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[help]ice mage

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  • [help]ice mage

    hi guyz i know that this thread is reserchable but coz there are many ice mage guide but the skills differ from each others

    so could u give me or link a guide about ice mage w/ build,set of armor, leveling guide
    ty if u answer nice

  • #2
    class: knight
    Server S1
    Be Nice To The Ones Who Smoke.. Every Cigarette Might Be Their Last..!


    • #3
      ^from a old guild mate
      ^needs slightly touched up, should convert bliz to improve bliz no matter if mortal or scion. you get a free SOT at lv 50's area to reset skills. they generally don't cost too much to buy from ppl in private shops.
      you'll want to get fragarach weapon for frost buff and nice class bonus's. also ice soul is nice to invest into because it will later help boost some of heart souls bonus's. +it'll raise your dmg reduc then you could even snag some of the advantage node for more Matk.
      if you want to level faster you should take a slightly hybrid class, but that really depends on your goal an how you play. those should give a decent idea on a good build tho
      flame shield doesn't give as much of a advantage as frost shield does, i'd say just go for lv 1 flame shield lv 1-3 blink at low levels. eventually once your higher level or scion + you'll have a bit more wiggle room to have a variety of the skills easily
      Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-27-2012, 05:06 AM.


      • #4
        that is all so far the WORST guides i have ever seen... try this guide
        IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
        Class: Mage
        :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
        Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


        Scam Prevention -


        • #5
          Originally posted by Supervoltage1234 View Post
          that is all so far the WORST guides i have ever seen... try this guide
          slightly neater format but still says pretty much the same thing. except its from a lv 80 perspective. an also mentions same thing i did except i evolved on how to fix it.
          A brief overview of stat builds.
          I went full INT, the damage is crazy good and i have mediocre equips,
          however you'll suffer from horrible HP and will die alot at bosses if you get hit.
          From personal experience i'd say to be a mix of INT and Endurance, enough END to give you comfortable HP and defense
          especially if you have plans for PvP later on.
          soul does amazing things. was able to solo vault NM as a nub scion w out a priest an only wee bit of soul in right places to make up for classes downfalls
          they asked for leveling guides as well, so i'm gathering they are fairly new at this and not a lv the end these guides are just opinions about which is good that might not work best for their playing style. my vote would be to read around an get the feel for what they like. never said these guides were the best, and even that guide is far outdated now w new content that came out recently like rebirth+next rebirth


          • #6
            ty guyz

