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GM read my request pls

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  • GM read my request pls

    GM can you please make the drop rates of heroic wings higher like 6 Heroic Wings per boss i always do vault but i feel so broke up that i can,t upgrade my wings to better lvl

  • #2
    Another begging thread, I bet nothing regarding drop rate of wings will change.

    Wings are supposed to be a long-term work anyway, so just upgrade your wings slowly, or get better /create alts to do more dungeons for more wings.


    • #3
      Is it wrong to beg to the GM just hoping the GM will make the drops rates better and i don,t have time for alts O,o


      • #4
        So basically what you are trying to say is "I don't have time to invest in developing my toon, so please spoon feed me with what I want". Sorry to say but this game requires quite some investment to have a good toon in a short time. Such request of tripling wings drop rate will never be approved. Especially when a lvl 85+ can farm a stack of wings everyday if he/she has VIP and time.

        If you can't have enough time for wings, just focus more on soul (i.e. get the most amount of SS possible everyday) because you can always catch up on wings later, when mostly everyone stops at UDG or AL and wings price lowers to 50s ea.

        Personal experience: I didn't have much time to play too, I rebirthed to scion when people already hit 80 scions on my server (back when 80 was the max lvl). I rebirthed with only firewings, but after 2 months of rebirth I was able to max out my wings as wings price went as low as 30s ea, and now my toon is still decent for a non-cash toon.


        • #5
          No no and no!!

          If you don't like your wings, get stronger and start farming SR and KD too. If things were too easy, we'd all have awesome stats and be equal and have nothing to aspire for - thus once we got bored of being great we'd quit.

          Good characters take work and dedication. I joined CS after you and you don't see me complaining about HW. I farm RV every day. Then I fight my appropriate dungeon (now Exelorn Normal) to get loot to sell to get gold, which in turn I use to buy more HW. If I have time, I also do SR and KD.
          LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

          LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



          • #6
            Originally posted by R21946988 View Post
            GM can you please make the drop rates of heroic wings higher like 6 Heroic Wings per boss i always do vault but i feel so broke up that i can,t upgrade my wings to better lvl
            i know you worry if some people have higher lvl wing than i give you some tips, its takes time, but its worth it. My tips is make another account, and start create an alt


            • #7
              Originally posted by R21953858 View Post
              Is it wrong to beg to the GM just hoping the GM will make the drops rates better and i don,t have time for alts O,o
              Originally posted by plokijuhygtfrd View Post
              i know you worry if some people have higher lvl wing than i give you some tips, its takes time, but its worth it. My tips is make another account, and start create an alt
              He doesn't have time for an alt? Although the thread starter and that person who posted are different accounts. So if they were the same person, then if he had no time for alts, why does he have 2 accounts? If it's a different person (although honestly if i didn't look closely, i would have thought they were the same person), then why is he talking exactly like the thread starter? 0.o
              Gone... for now,


              "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious"
              -Sun Tzu


              • #8
                owh thread~~~~~~~~~~~~yeah


                • #9
                  owh? what's that mean?
                  Gone... for now,


                  "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious"
                  -Sun Tzu


                  • #10
                    i didn't start upgrading my wings much until i was level 80. i had dual pink angel wings. as a level 80 once you get slayer gear you can farm a bunch of dungeons an get mass amount daily npnp, +also the money from drops from higher dungeons loot to NPC sells for more earning you more money. same as nubheals says pretty much, there are ways to manage and markets shift all the time. just focus on leveling
                    power leveling aka torch hunting
                    Detailed Guide To Power Grinding/Leveling for Beginners
                    while your grinding make a puri farming alt
                    Alternative Money Making/Purified Crystals by Gazuntai


                    • #11
                      until now i'm still at mortal plane


                      • #12
                        yeah...remmber this is not a trading forum..if u dont like it then don't.. tsk people are people.. hahahah

                        please closed this thread GMS and moderators!!! ty
                        "Search, Observe, Read and Understand first!!" (SORU) :rolleyes:

