
There are four kinds of pets in Crystal Saga: ordinary pets, baby pets, morphed pets, and purchasable pets
Ordinary Pets: Like Bear Cubs, Archer, Vulture, Beach Crawler
Baby Pets: T̶H̶E̶Y̶ ̶A̶R̶E̶ ̶S̶M̶A̶L̶L̶ Baby pets are pets that start on level 1 like the image below;

Morphed Pets: Morphed pets have higher chances to learn new abilities as well as chances to learn special abilities; they generally have high maturity and aptitude levels. Bear Cub to Morphed Bear Cub (See the image below)
You can Morph them by clicking at the MORPH

To morph your pet you will need MORPH CRYSTAL

Info: The gender of a pet affects nothing
If you morph (Successful morph) your pet, your pet will be reset to level one/1.
If you failed your morph, you will receive a Lucky Stars:

Purchasable pets: Like Baby Nymph and Pen Guin
Purchasable pets are pets you can buy from Fate Shop by xtals (Crystals).

(Extra) Pets that come out by hatching the egg: Like Teeka, Baby Angel, Baby Demon, Fire Lord. (These can be called purchasable pets too
Because you can also purchase it in the fate shop.)
Some of these pets are in Dragon Spin. Play the Dragon Spin to win the egg!

I hatched the pet, how come it didn't pop out?: If your pet didn't came out. It must be failed to hatch. Pets have chances to hatch. If the egg is VERY RARE to hatch like Fire Lord Egg, you can hatch the pet 100+ times to get it. (Some people are lucky to hatch! It depends on your luck). If it is a successful hatch. You will be announced in the World Chat.
Summoning Pets:
You need to click 'Summon' To summon the pet.

It didn't show up? Maybe your pet has a low loyal? The pets will not spawn if the Loyal is 5 (Or lower). Every time you or your pet dies, their Loyal lowers by 5.
Leveling Up/Training Pets.
Pets can only obtain experience if they enter battle and assist with killing a monster. Pets will not gain experience if the monster is ten levels above or below their level. The smaller the level gap, the larger the experience gain. Every level gained by a pet will allow its owner to allocate several attribute points. Also pets can gain experience even if they are not fighting. If set to 'follow' mode in which the pet just follows its owner and does not assist in attacking it still gains experience.

There are several different types of pets. The type of the pet will indicate the sort of boost a pet obtains every level.
Offensive (Physical): Receives a strength boost.
Offensive (Magical): Receives a intellect boost.
Defensive: Receives an endurance boost.
Support: Receives an endurance and intellect boost.
Agility: Receives an agility boost.
Balanced: Receives a(n) _ boost.

First Pet/Taming Pets
When you are level 10 or 11. You will have a Main Quest to capture a pet. You need to go to the Beastmaster

and go to the Monster Island you want to enter
AND you need to buy Pet Taming Scroll from Monster Island Trader.

Next, select the pet you want. (AHEM! The pet must be the same level as the scroll. Level 10 Bear Cub -> Only works on Pet Taming Scroll Level 10)
Then double click/click the taming scroll.
What? You didn't get the pet?: Maybe you failed to tame it? If you failed this will appear (Look at image below)

The pet have chance to get. The lower the HP, the more chance you can get the pet.
Pet Tab: The pet tab can be opened using the 'x' key on the keyboard or by clicking on the pet button located at the left side of the screen between the character and mount buttons. In the pet tab, players can see their pets stats
Name: Your pet's name. Click "Rename" to give it a new name.
Level: Your pet's current level. Click "Rebirth" to reset it to level 1.
Class: His official name and class. Click "Morph" to turn it into a higher class.
Gender: Male or Female. (The gender can be changed by using a gamma scapel. Gamma scapels are available for 750 crystals in the item shop.)
Loyal: Every time you or your pet dies, their Loyal lowers by 5. Once their Loyal is lower than 10, you will not be able to summon this pet anymore unless you feed it with Growth Food .
Life: Once you summoned a pet, it will lose 2 Life Points per minute.
Maturity: The higher their Maturity is, the more status points your pet will receive each level.
Race/Resi/Para: A special "Race" will receive a bonus (due to the "Para") when attacking "Resi".
Absorb: When you get attacked, _% of the damage will be absorbed by your pet.
On the top of Pet window there is a slot where you keep your pets. First, you will only have 3 slots without using Pet Slot Expander

using the pet slot expander will add 1 slot. You can buy the scroll for 350 Crystals on the Fate Shop
Breeding Pets
Pet Level: Both pets must reach level 80.
Pet Gender: Primary pet and secondary pet must be different genders.
Pet Generation: Both pets must be the same generation.
Aptitude Transfer
The higher the aptitude on your secondary pet, the higher aptitude your primary may receive. Use Pet Enhance to receive higher aptitudes (see Enhancement)
The more Pet Breeding Stones you use, the higher the transfer rate - 30% is the maximum transfer rate.
Note: Once the transfer rate reaches 30%, adding additional Breeding Stones will NOT further increase the transfer rate. Your Breeding Stone will still be consumed, however!
Breeding Effect
Once the breeding is successful, the secondary's pet aptitude and maturity will be multiplied by the transfer rate then added to the primary pet's aptitude and maturity. Once the breeding is successful, the pet will be set to level 1. The attributes, except for the aptitude and maturity, and the skills will be the same as the primary pet. The new pet aptitude = Primary pet aptitude + (Secondary pet aptitude x transfer rate) The new pet maturity = Primary pet maturity + (Secondary pet maturity x transfer rate)
Breeding Success Rate

