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Mage Knight or Rouge???

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  • Mage Knight or Rouge???

    Hey guys right now im not sure what class i should choose i have a lvl 30 mage knight and rouge i dont know what i should choose out of all of them because i want a character thats a really good dps. im not sure what i should choose can someone help???

  • #2
    Knight= tanker +dps
    mage= can be both
    Rouge=Pure DPS with high crit
    It's important to make people happy, but you got to start by yourself


    • #3
      oh ok thx


      • #4
        rouge is hands down the best for DPS.
        One for all, All for One! We Are Strong, We Are One! We Are Nemesis!!!

        Server- (S38) Shrine of Ariel
        Class- Hybrid Pure Int Priest
        Level- 46+ Scion
        Pets- Super Angel, Ultrasaurus Rex
        Wings- Angel Lord


        • #5
          i'll go for ranger


          • #6
            knight is the only class that can max out damage reduction. mage has a useful aoe stun and aoe's and can have an extra 20% PRD and rogue is an easy dps class crit rate and crit damage are both easy to OP, crit rating will be 100%+ without any effort. Mage also has some okay crit damage.

            Ranger however!...(Better not go there) lol

            Originally posted by psjude View Post
            i'll go for ranger
            This guy knows how it is Click image for larger version

Name:	#30.gif
Views:	3
Size:	2.3 KB
ID:	1688538
            Last edited by wildcard03; 05-30-2014, 11:33 PM.


            • #7
              As long as there is a purg BUG , and R2 didn't fix it yet since 1 years of its occurring,,, Knights are OP... and Mages also .... if u decided to cash u will waste your money . and what is BUFF purging?
              simply a trick u can use to instant remove the (rogue STUNS, priests (ROOT TRAPS), rangers (SLEEP TRAPS AND ROOT). The bug has been reported by me countless times ... and no one even bothered to fix it.


              • #8
                I have a level 84 scion rogue (Stealther) and a level 150 Eidiolon Rogue (Nayana) Both of which hit Op. Nayana hits for 250k patk and dodge of 119% crit of 135% Stealth hits for 29k and dodge of 122% crit of 95% these stats are unbuffed our arch nemesis are the knights, because they can throw angoric and make us useless, Mages can just ice cube up also making both classes useless. so in the end its up to you to decide

                I am the nightmare that creeps into ur room and scares u at night


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dubx5 View Post
                  I have a level 84 scion rogue (Stealther) and a level 150 Eidiolon Rogue (Nayana) Both of which hit Op. Nayana hits for 250k patk and dodge of 119% crit of 135% Stealth hits for 29k and dodge of 122% crit of 95% these stats are unbuffed our arch nemesis are the knights, because they can throw angoric and make us useless, Mages can just ice cube up also making both classes useless. so in the end its up to you to decide

                  if they fix the purg bug , everything will go back normal ... your stun will start give 5 seconds ,,, rather they do the trick and remove your stun and make that ice crystal ,,,, dude don't u get it ?


                  • #10
                    idk i just farm for dc and gems and keep upgrading
                    I am the nightmare that creeps into ur room and scares u at night


                    • #11
                      Well if you called it a rogue, that would be good for starters their are no rouges in this game.


                      • #12
                        i also submitted dozens of tickets with videos on how they are doing it ,,, and tutorial on how to do it ... its a bug .. but they don't even care


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MMandeville View Post
                          Well if you called it a rogue, that would be good for starters their are no rouges in this game.

                          Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
                          i also submitted dozens of tickets with videos on how they are doing it ,,, and tutorial on how to do it ... its a bug .. but they don't even care
                          They should also remove the mage bug then. lol


                          Knights are weak, mages are okay, but weak too.
                          The 2 OP classes are priests and rogues.

                          I'd always go for rogue.

