Message: I do this guide because I am bored, okay? Some image I have screencap and some are from internet
TIME: Unlimited, 2:00-2:30 P.M. and 5:30-6:00 P.M

MAP 2:

What is Dragonspine battleground?
It is a PvP (Player vs Player) event, the winner will get the Dragon Sword.
Is there any other chance I have the Dragon Sword than getting it from the Dragonspine Battleground?
Yeap, you can get the Dragon Sword by doing A Day In Vidalia. Even you can make a Weapon which looked like it, just enchant it high level
Note 1) You cannot use Mount or Pets, Wings, Gems Stats and Zodiac +10k HP Voided
Note 2) Mortals, Scions and Eidos lvl 40-60 are allowed to enter.
Note 3) You cannot stealth when you are holding the Dragon Sword fragment in the Battleground.
Note 4) The Holder of Dragon Sword is not allowed to enter the battleground, if the person still want to, they have to destroy its Dragon Sword.
Note 5) You cannot use Potion except battleground potions like: Combat Healing Flask and Combat Mana Flask

Note 6) Dragon Sword is not tradeable!
How to get in at Dragonspine battleground?:
You can get in at the Dragonspine battleground by clicking at General Krahn, at Starglade.

And then click:

and the last, click 'Enter'
How to win this battle?
It is easy, pick up the Dragon Sword Fragment, and then stay alive for 3 Minutes watch out for killers, after 3 Minutes staying alive, you can exit at the Dragon Knight

You will be announced that you win the battle.
Dragon Sword Effect:
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1269
Critical Strike +20
Strength+ 20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed 10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30ghts:
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1008
Critical Strike +28
Strength +20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement +30
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1361
Magic Attack +1269
Critical Strike +22
Strength +20
Intellect +20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30
Magic attack +1154
Heal +1495
Critical Strike +15
Intellect +20
All Attributes +12
critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30
Attack Speed +3000
Dragon Sword (1 Day)
Gold Honor Badge x1
TIME: Unlimited, 2:00-2:30 P.M. and 5:30-6:00 P.M
MAP 2:
What is Dragonspine battleground?
It is a PvP (Player vs Player) event, the winner will get the Dragon Sword.
Is there any other chance I have the Dragon Sword than getting it from the Dragonspine Battleground?
Yeap, you can get the Dragon Sword by doing A Day In Vidalia. Even you can make a Weapon which looked like it, just enchant it high level
Note 1) You cannot use Mount or Pets, Wings, Gems Stats and Zodiac +10k HP Voided
Note 2) Mortals, Scions and Eidos lvl 40-60 are allowed to enter.
Note 3) You cannot stealth when you are holding the Dragon Sword fragment in the Battleground.
Note 4) The Holder of Dragon Sword is not allowed to enter the battleground, if the person still want to, they have to destroy its Dragon Sword.
Note 5) You cannot use Potion except battleground potions like: Combat Healing Flask and Combat Mana Flask
Note 6) Dragon Sword is not tradeable!
How to get in at Dragonspine battleground?:
You can get in at the Dragonspine battleground by clicking at General Krahn, at Starglade.
And then click:
and the last, click 'Enter'
How to win this battle?
It is easy, pick up the Dragon Sword Fragment, and then stay alive for 3 Minutes watch out for killers, after 3 Minutes staying alive, you can exit at the Dragon Knight
You will be announced that you win the battle.
Dragon Sword Effect:
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1269
Critical Strike +20
Strength+ 20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed 10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30ghts:
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1008
Critical Strike +28
Strength +20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement +30
Effect Color Purple
Physical Attack +1361
Magic Attack +1269
Critical Strike +22
Strength +20
Intellect +20
All Attributes +12
Critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30
Magic attack +1154
Heal +1495
Critical Strike +15
Intellect +20
All Attributes +12
critical Strike +5%
HP +3000
Attack Speed +10%
Casting Speed +10%
Physical Damage Reduction +10%
Magic Damage Reduction +10%
Movement Speed +30
Attack Speed +3000
Dragon Sword (1 Day)
Gold Honor Badge x1