This is a short guide that gets you the most out of the current birthday event (and any similar events). It's incomplete because I didn't think a guide was useful earlier, but I'll update it as I go.
The first thing is to realize that a few times a day, on the hour, there is a server-wide bonus of some kind. I don't know the exact times, but for example I've gotten them at 03.00, 09.00, 12.00, 15.00, 21.00, and midnight server time, but it doesn't happen every hour. My guess is "every three hours" if it stays consistent. You can get:
(lasts for 60min)
double experience points
restores 100 health and mana every second
all stats +50
2x drops
Secondly, you get a few "anniversary coupons" once per day upon first logging in, and you can get a title bonus called "party time!" that gives you +2% exp if you equip it. If you have played for a while like me, you also can get a one-time "timely" bonus of 20+ anniversary coupons, and if your level is high enough you can do strawberry seed planting to get even more anniversary coupons daily. First, I used a lot of these to get AFK time because I didn't have any. Then this is where the 2-hour weapon options come in:
You can spend your anniversary coupons on some 2-hour weapons (I get Lucky Ring and Wheel of Fate). Why bother if it disappears so fast? Because they give you a huge stat bonus together. The key is to time this with the server-wide stat bonuses. The second key is that a server-wide exp bonus, and also a daily guild exp bonus (your guild master can active this for members online at the time, once per day), stacks on top of 1.5x exp bonuses that you can buy with coupons in the item mall. And lastly, any elixers (I only use the elixer of striking) also stack on top of all the bonuses.
On top of all of that, at least on my server (Falling Stars Bluff) if you wait for few minutes in the area near the vault in Starglade, priests will be buffing their parties or something and you'll end up accidentally being buffed. I always end up getting something like:
(lasts for 30min)
circle of power V - increases physical and magical attack by 25%
heavenly protection Lvl 6 - increases all base stats by 30% + 150 points
guardian's protection V - increases physical and magical attack by 25% + 50
often all at once!

Here, next to the vault in Starglade and a bunch of people with yellow shadows, is where I end up getting buffed a lot. It doesn't always happen. If you see a blue shield appear for a second over people, that means the buffs were cast and you had to be in that area range to be buffed. So if you missed it, move closer and wait to see if someone does it again.
These also stack on top of the other bonuses. What this means is, you can possibly end up getting about 3x the experience and you'll be killing the monsters that give you the most exp in regards to your level, in two hits. AND you'll be taking little damage. There are also random other server-wide bonuses that can stack, such as Seignior's double exp bonus, but those don't appear at the same time as birthday party bonuses.

The blue star is the "party time!" 2% exp bonus, after that I have a 1.5x exp bonus i bought with coupons. Then are three buffs. The bells is the birthday on-the-hour stat boost. The last two is AFK protection so people can't player-kill me.

This is proof of two exp bonuses working at once - a 2exp bonus from a Day in Vidalia quest, and Segnior's server-wide 2exp bonus. If I bought a 1.5exp bonus from the item mall, it would replace the 2exp Vidalia bonus, so don't try to stack these (yes, I tried it myself)!!
item costs:
"Party time!" 2% exp bonus title: free from the event master during the birthday event week
elixers: 4 normal "logged-in time" coupons each, or free from A Day in Vidalia quests (random chance)
1.5x exp: 8 normal coupons
2x exp: free from A Day in Vidalia quests (random chance)
2-hour wheel of fate or lucky ring: 5 anniversary coupons each
2-hour dragon sword: 10 anniversary coupons
other bonuses:
Segnior 2exp (unsure of time, but I got it today at 10.30 server time)
Your guild's daily bonus
maybe more exist?

At the bottom is the time left until it expires. On its last minute, the expiration time will be missing and it will say something like "validating" (or be left blank, I forgot).

