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will there be another Gmutt event??? or other cool events like in the old days?

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  • will there be another Gmutt event??? or other cool events like in the old days?

    uhmmm just wondering if there will be another Gmutt or MC event like the old days???? and also Card exchange event? kinda missed it tho =(

  • #2
    patience my son xD
    Server: Psychodelica
    Level: 71+scion
    IGN: VisualKei
    Class: Priest

    Im Weak o.o


    • #3
      you guys need to shut up about the Gmut events... there's a permanent one...... you guys should make alts and level it up instead of whining on forums...


      • #4
        omg you can just get em at general krahn


        • #5
          they will be no more gmuts event if you always asking
          IGN: xSpade
          Server: zensho Island
          Class/Job: rogue


          • #6
            It has been asked a lot, patience young padawons. Use this time to save up for the next one or level up to Eidolon.
            Lil by lil my signature will become better.

            Ign: Sai
            Level: 130
            Class: Rogue
            Plane: Eidolon
            Honor: Emperor
            Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
            Guild: Rebels
            Pet: DemonKing


            • #7
              they should have different events for different servers nebulan ridge never had a gmut or mc event n eidoion event will only help a little bit of ppl


              • #8
                I think he wanted a GMUTT event, which is an event for gay dogs.
                Name: Blacktoade
                Server: (S5) Twilight Caverns
                Class: Ranger
                Pets: Bone Dragon
                Mounts: Alicorn


                • #9
                  GMUT event is for whiners. There's Mount Extravaganza, why should we revive that? It's too old school.


                  • #10
                    gaahh, because new servers never experienced it yet thats why we want it .


                    • #11
                      there is gmut and mc event, see mount and pet exravagansa
                      IGN: xSpade
                      Server: zensho Island
                      Class/Job: rogue


                      • #12
                        why does so many idiots here? there is a PERMANENT MOUNT EXTRAVAGANA. thats what they replace to.


                        • #13
                          u dont like gmutt events cause u already have hellwing.... you guys are selfish.... give chance to others...
                          Last edited by Stormaggedon; 09-07-2012, 12:17 AM. Reason: language


                          • #14
                            give chance to others.... ur so damn selfish.... try making a new character and make gorrila gryphon until hellwing using mount extravaganza.... noob....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rolltide222 View Post
                              you guys need to shut up about the Gmut events... there's a permanent one...... you guys should make alts and level it up instead of whining on forums...
                              Originally posted by orphen20 View Post
                              GMUT event is for whiners. There's Mount Extravaganza, why should we revive that? It's too old school.
                              you 2.. have you tried lvling an alt to 45? takes almost 1 week and you dont even get 1 try out of the gmuts it gives you, and on top of that, i did see alot of players whine how some good events always get farmed/exploited with alts, so making new lvl 45 alts will exploit the new comming events each week, so you guys are contradicting with the other ones saying people just exploit events that can be exploited using alts.. so mount extravaganza encouragez people to actually make alts and thus they will have ALOT OF THEM to exploit the events... and on top of that you dont care about others.. like the above players said new servers(altough im not from new server) didnt experience it yet and they want to... what are you saying to them.. just shut up? i got mine already so i dont want it anymore give me somethign else... greedy people.
                              -sorry for the use of the word exploit so many times but i wanted to point it out.

                              for the rest, just wait patiently and see if they bring it back or not... just wish they wouldnt take so long :\ and if they really wont put it back up at least they should make a thread saying that! to not make people like those who "comment" about gmut exchange talk about it anymore and see what happens!

