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priest buff bug

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  • priest buff bug

    it seems that the priests buffs are bugged. if i press the hotkeys for the 3 buffs in a row,
    sometimes one of them doesn't activate but the cooldown is still in affect.
    This happens on different computers and started in the past few weeks i think. Anyone else notice this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by 26Fish View Post
    it seems that the priests buffs are bugged. if i press the hotkeys for the 3 buffs in a row,
    sometimes one of them doesn't activate but the cooldown is still in affect.
    This happens on different computers and started in the past few weeks i think. Anyone else notice this?
    sometimes I press light heal real quick and it won't activate (no heal, no cast bar), but it will still go into cooldown.

    But there's a simple solution to that: when doing manually, go slow. If you wanna go fast, AFK.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      slow is not always an option on ladder, but i guess for buffing its probably only option.

      ALSO BUG, when i buff then go attack something, it activates the last buff i did.

      so i buff myself, then go attack an enemy and it either tries to activate the buff again or if the cooldown is done it does cast the buff again,
      which it should not do, i think this is a click to attack bug


      • #4
        I hate to be a stickler, but would you please provide screenshots/which buffs this is happening with? There's a lot in game so the clearer idea we have the faster we can test. Thanks