The breed success rate is the highest when the two pets are the same. The breed success rate is the lowest when the two pets are different and the types are also different. Normally the secondary pet will disappear after the breeding, regardless if the breed was successful or not. In order to prevent the disappearance of the secondary pet when the failed breeding, a Breeding Insurance Token may be used.

Breeding Insurance Token is 195 Crystals in the Fate Shop, you can buy from other players too.
Pet Enhance
Pet Enhancement is a system that allows you increase your pet’s aptitude. To make a pet stronger.
Your next-generation pet will have more aptitude.
Click the Enhance button in the Pet Panel. Next, click the Enhance button in the Pet Enhancement Panel. Requires Maturity Stone.
Maturity Stone cost 45 Crystals in the Fate Shop

Pet Equipment:
These are classified into 3 levels, 30, 60, 80, 100, and 120. Pet equipment is the same as normal equipment, it can be enchanted and found in various degrees of "rarity", no colour, green, blue. yellow, or purple. There are 4 pieces of equipment a pet can wear, the weapon, chestplate, ring and vitalion.
These are some of the pet equipment

To enchant your pet equipment you need to use one of these

and go to enchant

Insert the equipment you want to enchant and also the enchantment crystal.
'Click enchant'.

Each pet has a 2% chance of learning a skill each level. Some of these skills may only be learned by special pets. Pet skills can be enhanced to level 2 by using a book, for level 3 and 4 you need to synthesize the skill books. Level 2 skill books can be purchased from other players or received from the Wishing Well. The Skill Type is for when you are synthesizing books, it's the category that skill will be found under. For whatever reason some skills have two names, one for the book and one for the skill.
Upgrading Skill

To upgrade this skill you will be needing a Quick Attack Lvl.2 Book

Summon the pet that you wanted to upgrade it's skill

The double click the book. Done!

Type of skills:

Thanks for reading this guide!
Sorry if my english is bad or I left something...( My bad -_-;; )
There are four kinds of pets in Crystal Saga: ordinary pets, baby pets, morphed pets, and purchasable pets
Ordinary Pets: Like Bear Cubs, Archer, Vulture, Beach Crawler
Baby Pets: T̶H̶E̶Y̶ ̶A̶R̶E̶ ̶S̶M̶A̶L̶L̶ Baby pets are pets that start on level 1 like the image below;
Morphed Pets: Morphed pets have higher chances to learn new abilities as well as chances to learn special abilities; they generally have high maturity and aptitude levels. Bear Cub to Morphed Bear Cub (See the image below)
You can Morph them by clicking at the MORPH
To morph your pet you will need MORPH CRYSTAL
Info: The gender of a pet affects nothing
If you morph (Successful morph) your pet, your pet will be reset to level one/1.
If you failed your morph, you will receive a Lucky Stars:
Purchasable pets: Like Baby Nymph and Pen Guin
Purchasable pets are pets you can buy from Fate Shop by xtals (Crystals).
(Extra) Pets that come out by hatching the egg: Like Teeka, Baby Angel, Baby Demon, Fire Lord. (These can be called purchasable pets too

