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PVP WEST New Server

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  • PVP WEST New Server

    I hope New server will be pvp west, if not i'll stop playing cs HA HA
    Last edited by Daniel_rodriguez; 09-09-2013, 07:03 PM.
    Be Happy

  • #2
    Guess what no one cares HA HA


    • #3
      Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
      Guess what no one cares HA HA
      Yeah I totally agree^^
      'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'


      • #4
        Dont you get it, Its just a voice for having a pvp west and not east. LOL think
        Be Happy


        • #5
          Originally posted by Daniel_rodriguez View Post
          Dont you get it, Its just a voice for having a pvp west and not east. LOL think
          Don't you get it? It's just a voice for saying we don't care. LOL think.

          Seriously though, if you're seriously gonna try and threaten R2 to release a West server with just 1 person, they don't care and they would care even less if you're a Free2Player.

          Enough of these countless threads begging for a new server... All I'm ever seeing. 2-4 threads like these are just gonna be spammed every single day, aren't they?

          EDIT: I viewed all your started threads - this is your 3rd post asking for a West Server. Go ahead and spam 100 threads asking for a new server, it's practically the same thing.
          Crystal Saga:
          Server: S66
          Class: Knight - Protection
          Name: SlainAgain
          Soul: N/A
          Mount: N/A
          Wings: N/A
          Level: N/A

          Time to get ready for the altsssss.


          • #6
            What's your problem huh!? If your tired of looking for threads like this then, dont view it! simple. DUH!
            Be Happy


            • #7
              And btw, i am going to use cash to have FL. And i'm serious about it. Sorry if i talk rude or what... but is it wrong posting threads like this? In my post, there is " HA HA" in the last sentence. So for me it means, a little bit of joke. And im not newbie in this game, but im newbie in POSTING THREAD. Correct me if im wrong posting threads like asking for new server. But honestly, I dont see any rules that posting threads like this are not allowed. If it is'nt, then i suggest that r2 games may put signs and warnings that are not allowed to post threads about asking for stuffs like this, or like that. Im just excited to paly again. SORRY
              Be Happy


              • #8
                Slain dont be bad we all w8 a new server (by the way im MagicTouch from 64)
                Server:umm like every single one past s84 i guess
                Class:whatever i feel like playing
                Lvl:depends on how much i can play on day 1 before quitting <3
                Job:Server's perv #24...also IRL perv...getting slapped isn't funny nor nice btw


                • #9
                  Originally posted by critkill1997 View Post
                  Slain dont be bad we all w8 a new server (by the way im MagicTouch from 64)
                  Well, 'ello. I'll be honest, I might play the new server as well - but I don't like all this spam around here.

                  Originally posted by Daniel_rodriguez View Post
                  And btw, i am going to use cash to have FL. And i'm serious about it. Sorry if i talk rude or what... but is it wrong posting threads like this? In my post, there is " HA HA" in the last sentence. So for me it means, a little bit of joke. And im not newbie in this game, but im newbie in POSTING THREAD. Correct me if im wrong posting threads like asking for new server. But honestly, I dont see any rules that posting threads like this are not allowed. If it is'nt, then i suggest that r2 games may put signs and warnings that are not allowed to post threads about asking for stuffs like this, or like that. Im just excited to paly again. SORRY
                  You can find the rules here.

                  Tone cannot be read in text, so I'm not trying to be rude here either, and I know you aren't either.

                  Originally posted by Daniel_rodriguez View Post
                  What's your problem huh!? If your tired of looking for threads like this then, dont view it! simple. DUH!
                  If I didn't view it, I'm pretty sure you'd spam another 4th and 5th thread begging for a West Server. Who knows, maybe you'll even do it if I told you to stop. I'm just tired of seeing only these threads at the forums.
                  Crystal Saga:
                  Server: S66
                  Class: Knight - Protection
                  Name: SlainAgain
                  Soul: N/A
                  Mount: N/A
                  Wings: N/A
                  Level: N/A

                  Time to get ready for the altsssss.


