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  • costume

    -i want to know why do costume are bound or cant trade?
    -some of the players are buying it but risk of scamme, so can i suggest make the costume tradable but bound after equip, maybe theres no wrong in my suggestion.
    IGN: xSpade
    Server: zensho Island
    Class/Job: rogue

  • #2
    they gift the costume


    • #3
      if u going buy and they didnt Gift u their a Scammer


      • #4
        i mean here make the costume tradable because many player scamme of buying costume, but the costume is bound after equip
        Last edited by xshinn; 08-24-2012, 08:35 PM. Reason: spelling
        IGN: xSpade
        Server: zensho Island
        Class/Job: rogue


        • #5
          i agree with xshinn


          • #6
            Yes, it is still a mystery why costumes or mount can't be tradable? Was there some kind of problem before? I also agree to xshinn that it should be bounded after equip.. I don't think it is not a bad idea..


            • #7
              Mounts shouldn't be traded. That's just silly.
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              • #8
                i agree with u shinX


                • #9
                  Originally posted by xshinn View Post
                  -i want to know why do costume are bound or cant trade?
                  -some of the players are buying it but risk of scamme, so can i suggest make the costume tradable but bound after equip, maybe theres no wrong in my suggestion.
                  I like your idea and totally agree. That way you can be sure that they are giving it to you when you pay them for it. And as for the mount, maybe have it sort of like a tradable gift box that once open, it becomes bound to you and goes strait to a available mount slot.


                  • #10
                    My friend (S25)Giang already said it earlier i guess
                    My Guides

                    IGN - (S25)Magmadude2 Lvl6x
                    Wings - Ultimate Demigod VIII
                    Plane - Scion
                    Soul- 423
                    Weapon - SupFragSword V +4 (damned weapon won' enchant )
                    Pets - SA, SD, bonosauras, baby demon, teeka, baby bear cub (tank pet), Gobbler, Canvas Teddy


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by xshinn View Post
                      i mean here make the costume tradable because many player scamme of buying costume, but the costume is bound after equip
                      I agree with you!
                      Crystal Saga
                      Plane : Scion☆彡
                      Character : (S46)Selphie
                      Guild : (S34)GUILDLESS

                      If The Whole World Was Blind Who Would You Impress?


                      • #12
                        The idea would be nice cause they're are a lot of scammers but implementing that would take some time. Most of the time once someone gets scammed the whole server will know of it and spread it along. Just be aware and avoid the known scammers.
                        Lil by lil my signature will become better.

                        Ign: Sai
                        Level: 130
                        Class: Rogue
                        Plane: Eidolon
                        Honor: Emperor
                        Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
                        Guild: Rebels
                        Pet: DemonKing


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Saisaishi View Post
                          The idea would be nice cause they're are a lot of scammers but implementing that would take some time. Most of the time once someone gets scammed the whole server will know of it and spread it along. Just be aware and avoid the known scammers.
                          Yea Scammers are getting really annoying!
                          Crystal Saga
                          Plane : Scion☆彡
                          Character : (S46)Selphie
                          Guild : (S34)GUILDLESS

                          If The Whole World Was Blind Who Would You Impress?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DarkReverie View Post
                            Yes, it is still a mystery why costumes or mount can't be tradable? Was there some kind of problem before? I also agree to xshinn that it should be bounded after equip.. I don't think it is not a bad idea..
                            It would be a bad idea like your piloting a friend that has a goirlla titan or whatever and thne you trade that to yourself and you don't giv eit back >_> it's like a whole new way of hacking T_T. But I also thinking Trading Costumes is a good idea.Instead of thinkign the person will gift you it which is a 30% chance of that to happen if that's someone you don't know.
                            Class: Mage
                            Server:Windshear Peaks
                            Guild: (S6)SteinsGate
                            Proud player since 2011
                            ♥~Thank you for everything~♥


                            • #15
                              And find people selling costumes in their shops in Starglade!
                              +1 to this suggestion!
                              Vampire Prince
                              • Server: Aurora Point
                              • Character: Alexmancerx
                              • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
                              • Level: Eidolon 120
                              • Rank: Emperor
                              • Guild: TheWanted
                              • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)

