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[Guide] How to solo dungeons - All class

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  • [Guide] How to solo dungeons - All class


    Hi there in the past few days I keep seeing a couple of threads requesting guides on how to solo dungeons from many class so here is my version of How to solo dungeons no matter what your class might be weather Knight (Saber), Rangers (Archers), Rogues (Assassins), Priests and Mages this guide will focus on specific classes and will elaborate on each class starting from Knights and this guide will be in 5 different parts that’s each class gets 1 part and first part is knights

    Knights also known as saber class are basic tankers they r the type which rush in to the front lines without any care since they have massive defense and they r best for dungeons, ladder and PVP battle grounds and also they have massive attack which makes them a DPS also and knights excel in dungeons since they can take all the hits from the dungeon boss and still stand fighting

    Attribute points:
    All Knights must put a minimum 1 point endurance and 2 points strength

    Skill point distribution:
    first make earth blessing level 5 the first chance u get and same for improved earth blessing since they r ur best chance of surviving the massive attack from dungeon boss
    Then put 1 point for each attack on retribution side and don't ever get retribution attack that's the right side on the retribution cause get that and earth blessing will not be available
    Shockwave is a skill that makes mobs attack u instead of others once activated it keeps consuming ur mana so I recommend to keep it at 1 cause u need it to activate earth blessing
    Retribution attacks r needed in order to deal massive damage so only get the middle and the left side of skills on the retribution ok
    Battle hymn is a skill that increases yours and your party members HP so make it level 5 soon as possible
    dragon hook is have the time pointless to make level 5 even though cool down is less and range of pull is also less it still is not very valuable except in PVP when other players run away but on dungeons it’s not really needed so keep it at level 1 same for threat cause mobs will anyway attack u only since ur soloing it

    then as u move on higher and higher u will gain experience on how to play your knight so no need to tell you how to play a level 50+ knight on skills now moving on to gear
    Knights best gear is possibly savage or slayer set but if u want to only solo dungeons then I say go epic from level 30 to level 40 get epic savior set from level 40 to level 50 get savage blue armor set and once ur level 53 get bloodforge set level 50 to level 60 epic bloodforge set then level 60 to level 70 its epic nightshade level 70 to level 80 its mistweave and level 80 to 100 its epic exelorn and then rebirth get savage or make savage purple and make it slayer purple because slayer purple armor set is better than exelorn epic set and also on every type of epic set make sure u enchant them ok
    Hear of Eden till level 60 (that’s when rumbler shield surpasses the defense of the HOE)
    Once you hit level 40 make sure to wear a frag sword II or frag sword III and if possible try getting frag V before level 45 ( it should be easy thanks to vidalian pack)
    Well this should be interesting because the first soul is a defense type so better for u guys spirit of ice and also the most greatest soul for any dungeons so make it + 5 as soon as possible if u need info on soul then look at door to dept soul guide which is sticking on the guides section on forum or just type soul upgrade on search function box and search u will find it
    Once u have made spirit of ice level 5 on all ur pretty much strong enough to tank most of the dungeons and take on bosses on nightmare level
    Then as it goes on so next is spirit of brilliance and brilliance focuses on strength which is good for u make it as high as u want cause attack power is always welcome
    wings play a major role in ur character from massive HP to attack so make sure u get good wings as soon as possible and fire wings r a type of wings which if u get 1 then u should be able to kill tough bosses like zabuga in sacrificial relic (nightmare)

    Mount: I don’t need to tell u to get cool mounts cause I am pretty sure I would want them yourself

    Enchanting players a another massive role in PVE and in PVP and minimum requirement is +7 which is kind of easy to get unless ur doing something that’s orange type
    Well that’s about the only things u need for soloing a dungeon if ur a knight



    Rangers or archers are powerful ranged DPS and kiting type attackers and as per the name says rangers are ranged so they can kill u from far away and if u try getting too close to them and try giving a disadvantage for them then guess again cause they can push u back and slow u down and if u think if u also try hitting them in range then once again ur wrong cause any ranged attackers or magical type can be silenced for awhile so mages and priest don't mess with a rangers (personal favorite)

