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one character able to solo all the snowmen in somehow

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  • one character able to solo all the snowmen in somehow

    hes not OP .... he is normal toon ... and he kill the snowmen in 3 hits
    guys your game is glitched to hell .
    his name warwick s63 is rabish ... i doubt they will answer to a ticket so i made this up

  • #2
    lmao it gone from bad to worse xD


    • #3
      and now some kiss bat will come in here saying enough crying ... glitch is glitch ,,, if u cannot glitch it like them .. stop crying you're not talented enough to play this game
      naaah why am bothering LOL is awesome ... a game that u can find a mod in every server watching out what the ppl doing , when this game become like that?


      • #4
        here's a tip dont attacks boss if someone is attacking it alreadr
        Last edited by redrior; 12-27-2013, 01:40 AM.


        • #5
          make a combat rogue hahahaha
          IGN: RomanceR

          Plane : scion

          Guild : (solo guild)

          Class : Combat Rogue

          Wing : Demigod I

          Pet : Super Demon And Super Angel

          Mount : Warrior Lion

          [Dont Be A noob ]
          {Work For Your Self **


          • #6
            my friends gonna love this thread lmao..


            • #7
              r2 will not entertain your ticket esp. this thread if u dont have proof

              and i agree to facebooker
              combat rogue ftw!
              Last edited by VicZar; 12-28-2013, 05:29 AM. Reason: Merged


              • #8
                Why do we need proof when they should know what goes on in their games? Do they not have mods in each server? Do they not see what goes on or are they part of the problem? Making a char just to kill a certain type of boss is **, as all types should have a chance to kill as they did originally. When snowman boss first started many could kill, either solo or in parties, but now only those that are scion rogues with blade dance can kill. That is just totally wrong and if those in r2 can not see that then something is wrong with them as well.


                • #9
                  I agree with you Skyvara...but on my server 2 knights are farming the snowman , while the rest of the server watching it.. I'm the 2nd on the server as power , Eido ranger 150 ..and i'm not able to hit any of the snowman's just sad..
                  What the other ppl can do about this ? I mean priests, mages, rangers?? NOTHING!!
                  Just watch how those 2 guys are getting rich with all the loot..
                  Just sad..the ***** up with this "fix" they say.. Dammit!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Skyvara View Post
                    Why do we need proof when they should know what goes on in their games? Do they not have mods in each server? Do they not see what goes on or are they part of the problem? Making a char just to kill a certain type of boss is **, as all types should have a chance to kill as they did originally. When snowman boss first started many could kill, either solo or in parties, but now only those that are scion rogues with blade dance can kill. That is just totally wrong and if those in r2 can not see that then something is wrong with them as well.
                    Okay, first, there are not mods in every server. You have mods on the forums. We are here to help you, but there is no where near enough of us to police the actions of every player in every server. Thanks.

                    Second, I killed snowmen with no problem on my main, that is a priest (Eido 115) where my in game husband had issues, (150 Eido Knight)
                    Every single day there is someone saying that another class besides their own can kill the snowmen. But I have watched high level rogues hit them over and over and over, while a ranger walks by and one hits. Then the next snowman is different. My frost took out the few that I killed, but my husbands frost missed. Obviously, whatever the problem is, the snowmen are not really being discriminatory.

                    If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


                    • #11
                      the snowmen are not really being discriminatory.
                      Can you prove that?


                      • #12
                        The snowmen were fine before, but have been made harder to kill. Why is that? Why were they changed from how they were for that past week where most everyone had an equal chance to kill, even parties of lower lvl mortals? I am a high lvl rogue myself and was able to kill last week but not now. So why the change so that only a very few are able to kill? I want to know the reasoning behind that if there truly was any reasoning at all? It was taken from being a fair event where many could share in the loot to one where only a select few can benefit? It just goes to show how little r2 seems to think of the majority of the people in some of the events they come out with.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
                          hes not OP .... he is normal toon ... and he kill the snowmen in 3 hits
                          guys your game is glitched to hell .
                          his name warwick s63 is rabish ... i doubt they will answer to a ticket so i made this up
                          hello FRIEND

                          I have a rouge Porpuratos in s66 and Ryckyus in s44 and they are best of the best


                          • #14
                            Warwick has blade dance case closed.
                            I have blade dance i kill each snowman in 12 seconds
                            -S63 shadow
                            Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                            I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                            I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Skyvara View Post
                              Why do we need proof when they should know what goes on in their games? Do they not have mods in each server? Do they not see what goes on or are they part of the problem? Making a char just to kill a certain type of boss is **, as all types should have a chance to kill as they did originally. When snowman boss first started many could kill, either solo or in parties, but now only those that are scion rogues with blade dance can kill. That is just totally wrong and if those in r2 can not see that then something is wrong with them as well.
                              We don't have Mods in every servers. There are only three active Crystal Saga Moderators that play while the rest are other games.
                              In my servers, I haven't seen anyone do these things which is why I'm a little "uneducated" regarding the discussion at hand.
                              If I was given any proof, I can proceed. I'm busy in both real life and the forums most of the time, so I do not pay too much attention in-game.
                              The King doesn't fall so easily boys

