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why until now got stocked!

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  • why until now got stocked!

    dont tell me internet is low i can even youtube fast but still stocking at loading?? fix ur bugs!! now i cant do anything!

  • #2
    Get your history clear, catche, and I forgot the other ones but get those cleared.
    Save The Earth!
    Cause it's the only place with cookies.
    Yum :3


    • #3
      Originally posted by Machu_21 View Post
      Get your history clear, catche, and I forgot the other ones but get those cleared.
      Follow his advise if it is the same try using a different browser.


      • #4
        Its not your slow internet connection, or your cache, but lost data packets which happens a lot when u use a wireless connection or your ISP uses wireless somewhere to get the internet to your house.
        There is nothing that R2 is capable of doing that will fix your problem.

        You just have to refresh until you get past the point that gets stuck.
        Note: Using anonymous/private mode on browsers makes the problem worse.

        Try slim browser if firefox, chrome ect dont work.
        Slim browser runs your existing IE but without all the extra plugins, which tends to make a difference in browser speed.

        I got a slow 1Mb connection, and CS works but Youtube doesnt, so slow connection is not the problem but your ISP.

        If you cant understand what im saying here, call someone who knows hoe networking works to check your connection, latency, dropped packets ratio.


        • #5

          click the title to be taken to the thread with help topics on connection issues. try those things, remember not to clear your cookies if already cleared it 2x and trying to load the game unless you changed a vital setting to how data is stored. it will cause it to take longer as the game needs to store information to load quickly.
          if can fully close your browser for a few min. sometimes that helps get rid of any lingering data that's been stored while playing endlessly. also a SS of report would be nice. I can load a few games&characters running off only 1-2mbs download, less then one mbs upload rate and stay connected fine. have had similar issues before. could be someone down the line from you using a lot of bandwidth. if using service like comcast your neighbors can effect your internet to a degree.
          Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-01-2013, 05:34 AM.


          • #6
            stock? lols


            • #7
              stock? lols

