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How to solve log in problems and lag ingame.

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  • How to solve log in problems and lag ingame.

    Firstly allow me to say that everyone experiences lag ingame and everyone at some point gets login problems. Sometimes this might be a fault at R2 however most of the time it's a fault with your laptop and/or computer.

    Secondly I would like to say that this guide is not 100% foolproof and might not always solve your problems.

    Thirdly, While this guide is for everyone and is open for discussion please keep any negative opinions off my thread.

    Okay, now I will firstly point out that the following browsers are prone to lagging up, these are: Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. Obviously I appreciate that all browsers will and can lag from time to time, but the before stated browsers are in my opinion worse because they all require high CPU and high RAM, for those who don't know what CPU and RAM is allow me to explain, if a computers CPU or RAM gets to high it will slow down and or crash.

    I used to use Google Chrome because it was quick, however I was always freezing up, couldn't load the game up properly, some might say it was a flash player problem, however my flashplayer was always fully up to date. So I decided to try a new browser and I discovered Opera, I will include a link to the correct site to download Opera at the end of this guide. After downloading Opera I saw a drastic change in my internet speed, pages were loading quicker, there was no lag no loading errors etc. I have recommended Opera to several players since that day and all of them have agreed with me that it is a lot better than there previous browser.

    Now for all those who might use Opera or indeed any browser and are experiencing ingame lag and/or loading/login errors what follows are the causes and ways to fix them.

    1) High CPU and/or RAM
    2) Registry errors
    3) Flash player out of date
    4) Browser out of date
    5) Malware, Spyware and/or Viruses
    6) Broken Shortcuts
    7) Hard drive is fragmented
    8) Cache and history needs cleaning
    9) To many programs running

    Ways to fix option one:

    To fix option one open Task Manager as Administrator, to do this open your start menu and where it says search program and files (this might vary depending on versions of windows) type the following: Task Manager. The computer will bring the program link up, right click it and choose run as administrator. Wait for the program to open, once it has opened you will notice at the very bottom of the program screen it will show your CPU % and RAM %. You will need to choose to go to processes, this is at the second bar from the top of the program screen. Once you have chose this option you will now see all processes running, end processes that have a high usage beside them.

    Ways to fix option two:

    Registry errors affect all computers and laptops and will effect the way your computer/laptop works. This can be repaired very easily and I will include a link after this guide that will take you to a program called AVG PC Tune up. It is safe to download and very easy to use, please note that while you can use it for 14 days for free it will require you to buy it after the trial period expires. I realize that you will all think that it's not worth it, but trust me, one clean up of your computer or laptop will solve a lot of problems and thankfully you will only need to scan it once as it will take a long time before it will require another scan for registry errors.

    Ways to fix option three:

    This is the most common reason why players experience lag and login errors. I think it's safe to assume that everyone here uses Adobe flash player. So, in order to check if Adobe flash player is up to date all you have to do is simply visit there website, it will state on there website the version of your flash player and also state below a list of all new versions (if any) of Adobe. Now you know theres a update needed open start menu on your computer and type: Adobe flash player, it will bring up the program link, left click it and wait for it to open. Once open go to help at the top and it will say in a drop down menu: Check for updates. Click check for updates and it will start the update procedure.

    Ways to fix option four:

    This will vary depending on the browser you are using, however, at the top of your browser should be a list of options, or in Opera it has the word Opera at the top, go to settings, and it should have a setting/ option to check for updates.

    Opera is different as you have to go to the top of your browser and click the button that says Opera to get a drop down menu. If you browse to the bottom of this drop down menu it says: About Opera, click and it brings up a new tab where it will either say it's up to date or downloading update.

    Ways to fix Option 5:

    This is a easy step, but also can be a time consuming step. First open your Anti-Virus scan, choose full computer scan, set it to scan all folders for everything, it will have a list of options you can tick, tick them all and then wait for your scan to finish. Please note that you would be advised not to use the internet while scanning as it might freeze your computer/laptop up causing it to crash.

    Ways to fix Option 6:

    Broken shortcuts can massively slow the way your computer/laptop runs. As with option two, it requires a scan by AVG PC Tune up. The link to where to download it will follow at the end of this guide.

    Ways to fix Option 7:

    Fragmented hard drives sounds complicated but really it isn't. As with option two and option 6 AVG PC Tune up will solve this problem.

    Ways to fix Option 8:

    Okay, how to clean your cache and history, simply go to your browser's settings and it will have a option there where you can clear your cache and history.

    Ways to fix Option 9:

    Please be aware that any online game will consume a lot of computer usage and memory. So, if you have lots of programs open or webpages open while playing any online game then you will seriously slow your computer or laptop down. This is a very normal mistake a lot of people make.


    Opera- http://
    AVG PC Tune up - http://

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope this helps a lot of you out there.

  • #2
    This will not be a help for mac users or boot-leggers, but having a registered copy of Microsoft operating systems allows for the use of their marvelous low load anti-virus software - Microsoft Security Essentials. Twin this with Firefox and the add-on No Scripts for a wonderful solution to protect web surfing.

