1st type:/Coordinates space 2
Example:/[Starglade(X:149 Y:66)] 2 then Enter
"the code will apear in the chat box"
2nd Copy and paste the code [remove the slash and 2]
3rd delete "Starglade(X:149]:Y:66)" dont delete [^]
Example: [a^^4784,2112@b2]
4th Now you can edit the cordinates
Example:[a^WTS>Shining gems^4784,2112@b2]
"You can Put any thing in the middle of [^example^]"
Any one who click that will go on the [a^Starglade(X:149]:Y:66)^4784,2112@b2] but different Name
Im buying HWs Example:[a^WTB>HWx1.5k 40s each ^4784,2112@b2] L1
They asking me how to do that so i put guide
But im not English speaking sorry for my bad english
Example:/[Starglade(X:149 Y:66)] 2 then Enter
"the code will apear in the chat box"
2nd Copy and paste the code [remove the slash and 2]
3rd delete "Starglade(X:149]:Y:66)" dont delete [^]
Example: [a^^4784,2112@b2]
4th Now you can edit the cordinates
Example:[a^WTS>Shining gems^4784,2112@b2]
"You can Put any thing in the middle of [^example^]"
Any one who click that will go on the [a^Starglade(X:149]:Y:66)^4784,2112@b2] but different Name
Im buying HWs Example:[a^WTB>HWx1.5k 40s each ^4784,2112@b2] L1
They asking me how to do that so i put guide
But im not English speaking sorry for my bad english