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The field remains the same, yes, but that doesn't mean last week's winner is going to win since no points were earned. Back before we figured out what caused LG to not reset, no winner was chosen at all in the event of a 0-0 tie. Now, I'm not sure what determines a winner in such a case, but at least you aren't having to go without a ruling guild at all for a whole week.
It is now decided as "the side that scores even 1 point in the entire battle wins" ...not exactly fair when the winning guild might be one where the GM has quit...
...wrong Acc...(Sagittatius001)
Last edited by dominicpoole; 01-31-2016, 03:25 AM.
It is now decided as "the side that scores even 1 point in the entire battle wins" ...not exactly fair when the winning guild might be one where the GM has quit...
...wrong Acc...(Sagittatius001)
goin on from this last weeks winners should win in the event of a tie...you know...cuz either neither ide bothered to show up or one guild can't get any points but has overwhelmed the other side to the point that they couldn't get the 3K points within the entire hour...
IGN: (CS1) (S80)Tannlaus LV178 Eidolon Rogue
Prom I wings... so expensive... especially if you keep forgettin corrupt :D
Kamikaze Member
Somany systems...so little time...
If you wanna know why I went with a Rogue well... Stealth is good for lurking in chat while still runnin through SG :cool:
The field remains the same, yes, but that doesn't mean last week's winner is going to win since no points were earned. Back before we figured out what caused LG to not reset, no winner was chosen at all in the event of a 0-0 tie. Now, I'm not sure what determines a winner in such a case, but at least you aren't having to go without a ruling guild at all for a whole week.
In our case, the opposing guild (Elysium) was able to earn some points, while our guild (SoulofRuins) was unable to earn any points which led to Elysium winning.
The battlefield only resets when the servers have been shut down. When the servers have not shut down between showdowns, the field remains as it was when the fight ended the previous week. This issue can only be fixed with a full server shut down, whether it be a quick restart or a maintenance. There's a couple weeks during the year when restarting the servers is not possible due to holidays, and this was such a time.
Land grab will be normal again this coming Saturday, since there is a maintenance on Monday.
So pretty much you knew it was gonna be like that and none bothered at least make a 15min reset! The respect R2games show their players....
Well sense you knew this was going to happen why not fix the problem? or have a quick reset. You guys are always doing server wide dc. Wouldn't it be the same thing?
You guys are always doing server wide dc. Wouldn't it be the same thing?
Server disconnections and server resets are not one of the same. We do not randomly disconnect servers; that is an unmanned occurrence. Server resets are intentional and done manually.
our land grab battle is bugged on servers s85 s87 s89 all towers are red but there isn't any score will red team win automatically even though there isn't any score?
now since everyone keeps saying LG is bug, ill just like to inform you guys it isnt bug, but its thanks to people who knows how to pass barrier that makes it bug, im not going to call any name but as you can see they enter and kill towers which is why you guys dont gain any points, R2 ill be sending you guys a video if you like. and that so call name rising dawn does it to ensure that they win which is why they do it since it automatically give them the WIN since they last had it