    Opera has always been the poor-mans solution to speedy web browsing and always will be.

    Many debates are online about should registry cleaners be used or not. Many state the best way to speed up an old lagging computer system is a full reinstall of the operating system. Using registry programs to fix stuff, can also leave problems which appear later. I believe one of the safer options many informed users will use is the CCLeaner free utility program which clears cache and temp files and allows for a soft clean option of the registry. As for AVG i have used the free anti-virus software before but found it likes to weave into the operating system as much as that infernal Nortons Nightmare antivrus, lets hope the pc tuner does not do the same thing.

    My game lags quite a bit now so what i may do if it becomes too annoying is try to fully reinstall a "clean" version of Firefox which is harder to do than say and if that was to show no improvement then i would consider a full reinstall of my windows xp to which i have a CD and registered copy, but this would be quite annoying. As i stated i choose Firefox with the add-on NO Scripts and run MSE anti-virus for a very safe browse of the internet with hardly any interference from background scans. If you were to use a lesser protected browser such as Opera, perhaps it would be best to use it for specific reasons; such as only to play games from safe sites such as Crystal Saga at


    • #3
      No disrespect to my brother or yourself, but if your reading this and you really want to tweak up your flash player game then go read another forum. This game does not have many techie folk so their advice, although sound is not made to put a rocket up your browser.

      I am not recommending the game to play as it is extremely cut-throat, if you don't like dying in Kaymo or think you can be strong by throwing money at a game, then you'de be wrong. Dark Orbit is a space game not for the faint hearted, but it does have alot of Forum Advice about how to tweak your computer and browser safely to improve game play. That is just one game, one forum; you may know of others, go check them out


      • #4
        Well, there are many theories that a lot of people have to 'tweak' a computer/laptop or boost browser performance. All I did here was suggest free solutions to help players experiencing login errors and/or ingame lag. Incidentally, griggle02, I read that you use Windows XP. Are you aware that as of April 2014 all Windows XP users have to upgrade to a new version of windows. If you visit Microsoft's homepage it has all the details etc there.


        • #5
          The first solution sounds like a bad recipe for having your computer unnecessarily crash because you don't know what programs are essential to be running.
          Sith's Priest Guide


          • #6
            Any windows or system essential programs will always show as 00 usage. If it is due to high CPU or RAM usage then it will normally show a number over 10 beside your browser process. The reason why I suggest using Task Manager for this is because simply clicking or exiting your browser by the X at the top of the browser does not always actually close it properly.


            • #7
              urgh i downloaded that avg to have a look at it and to load it up it asks for me to tick boxes to say A: i have understood their terms and conditions < normal enough . B: i allow their company to keep details and data of my use ?? << woah . WasteBasket

              2014; Microsoft is no longer supporting windows XP which is currently being used by 25% of the worlds microsoft operating system users. No support means perhaps when they do a hotfix for later versions such as Vista, hackers may be able to do backwards engineering of this code to see what holes are being filled then find those easily on the older XP version; then make hacks into computers running windows xp. It could be all that Millenium Bug frenzy all over again or it could be a real problem for many people using windows XP. One thing is for sure, those using windows XP will have no more Automatic Updates.

              As far as i became aware of, Windows 95 required 32MB, Windows 98 required 64MB, Windows XP requires 128MB of ram to run the Operating System alone. I do not know of the specs for Vista, but if XP users were to upgrade to this OS then maybe it would mean they would need 256MB of RAM to run the OS smoothly. Yes it would be a problem in that you would lose 128MB off your RAM use as of now, but i guess only those much older computers would have a real problem. That is if you wished to maintain automatic update support from Microsoft.


              • #8
                aha - i am using OPERA 18. hmm it works a little better than Firefox, but i guess that is because my Firefox is old and has upgraded many times. A clean install of firefox should speed it up; but what using Opera has highlighted is that my OS probably needs a reinstall.

                Anyone with registered version of windows xp should try to keep it. Handy in case you should need to emergency reinstall OS or other stuff. Try to get a Disc Image of XP then burn it to a CD Rom and to use it go into the BIOS settings of your computer at start-up (press and hold Delete or F1 or similar idk) and select CD as the 1st read. To get a hold of your registered XP's product code you can use a simple free program called Magic Bean or Magic Jelly Bean Counter, one of the two, anyways this retrieves your OS product key. Some sellers place a sticker somewhere on the computer containing the product key of the OS shipped out with the computer. Maybe on the outside or inside cover.

                Oh yeah Opera has hiccups, like it will not save the passwords for Crystal Saga meaning i have to use a 3rd party extension to do this, which doesn't work properly either. They say Opera uses the same engine as Chrome but i see its graphics are the same as firefox which i prefer as i find chrome makes the game look yukky
                Last edited by Griggle02; 12-06-2013, 02:04 PM.