    Attribute point:
    Strength - 2 points
    Intellect - 1 point

    Skill points:
    Fire arrow - 1
    Magic arrow - 1
    Double shot - 1
    Ankle shot - 1
    Paralyzing shot - 1
    Trailing arrow - 1
    Elven swiftness - 5
    Oak blessing - 1
    Quick heal - 5
    Tidal arrow - 1
    Bark skin - 1
    Magic defender - 5 - needs this to defend from magic attacks from powerful scion mages
    Fortune kiss - 1
    Void edge - 1
    Silencing strike - 1
    Improved magic defender - 5 - same reason
    Improved fire arrow - 1
    Strong shot - 5 - this is the most strongest hit that an anti mage can give and its the best skill u can max so max this immediately
    Improved double arrow - 1
    Paralyzing shot - 1 - i personally will max this but most people say keep it at lvl 1
    And after this u can use experience to guide u ok

    Spirit of ice-bring it to level 5 all as soon as possible (I made it level 5 before level 40)
    Spirit of brilliance use it comfort cause in ranger terms physical attack is always welcome
    Spirit of void - max whatever u want to your comfort because critical power is also welcome
    Spirit of light - extra intellect is also welcome but try to hold back on the healing unless u must
    Spirit of heart - don't ask whether u should max or not because obviously extra HP is given a VIP welcome
    Spirit of immortality - I don't know what it does so u guys can max it or not to your choice once ur strong enough

    Epic dragonslayer type if ur either hybrid or anti mage like me if ur nature then pick epic saint set
    Once your level 40 get savage set cause u get both intellect and strength on it
    And once ur level 60+ then switch to epic set cause that’s the best thing for farming in dungeons
    Heart of Eden and don't even ever think of switching cause for rangers a HOE is the best off hand
    For 40+ fragarch weapon is probably the best thing cause of massive stats to improve keep upgrading it ok it should be easy since u will be able to solo dungeons for gems and Vidalia pack gives shining gem coupons (for 40+ only) and also frost buff that’s arctic blast helps u even more so upgrade fast

    Ok same as knights make sure u get good wings and just like knights wings will help u in various ways

    Mount: same as all players (get good mount)

    Enchanting: minimum is +7 good luck
    Well that’s about the only things u need for soloing a dungeon if you’re a Ranger




    Rogues (Assassins) are a stealth type they have massive critical strikes which can kill you in instant they the power to become invisible and can stun you so you cannot attack nor can u run away if u underestimate them then your fate is sealed

    Attribute point:
    Strength - 2 points
    Agility – 1 point
    switch them each time u level like from level 1 to level 2 put 2 points on strength and 1 on agility and from level 2 to level 3 make it 2 points on agility and 1 on strength so u can be equal all the time (only if u plan on doing hybrid if u go shadow then go 2 agility and 1 strength and if combat then 2 on strength and 1 agility)

    Skill points:
    Assassin’s thrust - 1
    Slayer’s cloak - 5 this must be maxed cause u don’t want to be slow
    Shadow rush - 5 this needs to be maxed cause longer the stun the higher the chances of u killing your opponent
    Slayer’s speed – 5 you need to be fast to run away from enemies like bone crusher
    Slayer’s call – 5
    Slayer’s sprint – 5
    Brutality – 5
    Improved slayer’s call – 5 once u max this u can bring slayer’s call to 1 cause this alone is enough but I encourage customizing
    Choke hold – 1
    Improved assassin’s thrust – 1
    Improved choke hold – 1
    Shadow strike – 1
    Blade sweep – 1
    Knife rush – 1
    Blur – 1
    Shadow slap – 1
    Slayer’s deftness – 5
    Slayer’s march – 5
    Vagabond’s swiftness – 5
    Improved slayer’s deftness – 5 u can bring slayer’s deftness to 1 once u bring this one to 5 but I encourage customizing
    Double cut – 1
    Blade twist – 1
    Triple strikes – 1
    Improved double cut – 1
    Improved triple cut – 1
    Master double cut – 1
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    I am a 100% Noob


