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VOID for mages! (Bugged)

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  • VOID for mages! (Bugged)

    is it true that the mages passive scion skill can still work after they die? and if they bring priest with them to revive them then can reach lvl 20 in void dungeon so easy?

    consider it a bugged (guide for mages): P,S : some weak mage did post his links in high void lvls even max tenet ppl cannot reach their

    simply a mage with awakening thunder scion skill can go inside void and die , he should not revive in sg , all he need is just wait until his passive keep hitting the boss , until the boss dies , before the boss dying , he bring his priest from the lower L to his L ,,, so he can revive him after the boss dies

    ^__^ well played mages,

  • #2
    yes its true that the mage passive skill in question does continue after death, but for only a few seconds. so this whole thinking a mage could just die and kill the void floors after death just to be rezed for the next floor and die again is preposterous.
    (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
    server: Erie Marsh

    "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
    "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


    • #3
      thx for answering my concerns ,

      and i guess the battle buff will be renewed if the passive thunder made a hit... so if u die near a boss,,, is it possible that the hit keep going until the boss dies?


      • #4
        If I recall, rezing is disableld in void. That was the big thing when it was released


        • #5
          The res skill is not disabled in void. I am a priest and use my res skill in void all the time. No issues.

          If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


          • #6
            Interesting. So when it says we are forced to revive in Starglade, they are miscommunicating? Or just don't care?


            • #7
              Originally posted by MikelKW View Post
              Interesting. So when it says we are forced to revive in Starglade, they are miscommunicating? Or just don't care?
              That is an option. You don't need to really revive in Starglade. If someone resurrects you, then you will re-spawn there like a normal Resurrection.
              Originally posted by Dr.Q
              Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


              • #8
                kidsess is correct,,, if before the boss dying ,,, and priest climb up ,,, there is a shield for few seconds like 50 or 60 .... anyway by that time the boss dies... the priest just show up and revive u ... u can proceed up and do the same trick until u reach some good high void ,,, with weak mage...


                • #9
                  You do realize how illogical that sounds. If you were to die, get a passive strike, die, res, repeat. It would take you like 30 40 minutes to kill one boss. Not to mention how do you expect a level 50 mortal priest to survive by itself when everyone's dead? It'll die immediately. God gave you a brain. Please use it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KidSess View Post
                    That is an option. You don't need to really revive in Starglade. If someone resurrects you, then you will re-spawn there like a normal Resurrection.
                    Laughs when the screw up and the priest gets one shot by monsters
                    Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
                    kidsess is correct,,, if before the boss dying ,,, and priest climb up ,,, there is a shield for few seconds like 50 or 60 .... anyway by that time the boss dies... the priest just show up and revive u ... u can proceed up and do the same trick until u reach some good high void ,,, with weak mage...
                    I'm no expert on Mage, but that skill only activates when in battle, I don't think a weak Mage can put out enough bolts to kill a void monster. A strong Mage, sure. I've survived several bolts from mages, and I am by no means up to the stats of a void monster.


                    • #11
                      The thing is. He expects both a mage and a priest to he able to get very high in void with just using passive. Even on 11, where it attacks the whole map. Even on 12 13 14 where it splits. Sure. Why not stand there for hours til it kills the right Mob. Even on 15 where it summons a whole bunch of mobs, sure. Even on 16 where it splits into 4. By this time your armor and wep will be broken. So gg. I'd like to see zenzibar make a mage and try to pass it like this. The only way you'll get very far with just a passive is if you have like 450k attack. But by then you should just kill it like you would normally. I highly doubt this zenzibar guy even knows how to play.


                      • #12
                        Well isn't someone preoccupied with themselves Yoru....and you make this claim based off of one plausible misassumption? Well then, let's just assume that all turkeys are vicious and should go extinct just because one of them scratched my leg yesterday looking for food.

                        Or that you must never be nice, as you certainly aren't being nice now. Give his idea a chance. If it doesn't work, oh well. If it does, r2 will fix it soon anyway, so who actually cares?

                        Server ~ S10 Starglade~
                        Character ~ I'm never telling~
                        Guild ~ That would institute telling~
                        Class ~ You never learn, do you? ~


                        • #13
                          Turkeys must die because they scratched your leg. Early thanksgiving everybody!!!! R2- "fix all the things!!! Regardless if they help or hinder the game!!! Don't fix most of the bugs!!!"


                          • #14
                            If you try to res with a priest while nobody is alive you'll die before you finish casting. Even if you use a curse ring first you'll die before the mage can save you. He's talking about LETTING the mage die. And ressong it just to die again and use passive. Anyone that thinks it'll work doesn't have the logic to realize that if the priest dies, you're screwed. You're not even going to get past 7 because it has a ranged fire attack. So again, gg.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by YoruValentine View Post
                              You do realize how illogical that sounds. If you were to die, get a passive strike, die, res, repeat. It would take you like 30 40 minutes to kill one boss. Not to mention how do you expect a level 50 mortal priest to survive by itself when everyone's dead? It'll die immediately. God gave you a brain. Please use it.
                              nice alt , member since 2012 and it have 7 posts only!!!! wow so pro...did u start posting when u saw my name ? or that is an alt to your main to cover up?

                              but i'll answer u ...
                              we are saying if the thunder made a hit , the battle mode buff will keep on,,,, no need to res, he keep on death while the thunder doing its job, when the boss near death the priest cross to the same level and wait the boss to die, then the priest resurrect the mage.

                              if its hard on you to understand please don't put such meaningless comments [i advise you to change your comment]
                              Last edited by Zenzibar; 07-02-2014, 05:52 PM.

