In the early days of frag when it was released, magic attack % was lower than phys when they were meant to be equal. Perfect frag (or whatever it's called it's all in chinese) has lower magic attack percentage than the old maxed one. 9% -> 8%

*PS* The last upgrade does have physical and magical bonus attack on par again as should be. It's only frag I till VIII I guess that has lowered magic attack bonus than should. (IX has 10%phys/10%magic)
*PPS* Only perfect frag I and II have magic attack bonus bugged, on III it's 10% (and unless it goes higher that should be the correct one)
*PS* The last upgrade does have physical and magical bonus attack on par again as should be. It's only frag I till VIII I guess that has lowered magic attack bonus than should. (IX has 10%phys/10%magic)
*PPS* Only perfect frag I and II have magic attack bonus bugged, on III it's 10% (and unless it goes higher that should be the correct one)