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  • #2
    PART 2

    I know there are a lot of maximizing in a the rogues tree but that’s one of the reason that rogues have a hard time in PVE but do know rogues excel in PVP so good luck to all rogues

    Spirit of ice- try to bring it to level 5 all as soon as possible (I made it level 5 before level 40)
    Spirit of brilliance- physical attack is always welcome
    Spirit of void max- critical power is very important
    Spirit of light - extra intellect is also welcome but try to hold back on the healing unless u must
    Spirit of heart - don't ask whether u should max or not because obviously extra HP is given a VIP welcome
    Spirit of immortality - I don't know what it does so u guys can max it or not to your choice once ur strong enough

    Ok same as knights make sure u get good wings and just like knights wings will help u in various ways

    Mount: same as all players (get good mount)

    Enchanting: minimum is +7 good luck

    Well that’s all I could come up with but you should know rogues have a very late start when it comes to PVE so until your strong enough please use a healer to help u (I recommend Priests)



    Mages are one of the popular class in the game and they are very powerful they are basically ranged DPS and AoE masters and wielders of fire and ice even though they can be easily killed if u can tank their attack if u dare underestimate them the your fate is sealed

    Attribute point:
    Full intellect if want to go PVP but this guide is for PVE so once in 2 level ups please put 1 point for endurance that’s out of 6 points 5 for intellect and 1 for endurance (usually people put 1 point endurance and 2 for intellect each time they level but its note needed)

    Skill points:

    Frost shield – 5
    Ice cone – 1
    Alacrity – 5
    Magic penetration – 5
    Deep freeze – 1
    Mana breeze – 1
    Icicle armor – 5
    Blizzard – 5
    Halo of ice – 5
    Improved blizzard – 5 bring blizzard to 1 once you have the ability to use improved blizzard but I recommend customizing
    Empyrean winds – 5
    Black hole – 5
    Flame shield – 5
    Blink – 5 blink is probably your best defense so max this fast
    Focus – 1
    Demon’s wrath – 5
    Resolution – 5
    Presence of mind – 1
    Fire ball – 1
    Flame burst – 1
    Improved fireball – 5
    Improved Flame burst – 1
    Flame explosion – 5

    Now as u might have noticed there r various types of skills and some of them might seem useless in fact some high level mage players might say something different to this guide and if by chance its good I recommend u to listen to them because I had very little resource when I made this mage guide and the skills might be a little wrong is some point so please customize them to ur benefit but if u have any problem with them then I recommend u to follow this guide I am sure it will be very helpful to all mages

    Spirit of ice- try to bring it to level 5 all as soon as possible (I made it level 5 before level 40)
    Spirit of brilliance- physical attack is not necessary for mages so cut back on it if u want but there are other good stuff like cast speed and more defense so pick up on them
    Spirit of void max- critical power is very important
    Spirit of light - extra intellect is also welcome but try to hold back on the healing unless u must
    Spirit of heart - don't ask whether u should max or not because obviously extra HP is given a VIP welcome
    Spirit of immortality - I don't know what it does so u guys can max it or not to your choice once ur strong enough

    Ok same as knights make sure u get good wings and just like knights wings will help u in various ways

    Mount: same as all players (get good mount)

    Enchanting: minimum is +7 good luck

    Now Mages are very powerful to begin with but they just like rogues cannot tank but I don’t mean as in they are squishy I mean to say they can tank better than a rogue but not for long so they too lack the important need for PVE so whenever u get extra defense please add it up weather it’s a title or wing or mount or whatever ok GOOD LUCK to all mages



    Priests are probably the best class for dungeons since they can solo almost all dungeons with little ease they also heal and resurrect the fallen and can fend off massive opponents underestimate them and they will drag u to hell

    Attribute point:
    Full intellect

    Skill points:
    Light heal – 5
    Holy light – 1
    Saint strength – 1
    Healing wave – 5 for a temporary period of time u can switch it to 1 once u reach level 50
    Improved holy light – 5
    Grace – 1
    Circle of healing – 5 only if u want to but I recommend customizing for example u can put 1 or 2 points instead
    Guardian protection – 5 max this the moment u open it ok
    Pure in heart – 1
    Resurrection – 1
    Angel’s blessing – 5 max this the moment ur level 50 this will allow u to solo many dungeons in hard or nightmare level and will also help u in bath and training that’s u will also be able to solo bath and training
    Circle of power – 5 max this too
    Goddess’s embrace – 1
    Heavenly protection – 8 - max this but I recommend customizing but please make sure to make it at least level 5
    Blood beam – 1
    Life drain – 1
    Blood pact – 1
    Improved blood beam – 1
    Improved life drain – 1
    Improved blood pact – 5
    Master blood beam – 5 please customize this if u want to because even if its level 1 it doesn’t make a major difference
    Curse mastery – 1
    Curse of weakness – 1
    Ring of decay – 1
    Phlegmatic curse – 1

    Now priests are very weak till level 50 so until level 50 please carry a support pet with u always and try to level up as fast as possible so u can get the angel’s blessing skill

    Spirit of ice- try to bring it to level 5 all as soon as possible (I made it level 5 before level 40)
    Spirit of brilliance- physical attack is not necessary for priests so cut back on it if u want but there are other good stuff like cast speed and more defense so pick up on them
    Spirit of void max- critical power is very important
    Spirit of light - intellect is given a VIP welcome so max it the moment ur level 69 ok
    Spirit of heart - don't ask whether u should max or not because obviously extra HP is given a VIP welcome
    Spirit of immortality - I don't know what it does so u guys can max it or not to your choice once ur strong enough

    Ok same as knights make sure u get good wings and just like knights wings will help u in various ways

    Mount: same as all players (get good mount)

    Enchanting: minimum is +7 good luck

    PS:I know that knights lack some info but please know it’s not that I didn’t add the info its I couldn’t because the info kept changing from person to person so I added the basic info for all knights the skills that make a knight I hope the knight population will forgive me thank u
    Part 2: For all the players who helped me making this guide I thank u from the bottom of my heart
    Personal thanks to (S18) hollow who helped me a lot by collecting information for me THANK U VERY MUCH
    I am extremely sorry for the delay caused I had some trouble since I have to go to school and yes I did pull an all nighter in order to collect information and yet came up with so little please forgive me
    Description: This guide is merely a help for the players who want to farm dungeons and do PVE this guide can be customized for a person if he or she thinks they may be able to do better without the guide and if some do think so then I recommend u to follow ur methods but as for the new players who have not yet understood how to play I recommend using this guide as a way to play and enjoy the game more also this guide is only useable by either a scion or a level 50+ mortal but until then duoing with ur priest alt is recommended because you will not be able to survive the power of the dungeon bosses
    Thank u and I hope this helps u
    Last edited by Hyorinmaru6; 08-23-2012, 06:22 PM.
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    I am a 100% Noob


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    hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

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    • #3
      Only a total of 50 skill points. your going over 50 in the priests section.
      Server: Shrine of Kithara (Merged with Lycanmarsh, Celestial Peaks, Celestial Palace, The Void, Angel Island, and Tyria Village)
      Character: Miek
      Pet: Burning Angel<3
      Level: 86 Scion


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sakura`Kinomoto View Post
        Only a total of 50 skill points. your going over 50 in the priests section.
        that's because its mostly for all the dungeons (exelorn not included) and as i said i recommend those skill points but u can customize them to ur comfort
        Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

        I am a 100% Noob


        Become a friend and be kind

        hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

        MY GUIDES:
        [Guide-How to reduce lag]



        • #5
          Originally posted by Hyorinmaru6 View Post
          that's because its mostly for all the dungeons (exelorn not included) and as i said i recommend those skill points but u can customize them to ur comfort
          Then, it's not much of a guide. =/

          Other than that, I'd say Assassin's Thrust/Improve/Master should always be maxed out for Rogues, Speed buffs do not need to be maxed out, as that is a waste of points. Also, in rogue you have about 60 skill points.
          Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. -Unknown Genius

