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Paganator title

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  • Paganator title

    I know this is the most stupid thing ever, and I'm bored, but is it really Paganator or is there a grammar error???
    IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
    Class: Mage
    :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
    Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


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  • #2
    "Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic") is a blanket term, typically used to refer to religious traditions which are polytheistic or indigenous.

    It is primarily used in a historical context, referring to Greco-Roman polytheism as well as the polytheistic traditions of Europe and North Africa before Christianization. In a wider sense, extended to contemporary religions, it includes most of the Eastern religions and the indigenous traditions of the Americas, Central Asia, Australia and Africa; as well as non-Abrahamic folk religion in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of Pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology, which informs religious practice."

    So what about it? How do you think it has a grammatical error?

    ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

    This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious


    • #3
      oh thanks so much for the info.. =)
      IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
      Class: Mage
      :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
      Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


      Scam Prevention -


      • #4
        I actually think the actual 'title' is quite a clever play on words. To gain the title, you need to collect 99 'pages' (3 pages total, 99 of each) for a 'holy book'. So I've always read it as 'page' '..anator' (like gladiator of pages), but never thought the 'holy book' mentioned could possibly be 'Pagan'. Interesting lol
        Last edited by R22891362; 09-27-2012, 04:42 AM. Reason: added explanation
        Play too many games.. a few know me as Liberti, others know me as Squishy... lets stick with that


        • #5
          In short Paganism is anybody that isn't Christian (Or was that Roman Catholic?).
          I believe (technically the word) started from The Roman Emperor Constantine, when he saw a light that looks like a cross. Then when he went to war with his men's shields having a cross symbol on it and they won. Pretty soon they went "convert everybody into Christian" crazy aaaaaand... Anybody not one is a pagan or practices paganism. (Sorry if I bored y'all).

          Well Crystal Saga has a religion (in-game), about the Goddess Fate right?
          Erm. I lack info about the history and whatnot of the game but I don't know why the holy books give you the title "Paganator" instead of something like "The Pious" or etc.

          I just broke one of the internet rules... Never speak about religion @_@

          ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

          This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious

