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Divine Soul and Rune System being reset to level 0

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  • Divine Soul and Rune System being reset to level 0

    I had at level 155, clearly u can see the numbers are all bugged and now level 0 with my gear in the slots that are level 155 lol
    Also people are seeing their Rune systems reset to level 0 as well.
    💎Crystal Saga💎
    ☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
    ☆Death Tank
    ☆PvP King at your service
    Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅

    “You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.”
    — Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)

  • #2
    Same problem for divine soul:

    Earth was never Lv 30, and it had no equipment on but had stats
    Heaven used to be Lv 30 that's why Ares helmet is equipped but now it's at Lv 0
    Divine now also at Lv 0 w/ stats

    (S147) Wraith
    Last edited by Onixes; 12-10-2020, 05:14 AM.


    • #3
      Yep same for me. Except my gear disappeared. Rune is all lvl 0 too


      • #4
        All of my gear and stats are gone. Items in fateshop - Points segment didn't apear


        • #5
          Divine Soul System Issue. Equipment are gone and Levels went back to 0. But stats remain the same.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sahhhhmu View Post
            All of my gear and stats are gone. Items in fateshop - Points segment didn't apear
            This issue is because of browser, It has an issue that hides all items.
            I hope R2 will fix it soon...


            • #7
              maybe just lagged


              • #8
                Hi, please provide your server name and character and submit a ticket with support.
                To file a ticket with support for assistance click here


                • #9
                  Do an emergency maintenance before weekends please. Thanks!


                  • #10
                    what s up with r2 ? i can sometimes log but not showing in guild i have no pixie no genie no equips
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      i have cleared cache and rebooted my computer multiple times and get the same on any browser i try except r2 client toon wont even load using client


                      • #12
                        Divine soul, peerless gears, heraldy, afk time, potions entire bag full of stuff is all gone ...used client an browser definitely messed up


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            my equipement are invisible
                            ,my divine soul equipement is gone not event giving stat,
                            heraldy is invisible
                            codex lvl is fine but the skill are gone
                            monster handbook is completly gone like its not event saying that monster are lock the monster are just not there
                            elemental show the spirit i equip but the one who was in the inventory just poof
                            geni and pixi are gone
                            rune progression are gone and they dont give me any option to raise them (gold or xtal)
                            my zodiac equipement is invisible
                            my goddess systeme is completly empty
                            my afk bank is completly empty (not event the 1h from login daily is there(i have 400+ day in normally)
                            my guild completly disapear
                            my wing systeme interface dont open
                            the mount i have directly in the bar (my doom and my flamedramon) are not there anymore and all slot are lock (the mount i have in stable are not affected)
                            my skill tree is empty and refuse to let me use the 14 spare point i have
                            all the pet i have in the bar are gone and all slot are lock

                            i think evrything is there >.>ho and i have the flashy pack that re-apear in the corner of my screen the one you get as a noob for playing for x min but clicking on it do nothing

                            ho i forget inventory lock vault lock and equipement vault lock the item in it are poof or invisible

                            soul systeme is empty event if i do have all my aura
                            the arena reward dont work anymore
                            all my title are gone and all button keep flashing
                            the hp/mp bar of my pet under my character keep filling to max get reset to 0 and refilling (i dont have a pet invoqued
                            Last edited by R2248437; 12-10-2020, 03:01 PM.


                            • #15
                              Hi, this has been forwarded to the team and the devs are looking into it. Any new information that we are provided will be posted here.
                              To file a ticket with support for assistance click here