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          • #6
            Originally posted by Katori View Post
            Then, it's not much of a guide. =/

            Other than that, I'd say Assassin's Thrust/Improve/Master should always be maxed out for Rogues, Speed buffs do not need to be maxed out, as that is a waste of points. Also, in rogue you have about 60 skill points.
            a guide is basically something that is used to help those who don't know what to do its not supposed to give the whole answer its only supposed to give hints that's what i learned when i first made a guide and customizing is added into a guide because a guide is for all but everyone is not going to feel the guides help so for a time being thats a small point of time make sure u follow but once u get good then customize and it doesn't matter please know the places where its said max and if by chance they r more than what are needed well thats just means one thing bring the low level skills to 1 and take the high level skills to 5 so as u progress u will learn what and where this guide is merely for the low levels and new players who keep asking in forum how to solo dungeons its not for character building

            if ur looking for character building guides please use the search function in forum and u will find plenty of guides for the class u want to build
            Last edited by Hyorinmaru6; 08-23-2012, 07:47 PM.
            Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

            I am a 100% Noob


            Become a friend and be kind

            hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

            MY GUIDES:
            [Guide-How to reduce lag]



            • #7
              YES IT CAME OUT!!!! Thanks bro. You just made my day Thanks for your Hard work!
              Last edited by Shroombomb; 08-23-2012, 09:44 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shroombomb View Post
                YES IT CAME OUT!!!! Thanks bro. You just made my day Thanks for your Hard work!
                Your welcome i also recommend that once ur level 50 interact more with other players and build yourself up by collecting information since that's a very good way to improve ur self in PVE
                Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                I am a 100% Noob


                Become a friend and be kind

                hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

                MY GUIDES:
                [Guide-How to reduce lag]



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Katori View Post
                  Then, it's not much of a guide. =/

                  Other than that, I'd say Assassin's Thrust/Improve/Master should always be maxed out for Rogues, Speed buffs do not need to be maxed out, as that is a waste of points. Also, in rogue you have about 60 skill points.
                  I see your point there advise isnt a guide. If i was a noob i would end up just getting what i wanted if this was just recomendations
                  Server: The Wilterlands

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                  • #10
                    Priests will drag other to hell !! U kidding me...I killed tonnes of priests ... Easy to kill them XD

                    Currently I am Scion


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sporsho2000 View Post
                      Priests will drag other to hell !! U kidding me...I killed tonnes of priests ... Easy to kill them XD
                      Its a saying and also if u dare underestimate them u will die its a fact u might kill them when u stealth but if ur out then ur a walking target thanks to curses
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                      I am a 100% Noob


                      Become a friend and be kind

                      hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

                      MY GUIDES:
                      [Guide-How to reduce lag]

                      I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tajmahal62 View Post
                        I see your point there advise isnt a guide. If i was a noob i would end up just getting what i wanted if this was just recomendations
                        a guide just as the name says it must help others by making it a little easy giving what they wanted then it will be called answer sheet guide is something that should help a person till a limit till they learn to get strong on their own if giving them what they wanted then its more like telling them to copy

                        and rogues need to be fast to run away fast from dungeon bosses stealth stun attack and run thats how it should
                        Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                        I am a 100% Noob


                        Become a friend and be kind

                        hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

                        MY GUIDES:
                        [Guide-How to reduce lag]

                        I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hyorinmaru6 View Post
                          [Guide] HOW TO SOLO DUNGEONS - ANY CLASS



                          Rogues (Assassins) are a stealth type they have massive critical strikes which can kill you in instant they the power to become invisible and can stun you so you cannot attack nor can u run away if u underestimate them then your fate is sealed

                          Attribute point:
                          Strength - 2 points
                          Agility – 1 point
                          switch them each time u level like from level 1 to level 2 put 2 points on strength and 1 on agility and from level 2 to level 3 make it 2 points on agility and 1 on strength so u can be equal all the time (only if u plan on doing hybrid if u go shadow then go 2 agility and 1 strength and if combat then 2 on strength and 1 agility)

