ahem, my name is chemist. hello there -waves- \(^.^) Now i know there are some pet guides out there. We all know where to get pets and how to get them. Since there is a quest where you must tame a pet. We also know that there are different isles and a variety of pets. Today i am here to help you get a decent pet for you to go adventuring with until you either get a better pet via events or purchase one from the Item Shop. so here goes-
Pet Guide For Beginners
First of all the pet i would like to recommend is the bear cub. now you might be like, gee chemist i had no idea. i mean its the first freaking pet available and also one of the only choices for me to tame during the main quest!

I hear you and i understand. however, the bear cub is a defensive pet. which is always good! although pets do help you in battle by dealing damage and with the various skills that it may learn, one of the most helpful things about pets is the fact that they absorb some of the damage that is dealt to you. which is really darn good! especially when you are starting out. the problem is that pets often die from lack of hp/defense. which would be pretty bad inside of a dungeon. I like the bear cub because it has a darn good chance to learn the skills Charm and Purification

Ill let you in on a secret technique! its called stun-lock. This technique is very helpful although it takes some time to get used to it and it requires pets with the right skills. The point of stun-lock is to keep the target constantly stunned or charmed so that it may only attack you once or twice per switch of your pet. For example. the charm skill at level 1 prevents the target from attacking or using any skills for 4 seconds. awesome right?! well imagine if you had two pets with charm, thats 8 seconds that the target would not be able to attack for. keep in mind that there is a cool down period when switching pets. if you have only one pet with charm that is okay as well, unfortunately your pet will not constantly cast charm as soon as it becomes available. there is also the 1 minute cool down on the skill. to bypass that 1 minute cooldown you switch out your pet with another one. boom you just learned the secret technique - stun-lock. which will come in handy during your adventures. Purification is just as awesome! it cures any status ailments that have been cast on you. Neratul the second boss of Revenaults Vault has a debility buff which causes you to take damage after a certain amount of time. please see revenaults guide for beginners for more information. if your pet knows the skill purification that curse will be no problem!
There is one problem though.
there is no gaurantee that your pet will learn those exact skills or at least there affordable way to make a pet learn those skills. I also do not recommend spending any money or items on these pets. I still have the bear cub i started out with, it is now lvl 98. which should tell you how much i depended on that pet.

I recommend you tame a couple bear cubs and train them right there on that island. after a few levels the bear cubs should learn few skills, if they dont learn charm or fierce attack then you should delete them and tame another bear cub. also note that i went pretty much full endurance on my bear cub, and he served me well. Oh! before i forget there are two types of pets, well... thats not true there are many types. there are only two types of attacks though, they are either magic or physical. so if your pet has a magical basic attack then invest on intellect. strength will not make its attack stronger. the same goes for physical. invest in strength. intellect will not increase the damage it does! I wish you well on your journey brave adventurers!
- godspeed
Pet Guide For Beginners
First of all the pet i would like to recommend is the bear cub. now you might be like, gee chemist i had no idea. i mean its the first freaking pet available and also one of the only choices for me to tame during the main quest!
I hear you and i understand. however, the bear cub is a defensive pet. which is always good! although pets do help you in battle by dealing damage and with the various skills that it may learn, one of the most helpful things about pets is the fact that they absorb some of the damage that is dealt to you. which is really darn good! especially when you are starting out. the problem is that pets often die from lack of hp/defense. which would be pretty bad inside of a dungeon. I like the bear cub because it has a darn good chance to learn the skills Charm and Purification
Ill let you in on a secret technique! its called stun-lock. This technique is very helpful although it takes some time to get used to it and it requires pets with the right skills. The point of stun-lock is to keep the target constantly stunned or charmed so that it may only attack you once or twice per switch of your pet. For example. the charm skill at level 1 prevents the target from attacking or using any skills for 4 seconds. awesome right?! well imagine if you had two pets with charm, thats 8 seconds that the target would not be able to attack for. keep in mind that there is a cool down period when switching pets. if you have only one pet with charm that is okay as well, unfortunately your pet will not constantly cast charm as soon as it becomes available. there is also the 1 minute cool down on the skill. to bypass that 1 minute cooldown you switch out your pet with another one. boom you just learned the secret technique - stun-lock. which will come in handy during your adventures. Purification is just as awesome! it cures any status ailments that have been cast on you. Neratul the second boss of Revenaults Vault has a debility buff which causes you to take damage after a certain amount of time. please see revenaults guide for beginners for more information. if your pet knows the skill purification that curse will be no problem!
There is one problem though.

I recommend you tame a couple bear cubs and train them right there on that island. after a few levels the bear cubs should learn few skills, if they dont learn charm or fierce attack then you should delete them and tame another bear cub. also note that i went pretty much full endurance on my bear cub, and he served me well. Oh! before i forget there are two types of pets, well... thats not true there are many types. there are only two types of attacks though, they are either magic or physical. so if your pet has a magical basic attack then invest on intellect. strength will not make its attack stronger. the same goes for physical. invest in strength. intellect will not increase the damage it does! I wish you well on your journey brave adventurers!
- godspeed