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Gm please make a 2x dungeon event after the maintenance please?

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  • Gm please make a 2x dungeon event after the maintenance please?

    Gm please make a 2x dungeon event after the maintenance please?

  • #2
    FS or Shining gems event for new


    • #3
      It wasn't long time ago we had a event like that, so it's not much likely we will get one anytime soon.
      There will be other events, such as ones were we will need to plant seeds and such...
      Pretty much the normal order and for the second poster.... FS event? Bahh.. you are simply too lazy to make them on your own, which aren't hard at all if you only do your normal dungeon runs.
      Server: (S45)Exenden Realm
      Name: Lunaria
      Class: Fire Mage
      Plane: Eidolon
      Level: 125+
      Guild: TheDarkness (Leader)
      Honor Rank: Emperor
      Mount: Super Jiyaori
      Wings: Ultimate Demon Lord +5
      Weapon: Perfect Fragarach Orb II +8 (Fused with lvl 121 orb)
      Husband: (S50)Buldozeris00
      Pet: Guardian Angel +13, Emperor Demon +13, Super Angel +13, Ultrasaurus Rex +13, Dragon Boxer +13, Fire Lord + Morphed Phoenix

      “It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.” ― Anton Szandor LaVey


      • #4
        i want the treasure key event -.-
        Server - S53 Exelow Hollows
        Char - Rohbean
        Class - Knight balance (called it Bear Knight)
        Level - Eido 120++
        Rank - Squire XD
        Guild - VATICAN XVI
        Pet - Firelord Gen1 ..... Demon King Gen 3
        Mount - Gryphon
        Sperion - Supr Immortal Def Max lvl Gem lvl 5 -_-lll
        Beast Soul - Tiger

        Silent Player FTW


        • #5
          please Gm make a card for phillipines


          • #6
            Originally posted by infernalroar View Post
            please Gm make a card for phillipines
            ******* selfish *****, you wanting something for only your country 'cause you're so ******* awesome?
            Stalkers OP.

            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


            • #7
              Whooo whooo calm down he didnt say anything for you to jump on him like that 0_0.

              Edit: Sorry i forgot to press the reply button twice lol
              Last edited by theifkid; 01-09-2014, 11:04 AM.
              if you have a Problem send a ticket

