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  • #16
    they farm quiz now, and usually go himeng valley, pls help kill these bots there


    • #17
      The biggest problem is that R2 have allowed these bots to use the torch hack even though its been reported and is easy to stop. Now they are at such a high enough level that they are now farming the zodiac bosses. On at least 3 occasions I have gone to a zodiac boss and 3,4 or 5 bots with their bear pets have been killing the boss.
      I even saw a character named (s37) mallmmo Lvl 61 using the auto torch - if that isn't taking the p then what is. They just know that r2 are unwilling or unable to stop them.

      Maybe it is time R2 gave some sort of powers to some of our well respected players and long time vip players to help with this problem as it is destroying the game. I recently went to Lycanmarsh to kill some Cactions and there was a bot on each of the levels 2 to 5 killing them.

      Just a google search for crystal saga throws up 3 or 4 sites offering cheats and hacks.
      Even saw a member of guild Hero of Vidalia using the auto torch hack so it is spreading (not going to name player but he/she knows that he is using it!)

      Time for r2 to pull there fingers out.


      • #18
        Damn i feel like stabbing on the bloody head that guy or girl is pissing me off badly


        • #19
          Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
          It upsets all of us. All you can do is pop your screenshot in a ticket to They will remove it from the server when they are able to. Unfortunately, without IP banning half the globe, this is just one of those annoyances we have to deal with.
          is it against the law to do what mall mmo is doing? and would it be safe to assume theyre using vpn? because companies providing vpn will cough up all the info needed to catch these ppl if push comes to shove... so whats really going on here?


          • #20
            so it's not only in S60/S62... we're overflooded by theese... haven't seen them kill zodiacs yet but the main bot as we call it /lv 30 priest/ had 400+p yesterday... it's total hell... i was grinding once and i spawned a torch, idk how that thing did it but the bot kind of came across the whole Altar of Sacrifice to steal EXP!!! damn i suggest r2 allow players to kill bots on every map, not only in kaymo on PvE servers...
            P.S. it's normal now to find me camping for bots in kaymo from time to time... #16 so evil


            • #21
              i say you guys go buy from mmo