                          Skill points:
                          Assassin’s thrust - 1
                          Slayer’s cloak - 5 this must be maxed cause u don’t want to be slow
                          Shadow rush - 5 this needs to be maxed cause longer the stun the higher the chances of u killing your opponent
                          Slayer’s speed – 5 you need to be fast to run away from enemies like bone crusher
                          Slayer’s call – 5
                          Slayer’s sprint – 5
                          Brutality – 5
                          Improved slayer’s call – 5 once u max this u can bring slayer’s call to 1 cause this alone gives enough
                          Choke hold – 1
                          Improved assassin’s thrust – 1
                          Improved choke hold – 1
                          Shadow strike – 1
                          Blade sweep – 5
                          Knife rush – 1
                          Master Assassin's Thrust - 5
                          Slayer's Toughness - 1
                          Slayer's Dedication - 5

                          Blur – 1
                          Shadow slap – 1
                          Slayer’s deftness – 5
                          Slayer’s march – 5
                          Vagabond’s swiftness – 5
                          Improved slayer’s deftness – 5 u can bring slayer’s deftness to 1 once u bring this one to 5 but I encourage customizing
                          Double cut – 1
                          Blade twist – 1
                          Triple strikes – 1
                          Improved double cut – 1
                          Improved triple cut – 1
                          Master double cut – 1
                          Okay, i colored your mistakes in red... here are the explanations

                          The stats:
                          There is no such thing as a hybrid rogue, you're either combat or shadow, therefore, you have no need to actually increase both stats, you either go for agi or str... i'm a full str scion rogue now, lv74 and i get to 1048 str and 450 agi... you get enough stat boosts from gears, which give enough patk or crit chance (depending on your build) to be a killing machine...
                          The Skills:
                          Slayer's Speed - why would you want to run away from a boss? if you stp attacking it, it will just recharge hp and you'll be in even more trouble... and this isn't really helpfull, cause it gives you Attack Speed, not Movement Speed...
                          Brutality - 1 - because 30% boost is more then enough, i'm full str and i can get up to 71%, which makes the 20% bonus worthless because 100% is already a crit every hit...
                          Improved Slayer's Call - Level 5 - and i would highly suggest keeping slayer's call on 5 too, because slayer's call gives you crit rate % and improved only gives crit damage %
                          Improved Choke Hold - 5 because it's one of the strongest skills of a rogue
                          Blade Sweep - Level 5, it's one of the best skill, because it has really low cooldown time, which lets you do alot more damage
                          Master Assassin's Thrust - Level 5, it penetrates the defense of the target and does pretty decent damage on bosses
                          Slayer's Toughness - Level 1, just to get to dedication
                          Slayer's Dedication - Level 5, because AP is one of rogues deadliest advantages

                          Now, i wouldn't know much about combat skills, because i never tried one, but i would highly suggest either a full str or full agi shadow rogue... And about your shadow guide, you messed up big time on the skills, case and point up there... have you ever even tried a rogue? if not, why would you make the guide for it?
                          I, the master troll, solemnly swear that I am up to no good...

                          ~(°.•)`¯¯̿̿¯̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿̿)͇̿̿)̿̿̿̿ '̿̿̿̿̿̿\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪̀●́)=o/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿`(•.°)~
                          Char : (S24)Daggerash
                          Server : Tundara
                          Spouse : (S24)Konoichi
                          Guild : (S6)Athena
                          Awesomeness level : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ OVER 9000!!!
                          (屮゚Д゚)屮 щ(゚Д゚щ)

                          Yes, I have managed to get my avatar to move... U Jelly?


                          • #14
                            not bad i love it bro only the prob is its gonna take me long to make rogue first skills :P


                            • #15
                              Umm can anyone tell me best equipment for rogue.(that means armor set + weapon). Also can the rogue build suggested actually solo all dungeons.If not than plz suggest a link to the build. Lastly plz suggest a good weapon for knight. Thanks in advance.
                              Last edited by Crizlord132; 06-01-2014, 08:09 AM.

