char name: dog45us
server: s7 serpents den
when you hit lvl 25 you will be able to use astrals and they are the main source of helping you with all ur stats.
the rarity of the strals are based on color green common, blue uncommon, purple rare, and yellow is hard as hell to get usually takes about 1-2million of ur cash to get one.
i will now tell you what astrals u need for lvl 25-30-40 and 50.
mages. when u first start off at lvl 25 u need matk and phy def. at lvl 30 u add mag def. at lvl 40 u add a + to health astral or if ur lucky u will have a refined blessed health (yellow one) if u get it before lvl 40 like i did. at 50 if u have gotten the refined blessed health then use the + to health.
archers. at lvl 25 use phy atk and phy def astrals. at lvl 30 add + to critical astral. at lvl 40 mag def or enhanced determination (yellow). at 50 same as 40 but get the one u didnt choose.
knights are pretty much the same as archers astrals or u can switch crit astral for health astral.
server: s7 serpents den
when you hit lvl 25 you will be able to use astrals and they are the main source of helping you with all ur stats.
the rarity of the strals are based on color green common, blue uncommon, purple rare, and yellow is hard as hell to get usually takes about 1-2million of ur cash to get one.
i will now tell you what astrals u need for lvl 25-30-40 and 50.
mages. when u first start off at lvl 25 u need matk and phy def. at lvl 30 u add mag def. at lvl 40 u add a + to health astral or if ur lucky u will have a refined blessed health (yellow one) if u get it before lvl 40 like i did. at 50 if u have gotten the refined blessed health then use the + to health.
archers. at lvl 25 use phy atk and phy def astrals. at lvl 30 add + to critical astral. at lvl 40 mag def or enhanced determination (yellow). at 50 same as 40 but get the one u didnt choose.
knights are pretty much the same as archers astrals or u can switch crit astral for health astral.