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Crystal Ladder Guide

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  • Crystal Ladder Guide

    So as most people know, ladder is a test of party strength, how well you can co-operate with each other, as well as strategy, well here’s a guide that might help you in ladder.

    Making your party:
    A normal ladder party would consist of at least one tank and healer. Personally I prefer 2 healers at least and 1 tank, just in case the healer dies the other healer can revive so your party won’t be handicapped. As for the tanks, I’m not too picky about it, we sometimes get our priests to tank lol, doesn’t have to be a knight. Anyone with a decent defense will do.

    Before you go in:
    Make sure you have at least 1 health orb on. Normally tanks would need 3-4 depending on how high you are planning to go. The other party members, depending on how much you aggro the mobs, put on orbs. Generally I would just say put on all your orbs and untick the auto-heal at 50% function until you need to burn your orbs…
    Pet orbs come next, tankers better put on 2-4 pet orbs, while other party members try 1-2.
    Orbs are no doubt the most important part in a ladder party, now there is time to chuck on some elixirs, event buffs, etc

    During the ladder:
    Make sure you guys have a clear leader and everyone obeys him, otherwise the party will go down fast.
    If anyone disconnects, everyone in the ladder party stop immediately and wait on that level. As if someone disconnects and you guys stay on that level he disconnected at, once he logs back on he will still be inside ladder. If you guys move on to another level, he will come back to tree of life, in ladder avoid getting handicapped no matter what. If half the party is on the next level, and some others on the level someone disconnected in, leave at least 1 person to wait on that level, I have once returned inside ladder with only one person waiting for me on that level.

    Ok, after all that here are the strategies for some harder levels. The levels I don’t mention are easy, and best just healers heal, tankers tank… do the traditional ;p
    REMEMBER: remember to turn on your orbs once you get to some of these levels, they are hard. But ofc with an OP party, you can just ignore some and don’t need orb, etc, etc.

    Lvl 20:
    You will need at least a party of mainly lvl 60+ characters, scions or mortals doesn’t matter.
    Here are 5 mobs, the main ones you need to be focusing on is Orison (the priest) and Karleya (the mage).
    Once you get into this lvl, the tanker comes out first and tanks the mobs, priests heal. The DPS focus on Karleya, kill her first, if you’re a rogue, stun her. Do whatever it takes to eliminate her, Mages have huge damage and if left till last, she’s a threat. After Karleya is dead, aim for Orison, kill him next. Then just afk the rest of the lvl and kill the rest of the mobs.
    Some people may argue to kill Orison first, tbh you can, but idk why Orison as he is a priest and doesn’t do as much damage as Karleya.
    If you’re a DPS you are better off to go to lvl 20, open up your AFK screen and untick all mobs but the ones you want to hit, or else you can do it by hand, anyhow, avoid AoEs as you don’t want to grab the aggro from your tanker and have a bunch of mobs going after you.

    Lvl 25:
    Run to the top of the screen near the NPC and set off AFK mode. No real big issue here, but standing in the middle is kinda dumb unless you have OP defense lol.

    Lvl 28:
    These phoenixes do AoE dmg and it hurts, there are 3 columns in this lvl, everyone runs behind the same columns and kill the birds 1 by 1. Try not to drag all 5 of them on you at once, normally 3 will follow on to your party at one column, but the other 2 will respawn back to their original positions.
    Going behind any column will do the trick, it’s more of a preference how some people go behind the left one some go behind the top one, no difference actually.

    Lvl 32:
    This is a tough level. Here you would be best off with a nature ranger, but anyone with a fast movement speed will do (knights, priests and rangers are the better choices here because of their skills).
    The strategy is to lure the mobs. Change your title to Hellfire on Horseback if you are the one chosen to lure, any defense titles are just useless here.
    To lure is just to run around in circles like your life depends on it with all the mobs chasing after you because you came out first.
    If you’re a knight luring, turn on your wave so you keep aggroing the mobs, if you’re a Priest, use lvl 60 curse to freeze them and slow them, if you’re a ranger, use traps (here is why we want nature ranger). Keep running around in circles.
    You need a priest to heal the person that is running, also to heal the people DPSing. If a DPS dies, and you have a fast revive, revive him, or else it doesn’t really matter unless you are sure your lure can take the damage without any heals.
    Here get 1 person to hit on 1 blue, best if it wasn’t a rogue (rogues have to run up to the mob, all other classes don’t), drag that blue one to the middle and kill it. Kill all the red ones that spawn afterwards. Once they are all dead, drag another blue and keep going till all 3 blues are dead.

