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  • laggy

    Hey guys,
    In Crystal Ladder when i enter it and pass lvl 1 it says connecting to server so i wait and then it takes ages like an hour so i have to refresh the page and then it takes me out of Crystal Ladder and takes me back to Tree of Life. Sometimes when it happens and when i log back on i dont get sent out but it happens alot and then i end up coming out of Crystal ladder just when i finish lvl 1 or 2.
    Is it because my laptops too slow???

  • #2
    about crystal ladder...if u are dc-ed while the rest of party members are still there and when u relog u will be in ladder...but if u solo u will be sent back in ToL...and yes...if ur laptop its slow and net connection too try to get a better laptop and change ur net provider...hope this info to help u
    Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
    IGN: LaurTheBoss
    Class: Ranger
    Level: 4X
    Guild: (S24)DragonOfFate
    Server: (S29) The Molten Highlands
    Honor Rank: Archduke
    Pet: Super Angel GEN2, Super Demon and some more
    Plane: Eidolon


    • #3
      thank you and i will try your advice


      • #4
        Do everything that you can to reduce lag. Close everything that you have running, besides the browser window that you have running your character. Try opening your task manager (if you are running windows 7 or windows 8 windows vista, you can do this by right clicking on your task bar and selecting "start task manager", if you are running xp, I believe you have to push ctrl+alt+del but do not quote me on that one) close just about anything that is not labeled as system, or close anything that you know you do not need. Also, checking what problems are on your startup menu would be beneficial. To find what is running on your startup, on windows 7, windows 8, or vista open your start menu, and in the search bar type in msconfig and hit enter. Click the startup tab in the box that pops up, and disabl any program that you do not use right when your computer starts. I personally have nothing on my startup outside of my antivirus protection.

        It could be your computer if it is really old. But before that I would see if maybe you have a very slow internet package through your service provider. Sometimes just purchasing more bandwidth from your provider is easier and cheaper than upgrading your computer.

        Also you should set your browser to being a high priority program.

        Then you should try to ladder in non peak hours. Do it in a time when it seems that there are not a whole lot of people logged into the game. Also try not to start your ladder on L1 since it tends to be more laggy. And before you start ladder restart your computer.

        Then like was already suggested, make sure that when you have a loading problem, you are with a party that will wait for you. So if you get stuck they do not move on and it will allow you time to refresh your browser and relog your character. As long as at least one party member stays and waits (usually the person, not the leader, with the least amount of lag, if there is someone that is lagging or having loading issues) until everyone else makes it to the next floor, then you should be good.

        Hope that this helps.

        If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


        • #5
          me too always lag..since im using nebook

          :o Merp <3 Java :o

          I love you not because of anything you have,
          but because of something that I feel when I’m near you
          - JavaMerp -


          • #6
            i think the gms should look for the bug of ladder and fix it. i remember that it wasnt laggy at all in 2011 and 2012
            if you have a Problem send a ticket


            • #7
              how to retrieve my CHARACTER (lil.zego1) ,, cause i change my log-in password and i forgot it. please help to get back my character ,, thank you


              serverS61)Empyrean Acropolis
              class: knight
              honor rank: arcduke
              plane: scion lvl 84


              • #8
                Thanks BlazingAngel i will follow your advice and hope it helps me

