl 60 Mage Mystic


        • #5
          u can certainly do indigo blight and revenants vault(normal) with orbs or buffs if u can get soem


          • #6
            Thanks for all the help. I soloed Indigo last night did it on my second try cuz the server crashed on my first try and I wasn't impressed that i lost an attempt because Sagas server crashed but oh well. Another question, i think i get a new mount at 30?Is it a quest thing? just curious how to get it. Thanks again.


            • #7
              Yes, you get the Rabid Raccoon as you progress through your main quest (or it was optional). It should be a quest given by an NPC located in Aurora Point.
              Just keep progressing and you will eventually get that Raccoon and the Battle Horse or whatever it was in the Celestial Palace around Lv. 45ish
              The King doesn't fall so easily boys


              • #8
                suggestion: join a guild/make your own on lvl30 (requires 5 gold), reach lvl40 and baron honor rank, farm bronze badges (from sengolia, hellstorm, etc.). that will allow you to synthesise a green savage armor - to begin with. goodluck


                • #9
                  suggestion, buy crystals! lots of it!
                  I love myself.


                  • #10
                    look this:


                    • #11

                      for a semi more current update. will be adding video's later to some things