    Lvl 33:
    Some people may argue this level isn’t hard, but I will still include it. You have 2 ways to pass this level.
    First method is to run in a figure 8 around the poles. Healer heals and makes sure the tanker doesn’t die with the stuns.
    Second method what I prefer also is to just let the tanker stand there and the healers heal him.
    Remember if you are a priest with Goddess Embrace use it!

    Lvl 39:
    This level stumps a lot of people, there are actually 2 ways to pass this level as well.
    First method is to just DPS the hell out of those mobs, aka kill them before they can kill you. Wait for a signal, someone countsdown and everyone opens AFK at the exact same time aiming at the orison standing in the middle. Kill them 1 by 1 that way. The person who comes out first would be best if they were a ranger (use barkskin) or rebirth knight (magic immunity skill?)
    The second method, well you need to come into ladder with a party of 4. First off, find 4 people, get a lvl 65 alt, once you get to lvl 38 invite it to the party, go into KD, kill the archer to receive the special Magic Immunity buff kick the alt immediately. Run into 39 and turn AFK mode straight on, kill all those orisons before your buff runs out! They will do you no damage as you are immune to all magic attacks.

    Lvl 40:
    This boss hits hard, I get 1 shot all the time.
    2 methods as well.
    First method is just like 39, where you grab an alt and get the magic immunity buff. Only difference is you probably won’t be able to kill the boss within 30 seconds, just keep at it until the boss dies.
    Second method with a 5 people party. Get out your charm pets (stun will do, but charm preferred). Turn all pets to follow. The tanker puts his pet on attack. Make an order as to who activates their pet, then who (like a bath order, only with pets). The idea is to stun / charm lock the boss so he can’t hit you. Rotating charm / stun pets are awesome as well ;p

    Lvl 42:
    There is a column in this level, everyone run behind it so not all the mobs attack you at once, then turn on AFK sit back and watch.

    Lvl 45:
    Here you can either lure, or just AFK dps the whole thing, though your better off with a lvl 70 priest that has Goddess Embrace.

    Lvl 49:
    Lure, lure is the way, if you have Goddess Embrace, USE IT!
    1 person lures, knight, priest or nature ranger would be preferred because it will be easier for them to keep the aggro. The others DPS 1 mob at a time... not all at once!
    Or else you can get 1 person to tank the stunners, and 1 person to tank the orisons... though you need 2 strong tankers then. We had 1 knight tanking stunners and 1 priest tanking orisons lol.

    Lvl 50:
    Stun lock the boss just like lvl 40.
    Also I guess the alt might work, but who knows if this boss is MATK or PATK? >.>

    Lvl 51:
    This one is a hard one, the skeletons have a lot of HP.
    You will need a fast reviver or a very strong tank.
    Basically, everyone DPS at the same skeleton, the tanker comes out first, once he dies, get a priest to revive him ASAP (someone with lvl 5 resu preferred). Then keep attacking, as a person dies, revive ASAP all the time.
    -Note as long as you have a lvl 5 resu, a strong DPS and a good tank it's not too bad, we did this trio once lol

    Lvl 52:
    These mobs have a major DPS and a push, that is very annoying, you will need a party of BAs and DKs. To keep them stun/silence locked so they cannot push you or attack you.
    Originally posted by GeoStig View Post
    using mage stun wont work first off the mage will be getting all the dps and rotating pets wont work cause ull run out of pets to ratate even before 2 mobs even drop unless u have an OP dps. But thanks to S1,S2 and S3(lol im just joking) u have a better way of passing those lvls but u'll all die excpet the priest.
    1. Every1 run to a corner of the room(preferably the left corner), the highest def person will lead the way most likely the tank,here every will die except the priest so u should remove your pet, the priest will re-log as u enter the corner so be quick about it.
    2. After the priest re-logs every1 should be dead and the mobs will be reset so the priest takes his time to revive every1 and rebuff and put back on pets.
    3. ok this is the easiest and hardest part lol as long as u know what ur doing, u'll have to pull the mobs 1 by 1 to u so u can kill them 1 at a time and make it easy so take one step at a time forward and wait couple sec to see if u see one coming towards u on ur map as long as u get used to this strategy pulling them will be a piece of cake but if u are impatient u'll prob pull more than one mob at a time but dont worry just let the priest re-log again but u'll have to die again so just one step at a time this can be used for both lv51 and 52.
    More lvls will be added on once I see them ;p
    Last edited by Chelsia; 11-24-2012, 10:07 PM.
    If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

    Character: (S31)Kiesha
    Server: Tree of Life
    Plane: Eidolon
    Class: Hybrid Priest
    Guild: Harmless

  • #2
    Hmmmmmmm need to try ladder one month.............