Some of these pets are in Dragon Spin. Play the Dragon Spin to win the egg!
I hatched the pet, how come it didn't pop out?: If your pet didn't came out. It must be failed to hatch. Pets have chances to hatch. If the egg is VERY RARE to hatch like Fire Lord Egg, you can hatch the pet 100+ times to get it. (Some people are lucky to hatch! It depends on your luck). If it is a successful hatch. You will be announced in the World Chat.
Summoning Pets:
You need to click 'Summon' To summon the pet.
It didn't show up? Maybe your pet has a low loyal? The pets will not spawn if the Loyal is 5 (Or lower). Every time you or your pet dies, their Loyal lowers by 5.
Leveling Up/Training Pets.
Pets can only obtain experience if they enter battle and assist with killing a monster. Pets will not gain experience if the monster is ten levels above or below their level. The smaller the level gap, the larger the experience gain. Every level gained by a pet will allow its owner to allocate several attribute points. Also pets can gain experience even if they are not fighting. If set to 'follow' mode in which the pet just follows its owner and does not assist in attacking it still gains experience.
There are several different types of pets. The type of the pet will indicate the sort of boost a pet obtains every level.
Offensive (Physical): Receives a strength boost.
Offensive (Magical): Receives a intellect boost.
Defensive: Receives an endurance boost.
Support: Receives an endurance and intellect boost.
Agility: Receives an agility boost.
Balanced: Receives a(n) _ boost.
First Pet/Taming Pets
When you are level 10 or 11. You will have a Main Quest to capture a pet. You need to go to the Beastmaster
and go to the Monster Island you want to enter
AND you need to buy Pet Taming Scroll from Monster Island Trader.
Next, select the pet you want. (AHEM! The pet must be the same level as the scroll. Level 10 Bear Cub -> Only works on Pet Taming Scroll Level 10)
Then double click/click the taming scroll.
What? You didn't get the pet?: Maybe you failed to tame it? If you failed this will appear (Look at image below)
The pet have chance to get. The lower the HP, the more chance you can get the pet.
Pet Tab: The pet tab can be opened using the 'x' key on the keyboard or by clicking on the pet button located at the left side of the screen between the character and mount buttons. In the pet tab, players can see their pets stats
Name: Your pet's name. Click "Rename" to give it a new name.
Level: Your pet's current level. Click "Rebirth" to reset it to level 1.
Class: His official name and class. Click "Morph" to turn it into a higher class.
Gender: Male or Female. (The gender can be changed by using a gamma scapel. Gamma scapels are available for 750 crystals in the item shop.)
Loyal: Every time you or your pet dies, their Loyal lowers by 5. Once their Loyal is lower than 10, you will not be able to summon this pet anymore unless you feed it with Growth Food .
Life: Once you summoned a pet, it will lose 2 Life Points per minute.
Maturity: The higher their Maturity is, the more status points your pet will receive each level.
Race/Resi/Para: A special "Race" will receive a bonus (due to the "Para") when attacking "Resi".
Absorb: When you get attacked, _% of the damage will be absorbed by your pet.
On the top of Pet window there is a slot where you keep your pets. First, you will only have 3 slots without using Pet Slot Expander
using the pet slot expander will add 1 slot. You can buy the scroll for 350 Crystals on the Fate Shop
Breeding Pets
Pet Level: Both pets must reach level 80.
Pet Gender: Primary pet and secondary pet must be different genders.
Pet Generation: Both pets must be the same generation.
Aptitude Transfer
The higher the aptitude on your secondary pet, the higher aptitude your primary may receive. Use Pet Enhance to receive higher aptitudes (see Enhancement)
The more Pet Breeding Stones you use, the higher the transfer rate - 30% is the maximum transfer rate.
Note: Once the transfer rate reaches 30%, adding additional Breeding Stones will NOT further increase the transfer rate. Your Breeding Stone will still be consumed, however!
Breeding Effect
Once the breeding is successful, the secondary's pet aptitude and maturity will be multiplied by the transfer rate then added to the primary pet's aptitude and maturity. Once the breeding is successful, the pet will be set to level 1. The attributes, except for the aptitude and maturity, and the skills will be the same as the primary pet. The new pet aptitude = Primary pet aptitude + (Secondary pet aptitude x transfer rate) The new pet maturity = Primary pet maturity + (Secondary pet maturity x transfer rate)
Breeding Success Rate
The breed success rate is the highest when the two pets are the same. The breed success rate is the lowest when the two pets are different and the types are also different. Normally the secondary pet will disappear after the breeding, regardless if the breed was successful or not. In order to prevent the disappearance of the secondary pet when the failed breeding, a Breeding Insurance Token may be used.
Breeding Insurance Token is 195 Crystals in the Fate Shop, you can buy from other players too.
Pet Enhance
Pet Enhancement is a system that allows you increase your pet’s aptitude. To make a pet stronger.
Your next-generation pet will have more aptitude.
Click the Enhance button in the Pet Panel. Next, click the Enhance button in the Pet Enhancement Panel. Requires Maturity Stone.
Maturity Stone cost 45 Crystals in the Fate Shop
Pet Equipment:
These are classified into 3 levels, 30, 60, 80, 100, and 120. Pet equipment is the same as normal equipment, it can be enchanted and found in various degrees of "rarity", no colour, green, blue. yellow, or purple. There are 4 pieces of equipment a pet can wear, the weapon, chestplate, ring and vitalion.
These are some of the pet equipment
To enchant your pet equipment you need to use one of these
and go to enchant
Insert the equipment you want to enchant and also the enchantment crystal.
'Click enchant'.
Each pet has a 2% chance of learning a skill each level. Some of these skills may only be learned by special pets. Pet skills can be enhanced to level 2 by using a book, for level 3 and 4 you need to synthesize the skill books. Level 2 skill books can be purchased from other players or received from the Wishing Well. The Skill Type is for when you are synthesizing books, it's the category that skill will be found under. For whatever reason some skills have two names, one for the book and one for the skill.
Upgrading Skill
To upgrade this skill you will be needing a Quick Attack Lvl.2 Book
Summon the pet that you wanted to upgrade it's skill
The double click the book. Done!
Type of skills:
Thanks for reading this guide!
