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Is this a glitch?

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  • Is this a glitch?

    Okay now this has really been getting me annoyed.

    So I am not new to Crystal Saga. I used to play the game with some friends before we all stopped. Just recently I have decided to start playing again and at first it was really fun. It was nice to get back into the old swing of things, so when I logged off when I had my fill for the day I was not worried at all. Now for the past three days every time I log on it sometimes does not remember the character I made and I have to start from the beginning all over again. At first I thought that this was a one time glitch and decided to ignore it. I played the game and I got really far on the second day. In fact I was able to reach level 23 in little to no time. Once again I had my fill for the day. That was Saturday. Now it is Monday and I have not played the game in about a day but I now have to start from scratch all over again.

    This has been really annoying and fairly distracting! How can I enjoy playing the game when I have to go through the same tutorial over and over and over again. This has been taking away the fun for me and has been only been making me upset and angry. Can someone please tell me what is going on? Is it some glitch? Or do I have to get to a certain point in the game where I can save everything. The thing is about the game is that sometimes it remembers my progress and other times t completely resets. Do I have to stay on the same sever all the time? I just really want to know because it was not like this the last time I played this game.

  • #2
    Are you playing on the new server? Because I've seen a couple threads relating to similar issues where the players' character isn't listed (when purchasing crystals to be exact). No matter, it's definitely an issue for the game not to save your progress...I highly suggest filing a support ticket to get this sorted out in the event that it may be happening to other users as well.


    • #3
      You can not move your character from server to server. Once you make a character you can only access it on the server it was created. If you can't remember the server you were on, the site keeps track of the last server you logged into. It should appear in yellow right below your user name next to "play now". Click it as a shortcut instead of having to find your server in the list. Hope this helps.
      S63 Hellstorm
      Info: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


      • #4
        Originally posted by KitN_Bloodwell View Post
        You can not move your character from server to server. Once you make a character you can only access it on the server it was created. If you can't remember the server you were on, the site keeps track of the last server you logged into. It should appear in yellow right below your user name next to "play now". Click it as a shortcut instead of having to find your server in the list. Hope this helps.
        hey kitty if you remember me back on our guild â™*Aceâ™* with J ,,,, im Erzascarlet


        • #5
          check the server sir...i suggest that
          IGN: FRiTZKiE008
          Server:Sukemo Bluff
          Pet:+13 SD,SA,BB,Teeka
          Guild:J2 Immortals
          Plane:Scion ☣
          Mount:Battle Bear(Slowly Getting My GT im @ 6stars and half haha)
          Class:Rogue Shadow
          Wings:Angel Wings +1

          Just Enjoy The Game No matter what happens
          MOVE ON !! Lets Enjoy The life

          Don't Quit Just REST !