                  • #10
                    No one cares what you want,there are other people that want East time and not west.R2 could care less about your threats of quitting,they have lots of other players,and i personally want the server to be PvP or PvE east but you don't see me spamming threads about it.I'm just patiently waiting


                    • #11
                      i dont need cash to play this game im practically as strong as a scion
                      Level: Scion 63+
                      IGN: (S28)Destroyer
                      Guild: Imperium
                      Server: Bloodfang Village
                      Soul: 475
                      Pets: Super Demon lvl 72, Super Angel lvl 66, Megasaurus lvl 57, Boxer Rex lvl 53, and File Lord lvl 48
                      Rank: Arch Duke-102670
                      Mount: Gorilla Titan


                      • #12
                        hey men.. why do u keep on asking a new server in your post's?? i read about 5-10 post's about this new server.... i know ur excited men.. but please don't spam..... its in the rules that u must not spam.. IT ALSO SAYS THAT DO NOT CREATE A NEW THREAD ADDRESSING A TOPIC OR A ISSUE THAT IS ALREADY BEING DISCUSSED... <<<<< number 3 rule in here>>>


                        • #13
                          Purgatory is still a very new server so i understand why r2 has not put up a new one yet. However i do hope that it will be a pvp west server as well, but if its not i will make the most of it and play there.
                          I have never really played on r2 before i used another website that had Crystal saga but those server die really fast. I look forward to playing against the r2 players and show that how bad *** my battle priest can be hahaha

                          p.s. i am a cash player XD
                          p.p.s no one cares
                          p.p.p.s hello! =o)


                          • #14
                            I don't think R2 would care. Why ? Because there's like 1k + players out there and if you left it wouldn't really make a difference. ^^ Just Saying.
                            Save The Earth!
                            Cause it's the only place with cookies.
                            Yum :3


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
                              No one cares what you want,there are other people that want East time and not west.R2 could care less about your threats of quitting,they have lots of other players,and i personally want the server to be PvP or PvE east but you don't see me spamming threads about it.I'm just patiently waiting
                              Ahm.. you know, Im just saying that I hope the next server will be West. But i did'nt say that Im not patient in waiting. Im just saying that it must be west. I talked to brotherVT before and he said they are extending the time in making new servers, and he told me, patience is the key, and I said "yeah im not in a hurry, i can wait" But I dont remember saying that " I hope new server will be on west" so, now, im saying it as a request. I know there are lots of players in this game, but I think there is nothing wrong in saying your opinion about what you want to have in this game.

                              -----> For critkill, thank you. Hope to see u on game
                              --------> For SlainAgain, I understand. Thank you for your concern. Sorry for spamming new server request threads, i never read that rules before. I hope we can be friends. I dont want any arguments like this, I feel bad. Im just (Hurt) for people who said, "we dont care" because im expecting that the only people who wil reply in this thread are those who are also excited to have server and they might also say, "hehe dont threat R2 games bro, But I agree with you. I HOPE ITS WEST SERVER! YEY" --i think it's the nices words that people might say to avoid arguments. But people are different, i shouldn't expect too much. Thank you bro! i hope to see you on game.

                              -------> For people on kept on saying we dont care, well dont repeat saying it. I know it. and now, after talking to some concerned people, im not hurt anymore. well, im a happy person who is most of the time threating someone as a joke.( but not killing threats. Lol) Well, please be kind. My post is meant for excited players also and maybe not for you. Well, come on, this post is just a joke, be kind to your words. avoid saying we dont care. if you dont care, well just dont reply we dont care. You know, another thing in saying we dont care is, by not saying anything and let another excited player to reply in this thread and agree with me to have a west server.

                              LESSON LEARNED: READ FIRST THE RULES IN POSTING THREADS. && Never use a threat joke on Forum
                              Be Happy

