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How do you reply on a ticket.

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  • How do you reply on a ticket.

    I know this is the new formatting but can we just reply directly from the email? Or forward the entire letter, send it back typing the current reply on top?
    • ♚ IGN: (S62)Calinare
    • ♚ Server: Bloodshed Hollow
    • ♚ Level: 130 Eidolon
    • ♚ Class: Unusual Blood Hybrid Priest

  • #2
    The easiest way is to go to to reply to your tickets.

    You can reply to the email that you are sent, but you have to write your reply exactly where it tells you to (it says to 'Reply above this line'), and keep all of the quotes from previous replies with the mail, exactly how they are. If you mess it up, it becomes a hassle for both you and the support team because it will look like there is no reply from either side after the quote tree is messed up.
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 12-25-2013, 08:57 PM.
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    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


    • #3
      Yes that was my question thanks MemoryLane xD
      • ♚ IGN: (S62)Calinare
      • ♚ Server: Bloodshed Hollow
      • ♚ Level: 130 Eidolon
      • ♚ Class: Unusual Blood Hybrid Priest


      • #4
        Help me.. I lost my ucb.. by server offline. Help me

        Hey guys.. Im have use ucb.. and 20 Min later.. is not comme and server is going down.. Becomme im my money back!? or comme the crystals.. When comme Server on!? thanks.. u