    • #3
      The second method, well you need to come into ladder with a party of 4. First off, find 4 people, get a lvl 65 alt, once you get to lvl 38 invite it to the party, go into KD, kill the archer to receive the special Magic Immunity buff kick the alt immediately. Run into 39 and turn AFK mode straight on, kill all those orisons before your buff runs out! They will do you no damage as you are immune to all magic attacks.

      thumbs up


      • #4
        Thanks for this guide, it really helped us out, reached level 50 so far Keep us up to date with the new ladder levels


        • #5
          nice Kiesha, Arget here, hehehe


          • #6
            tnx for the GUIDE


            • #7
              how u enter the ladder


              • #8
                wew..nice guide...
                arigato gozaimasu..
                SERVER : [48][Nebulan Ridge]
                Plane : [Mortal]
                Mount : [Battle Bear]
                Guild : [48] [HUNTER]
                Pet : [Baby Demon], [Bone Dragon],[Baby Angel], [Teeka]
                Honor : [Marquis]



                • #9
                  how to pass lv 52? they hits like hell D':

                  GuildMaster of RevelatioN,
                  Erie Marsh


                  • #10
                    I am new to ladder so forgive but if you do die in the middle of a level, do you get the xp or does it all go away?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mgriffith22 View Post
                      I am new to ladder so forgive but if you do die in the middle of a level, do you get the xp or does it all go away?
                      You still get the exp from every level up to the one you died on.
                      Lil by lil my signature will become better.

                      Ign: Sai
                      Level: 130
                      Class: Rogue
                      Plane: Eidolon
                      Honor: Emperor
                      Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
                      Guild: Rebels
                      Pet: DemonKing


                      • #12
                        btw for lvl52 you can get a lvl80+mage who has the first thing is to meteor them which will stun after that use BA/DKs till you kill all of them.tanking isn't going to work unless you are too oped.


                        • #13
                          using mage stun wont work first off the mage will be getting all the dps and rotating pets wont work cause ull run out of pets to ratate even before 2 mobs even drop unless u have an OP dps. But thanks to S1,S2 and S3(lol im just joking) u have a better way of passing those lvls but u'll all die excpet the priest.
                          1. Every1 run to a corner of the room(preferably the left corner), the highest def person will lead the way most likely the tank,here every will die except the priest so u should remove your pet, the priest will re-log as u enter the corner so be quick about it.
                          2. After the priest re-logs every1 should be dead and the mobs will be reset so the priest takes his time to revive every1 and rebuff and put back on pets.
                          3. ok this is the easiest and hardest part lol as long as u know what ur doing, u'll have to pull the mobs 1 by 1 to u so u can kill them 1 at a time and make it easy so take one step at a time forward and wait couple sec to see if u see one coming towards u on ur map as long as u get used to this strategy pulling them will be a piece of cake but if u are impatient u'll prob pull more than one mob at a time but dont worry just let the priest re-log again but u'll have to die again so just one step at a time this can be used for both lv51 and 52.
                          Name: (S1)GeoStigma
                          Class: Hybrid Mage
                          Honor: Emperor
                          Plane: Eidolon
                          Level: Unknown
                          Guild: Noypi

                          Waiting for you and waiting your love...
                          But you never came to me
                          And I am still waiting until my death...
                          But you hate me...
                          So I shall kill you..
                          And make you suffer...

                          Kill me..
                          Kiss me..
                          Bury me..
                          Just look at me....


                          • #14
                            51 is really easy...even i could tank it and don't say anything abt something that you haven't tried yet. i only said that cause we have done it that way but yeah i missed the getting to corner part.basically you just needs to get behind those mobs so even if they use knock back you won't get out of heal range of healers.


                            • #15
                              Nice information .. This info would be very useful.
                              IGN: (S24)elfstone
                              Class: Hybrid Ranger (STR builder)
                              Level: Eidolon (120)
                              Pet: Super Demon,Fire Lord,Burning Angel Gen2

                              Server: (S24)Tundara
                              Spouse: ♥ (S24)Cake ♥
                              Guild: â€* (S29)UnderWorld â€* :cool:

                              "Never complain and never explain" by SoFa_kingDom_Potato’̿’̿ ’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ’̿’