I normally get around 200exp from a certain type of monster. With 2x exp bonus, i get around 400. You can stack exp bonuses (server wide + one of your own) to get up to 700exp from this same type of monster, or possibly more if you use a 2exp bonus instead of 1.5x (you can get these randomly from A Day in Vidalia quests), and thanks to the other stat boosts I was killing monsters in two hits. Torches give you a certain amount of exp every few seconds that is higher than this, but the amount of exp a torch gives isn't affected by any exp bonuses you have working.
Other tips: it's basically a waste of coupons to stack more than one elixer at a time, it doesn't give you that much stack bonus so i'd use them only at once. and i only use the elixer of striking because you kill monsters so fast, they can hardly hurt you. Also you can't stack 1.5x bonuses on top of each other, or stack a 2exp bonus from Vidalia quests onto a 1.5exp bonus from the item mall, even though you can stack one of these with a server-wide exp bonus. Make sure your pet has mana so it can cast its own spells and that kills monsters faster, and it's great to have a battle mount too. I think doing a dungeon solo doesn't actually give you that much, you end up wasting time, it's better to just go on AFK in a normal monster area.
You need to check yourself to see what area and which monsters give you the most exp for your level. For example, at level 43 I needed to go to Whispering Beach and kill dragons. The other two types of monsters in the same map gave me a little less exp. If I went to the Shrine of Kithara, which was one map ahead, the monsters there also gave me a little less. But once I leveled up to level 44, the first type of monster at the Shrine of Kithara gave me the most exp.
My strategy:
- If I have no good buffs/birthday bonuses on, that's when I do other stuff, like guild quests or A Day in Vidalia quests. I would ex. plant and pick my daily birthday strawberries at one of these times. I always do the Vidalia quests because you can also get stuff like offline exp tokens that further help you level up daily, and green dragon coins.
- Normally I'm on AFK mode (I'm a priest) using just my basic attack and a "heal over time" skill, that saves a little mana and so I save money on mana potions. If I have a "restores 100 hp and mana" birthday bonus and Goddess stat boosts, I switch my AFK skills so I'm fighting using only my strong (non-basic) attack that costs MP, and I don't use the basic attack or healing skill, because I get so little damage and heal so fast using all bonuses that it's not necessary. The Lucky Ring and Wheel of Fate also increase your casting speed I think. So that's when you end up killing monsters in two hits!
- If it's a choice between 1.5x exp and an elixer, i buy the exp, and I wait to use item mall items until the birthday bonus has appeared.
- I am on AFK most of the time, check it to sell items once my inventory is full, and buy mount upgrade tokens and heroic wings with the money (or stat boosts from my guild if I have enough contribution points). So my own stats keep improving, and I kill monsters faster, even if I don't actually level up as fast as that.
With all of this, I'm leveling up about once per day, but I keep the game on in the background a lot. So if you do other big-exp giving stuff like the blessed bath, you could definitely level up once per day.
For when this event ends, there sometimes are similar events where you can still get temporary Lucky Rings and stuff (or you win a temporary Wheel of Fate from dragon coins, etc.) so you can still put some of this plan to use.
The first thing is to realize that a few times a day, on the hour, there is a server-wide bonus of some kind. I don't know the exact times, but for example I've gotten them at 03.00, 09.00, 12.00, 15.00, 21.00, and midnight server time, but it doesn't happen every hour. My guess is "every three hours" if it stays consistent. You can get:
(lasts for 60min)
double experience points
restores 100 health and mana every second
all stats +50
2x drops
Secondly, you get a few "anniversary coupons" once per day upon first logging in, and you can get a title bonus called "party time!" that gives you +2% exp if you equip it. If you have played for a while like me, you also can get a one-time "timely" bonus of 20+ anniversary coupons, and if your level is high enough you can do strawberry seed planting to get even more anniversary coupons daily. First, I used a lot of these to get AFK time because I didn't have any. Then this is where the 2-hour weapon options come in:
You can spend your anniversary coupons on some 2-hour weapons (I get Lucky Ring and Wheel of Fate). Why bother if it disappears so fast? Because they give you a huge stat bonus together. The key is to time this with the server-wide stat bonuses. The second key is that a server-wide exp bonus, and also a daily guild exp bonus (your guild master can active this for members online at the time, once per day), stacks on top of 1.5x exp bonuses that you can buy with coupons in the item mall. And lastly, any elixers (I only use the elixer of striking) also stack on top of all the bonuses.
On top of all of that, at least on my server (Falling Stars Bluff) if you wait for few minutes in the area near the vault in Starglade, priests will be buffing their parties or something and you'll end up accidentally being buffed. I always end up getting something like:
(lasts for 30min)
circle of power V - increases physical and magical attack by 25%
heavenly protection Lvl 6 - increases all base stats by 30% + 150 points
guardian's protection V - increases physical and magical attack by 25% + 50
