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Corruption dungeon and the lionheart catastrophe and fail banners system

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  • Corruption dungeon and the lionheart catastrophe and fail banners system


    and should i start by saying .... why you write L1 corruption dungeon give u essence and L2 give stone? because we are low level players and we lost many orbs on killing L2 boss... to figure out .. "no stones at all" . then how we will make good banner?

    is it only for cashers again ?

    please comment so the government see what is going on

    regards ,
    frustrated player of crystal saga

  • #2
    The lionheart stones are random drop in corruption, from what one of the "cashers" on my server said he got one after a few runs which a few to him is probably 6~10. It can drop on any floor of corruption. As for the basic drops you will need an average of around 7~8 runs a day to get a single shard, basically it will take you probably 2~5 months for the green flag then multiple that by about 5 for each flag after!

    Good luck its not all cash but cashers can cash it to get ahead!
    Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
    Server: Glacial Planes.
    Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

    For in depth knight guide click the link below

    "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


    • #3
      this flag costs so much to repair. 2.4p at 31/158. Guess we're going to have to use our master hammers wisely.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ZoruaValentine View Post
        this flag costs so much to repair. 2.4p at 31/158. Guess we're going to have to use our master hammers wisely.
        O.O Master Hammers will be popular now XD
        IGN: Evil0fEvils

        Class : Priest

        Level : 32

        Server : (S21)The Void

        Honor : Captain


        Main Page >>

        anyway ... I am the gems vault alt


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZoruaValentine View Post
          this flag costs so much to repair. 2.4p at 31/158. Guess we're going to have to use our master hammers wisely.
          They are alerted to the issue with repair cost on white banner and so forth/ Green banner repair cost is much better. I suggest don't repair white/use it till the cost issue is resolved.

          Go there for more info about it and so forth

          Game: Crystal Saga
          Char name : (K1)Azaleic

          Level : 150 Eido
          Game : Monkey King Online
          Name: Azaleic
          Level : 90
          Server: [S31] Hall of Frost


          • #6
            does anyone know the level reuirement for banners?
            In life u will have lots of difficulties,it depends on you to face them or be satisfied in very less.


            • #7
              19:30 equates to 00:30 GMT . I tried Corruption once and it looked to take so long to kill the first boss i had to log off , i mean come on 1am to 2am i don't think so. You got to ease off the hardship of this dungeon and make another time slot, especially if it is now tagged with collecting items for an important synthesis.

              Please B.vt do not work out the prices of each coloured banner. I already had a massive arguement on my server over the immoral enticement of games companies to lure the spending of huge amounts of money and creation of addictions to spending outrageous amounts. I cannot believe you opened my eyes to the scope of a Crystal Saga Casher using the new Tenets System with an eye popping 3000+ dollar amount on one small upgrade section of the game. Now i am blind as my eyes popped out of their sockets and ran off somewhere.
              Last edited by Griggle02; 12-13-2013, 11:17 AM.


              • #8
                @blah2400, yes and i got friend who made firelord in one hatch attempt , and another one got hellwing in 2 clicks but it happens once in each server? or less ! .... and i got friend who did corruption to lv.5 many times stones.! i'll tell him to try harder ... if no results i think i'll post a reminder.

                reminder : The guardian NPC says Lv.2 drop "stones" .. but it drop lionheart essence so correction should be made instead of "Drop stone"... into "Might Drop Stone"
                P.S.: little more confidentiality to this topic. there is a historical literature in R2 cs. which is the "Monster book dungeon" (no single mark of god even after 100 attempt). so no strange feelings because we are used to

                Thanks for answerig
                Last edited by Zenzibar; 12-13-2013, 01:27 PM.


                • #9
                  @Adwaiya banners offered at level 50+


                  • #10
                    Instead of keep making new events / activity, I think they should just change or add new items reward to the old activities such as avernal, survival, trove, etc. It is nearly a year since the release of Monster Handbook, and not a single event that give out MoG, the warrior arena will always be a fail unless they did some really drastic change where we get tons of points from winning. The only activity that gives the new items is only Corruption, and now with the added banners, people will definitely be swarming in this one activity, making it impossible to go anywhere....

                    The Token rewards really need to be updated with mark of God, pearls of wisdom, etc.... seriously... a lot of people have been fed up with the lame token events, but if the rewards are extremely good, I bet that would shut off alot of people from complaining


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
                      Instead of keep making new events / activity, I think they should just change or add new items reward to the old activities such as avernal, survival, trove, etc. It is nearly a year since the release of Monster Handbook, and not a single event that give out MoG, the warrior arena will always be a fail unless they did some really drastic change where we get tons of points from winning. The only activity that gives the new items is only Corruption, and now with the added banners, people will definitely be swarming in this one activity, making it impossible to go anywhere....

