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llamadaa,cheating in avernal realms (S12-14-18-21)

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  • llamadaa,cheating in avernal realms (S12-14-18-21)

    Hello GM,as you know,we have a cheater in avernal named (S14)llamadaa.he uses the solar flare glitch every time,and it adds him 5m damage and everyone's tired of this cuz he always steals 1st place in avernal by cheating.Here,i have proof for you,this screenshot.Can a level 42 rogue get 52000k damage? I dont think so >.>I hope the screenshot will actually ge tposted,cuz i have a lot of trouble with it...well,oh and EVERYONE WHOS ON S12 14 18 AND 21 AND GOES TO AVERNAL REALMS,PLEASE POST HERE! Lets make this cheater BANNED!!!!!!!!! Oh and btw,he also said he was a GM and impersonating a GM is also now you have 2 reasons to,exploiting a glitch and impersonating a GM.Also llamadaa said he/she has a level 80-90 scion i dont believe it but im sure llamadaa is NOT a main char,so please ban all of his chars for cheating! END THE CHEATER'S CHEATING IN AVERNAL! WE'RE ALL SICK OF IT
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Meeeoowow; 07-18-2012, 10:15 PM.

  • #2
    he kicked me off from 7th place the other day and today he came in last 5 mins and still got 1st place so unfair..
    IGN: Rin
    Server: (S18) Shrine of Khitar
    Class: Ranger

    A Bruise is Not a Tattoo


    • #3
      Perhaps this screenshot will help as well, I've tried to sent this in a ticket repeatedly, but I'm always told that there is something wrong and my ticket is wiped, it is very annoying so I'll just post it here to bring it to GM's attention. As you can see, she has the Solar Flare cool down buff, proving that she truly is cheating, please take action as once. Click image for larger version

Name:	llamadaa.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	546.3 KB
ID:	1659646


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bribones View Post
        Perhaps this screenshot will help as well, I've tried to sent this in a ticket repeatedly, but I'm always told that there is something wrong and my ticket is wiped, it is very annoying so I'll just post it here to bring it to GM's attention. As you can see, she has the Solar Flare cool down buff, proving that she truly is cheating, please take action as once. [ATTACH=CONFIG]20893[/ATTACH]
        i heard most tickets regarding this llamadaa didnt get thru =/
        IGN: Rin
        Server: (S18) Shrine of Khitar
        Class: Ranger

        A Bruise is Not a Tattoo


        • #5
          Yes,like mine...


          • #6
            We are looking into this, thanks for letting us know.


            • #7
              We have just removed the solar flare skill that the player was able to keep even after the fix was made. Thank you for your patience and concern. If the player is able to use the skill again next time, inform us so that we are to check if changes needs to be made.