often all at once!
Here, next to the vault in Starglade and a bunch of people with yellow shadows, is where I end up getting buffed a lot. It doesn't always happen. If you see a blue shield appear for a second over people, that means the buffs were cast and you had to be in that area range to be buffed. So if you missed it, move closer and wait to see if someone does it again.
These also stack on top of the other bonuses. What this means is, you can possibly end up getting about 3x the experience and you'll be killing the monsters that give you the most exp in regards to your level, in two hits. AND you'll be taking little damage. There are also random other server-wide bonuses that can stack, such as Seignior's double exp bonus, but those don't appear at the same time as birthday party bonuses.
The blue star is the "party time!" 2% exp bonus, after that I have a 1.5x exp bonus i bought with coupons. Then are three buffs. The bells is the birthday on-the-hour stat boost. The last two is AFK protection so people can't player-kill me.
This is proof of two exp bonuses working at once - a 2exp bonus from a Day in Vidalia quest, and Segnior's server-wide 2exp bonus. If I bought a 1.5exp bonus from the item mall, it would replace the 2exp Vidalia bonus, so don't try to stack these (yes, I tried it myself)!!
item costs:
"Party time!" 2% exp bonus title: free from the event master during the birthday event week
elixers: 4 normal "logged-in time" coupons each, or free from A Day in Vidalia quests (random chance)
1.5x exp: 8 normal coupons
2x exp: free from A Day in Vidalia quests (random chance)
2-hour wheel of fate or lucky ring: 5 anniversary coupons each
2-hour dragon sword: 10 anniversary coupons
other bonuses:
Segnior 2exp (unsure of time, but I got it today at 10.30 server time)
Your guild's daily bonus
maybe more exist?
At the bottom is the time left until it expires. On its last minute, the expiration time will be missing and it will say something like "validating" (or be left blank, I forgot).
I normally get around 200exp from a certain type of monster. With 2x exp bonus, i get around 400. You can stack exp bonuses (server wide + one of your own) to get up to 700exp from this same type of monster, or possibly more if you use a 2exp bonus instead of 1.5x (you can get these randomly from A Day in Vidalia quests), and thanks to the other stat boosts I was killing monsters in two hits. Torches give you a certain amount of exp every few seconds that is higher than this, but the amount of exp a torch gives isn't affected by any exp bonuses you have working.
Other tips: it's basically a waste of coupons to stack more than one elixer at a time, it doesn't give you that much stack bonus so i'd use them only at once. and i only use the elixer of striking because you kill monsters so fast, they can hardly hurt you. Also you can't stack 1.5x bonuses on top of each other, or stack a 2exp bonus from Vidalia quests onto a 1.5exp bonus from the item mall, even though you can stack one of these with a server-wide exp bonus. Make sure your pet has mana so it can cast its own spells and that kills monsters faster, and it's great to have a battle mount too. I think doing a dungeon solo doesn't actually give you that much, you end up wasting time, it's better to just go on AFK in a normal monster area.
You need to check yourself to see what area and which monsters give you the most exp for your level. For example, at level 43 I needed to go to Whispering Beach and kill dragons. The other two types of monsters in the same map gave me a little less exp. If I went to the Shrine of Kithara, which was one map ahead, the monsters there also gave me a little less. But once I leveled up to level 44, the first type of monster at the Shrine of Kithara gave me the most exp.
My strategy:
- If I have no good buffs/birthday bonuses on, that's when I do other stuff, like guild quests or A Day in Vidalia quests. I would ex. plant and pick my daily birthday strawberries at one of these times. I always do the Vidalia quests because you can also get stuff like offline exp tokens that further help you level up daily, and green dragon coins.
- Normally I'm on AFK mode (I'm a priest) using just my basic attack and a "heal over time" skill, that saves a little mana and so I save money on mana potions. If I have a "restores 100 hp and mana" birthday bonus and Goddess stat boosts, I switch my AFK skills so I'm fighting using only my strong (non-basic) attack that costs MP, and I don't use the basic attack or healing skill, because I get so little damage and heal so fast using all bonuses that it's not necessary. The Lucky Ring and Wheel of Fate also increase your casting speed I think. So that's when you end up killing monsters in two hits!
- If it's a choice between 1.5x exp and an elixer, i buy the exp, and I wait to use item mall items until the birthday bonus has appeared.
- I am on AFK most of the time, check it to sell items once my inventory is full, and buy mount upgrade tokens and heroic wings with the money (or stat boosts from my guild if I have enough contribution points). So my own stats keep improving, and I kill monsters faster, even if I don't actually level up as fast as that.
With all of this, I'm leveling up about once per day, but I keep the game on in the background a lot. So if you do other big-exp giving stuff like the blessed bath, you could definitely level up once per day.
For when this event ends, there sometimes are similar events where you can still get temporary Lucky Rings and stuff (or you win a temporary Wheel of Fate from dragon coins, etc.) so you can still put some of this plan to use.