                      The Token rewards really need to be updated with mark of God, pearls of wisdom, etc.... seriously... a lot of people have been fed up with the lame token events, but if the rewards are extremely good, I bet that would shut off alot of people from complaining
                      People will NEVER stop !@#$%^ng as long as they live, you can't make everyone happy. That aside, I don't see the problemwitht he token events really, more SS? Who would really want to complain about that, Corruption is easy enough just get last hit in and it's all good. Arena turned into alt farming frankly.

                      Game: Crystal Saga
                      Char name : (K1)Azaleic

                      Level : 150 Eido
                      Game : Monkey King Online
                      Name: Azaleic
                      Level : 90
                      Server: [S31] Hall of Frost


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
                        Instead of keep making new events / activity, I think they should just change or add new items reward to the old activities such as avernal, survival, trove, etc. It is nearly a year since the release of Monster Handbook, and not a single event that give out MoG, the warrior arena will always be a fail unless they did some really drastic change where we get tons of points from winning. The only activity that gives the new items is only Corruption, and now with the added banners, people will definitely be swarming in this one activity, making it impossible to go anywhere....

                        The Token rewards really need to be updated with mark of God, pearls of wisdom, etc.... seriously... a lot of people have been fed up with the lame token events, but if the rewards are extremely good, I bet that would shut off alot of people from complaining
                        Even though corruption is new, alot of the servers stoped doing it cause they didnt think the event for the items would be this high, however knowning r2 which alot of you should, should have relized this would happen, also as a side note if your able to go to corruption floor 5 you can get Mark of god from it. Be mind full that is easyer said then done.As for the token events I honestly dont mind them there a great way for free SS yet people complain about it daily. honestly I think the token even is better then some of the past events they been doing atleast tokens help in some way compared to some events!
                        Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
                        Server: Glacial Planes.
                        Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

                        For in depth knight guide click the link below

                        "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Azaleic27 View Post
                          People will NEVER stop !@#$%^ng as long as they live, you can't make everyone happy. That aside, I don't see the problemwitht he token events really, more SS? Who would really want to complain about that, Corruption is easy enough just get last hit in and it's all good. Arena turned into alt farming frankly.
                          I've asked people why they constantly complain about tokens myself, I mean how can picking your own rewards for an event you run ever be bad? Seriously, all the events before they started with tokens were going to hell, they kept doing the same old events, just with worse and worse rewards all the time. For example the ladder event everyone loved? It was because they give you 4 or 5 soul packs, with 5 SS and 5 PC each a day. Then they downgraded it so soul packs were only 5 PC, and the event wasn't as good. Later they downgraded it again, so it was choose 1 reward from a bunch of *censored* rewards while you were in ladder (I specifically remember floor 50 was bound MUT and HW). After that they shifted to the current token system, so you can get up to 4 rewards of your choice per day from ladder. 4 SS is one possibility, 8 EW or DF another, or even 4 GMUT. That may not be as good as the original ladder event, but it is better than any since.

                          Also about arena, the way it was designed it was pretty much going to be alt farming from the start- you lose the same number of points as whoever beat you gains, and prizes actually removed points from circulation, meaning the total number of points available will always decrease unless people farm alts.
                          Last edited by VicZar; 12-16-2013, 12:58 AM. Reason: Censored


                          • #14
                            let me tell you about corruption reward ... 1 afk card and health orb and 2exp token i guess ..... in L1 ... and my rogue with 27k patk and 12 pdef and 10 mdef .... and i barely handle it. for god sake .. do u think if i own 27k patk ..... i would need 1 afk card? or 1 health orb? i already lost 3 in L1 .... you reward me with one? corruption is total fail

                            beside being total fail .... why don't u bother and see your graphic polls that shows event attendance? and for that 150 eidolong Azaleic27 who said easy many stones u gathered till now ? and u yourself .... are u really doing that event? ... and if it easy for u .... is it easy for others? ... if it was easy or not [the stones does not drop like the monster jungle dungeon]
                            so i say this event made for cashiers, its my point of view.
                            who agree will raise a hand who is not ,,,, provide me with video that show some stone drop... not edited screen shot, only video even with your smart phone . thanks
                            Last edited by VicZar; 12-16-2013, 12:58 AM. Reason: Merged


                            • #15
                              I've found 2 lionheart stones so far, and I haven't collected nearly enough data to call what chance they drop yet

                              that being said, I've had a guild mate get 1 on L1 on his first run
                              I got one from l2 and l3
                              a friend said he got his first on l1 and l2
                              Most people I hear get from l6-l10

                              if you haven't noticed, the last few systems cashers have the obvious advantage (see heraldry and tenets) this is no different.

                              Its clear that its still possible to get lion hearts from any floor if youre lucky enough so stop your whining
                              and secondly
                              corruption wasn't made for the low players its an endgame dungeon like void and evil beast

                              @JPWayne, from my alt farming, its a fact that the point loss for the loser DOES NOT necessarily translate to point gain for the victor
                              Sith's Priest Guide

