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Ladder bug...
Originally posted by jesusalvar View Postu just couldn't reach the monster. and u still get exp and soulshard no matter what
Their point is that they could have gotten way more than just 1 Soul Shard and maybe even 10x the EXP they could have gotten from doing Ladder.
The mob can't be killed, so how are they able to progress?
From the looks of it, they could easily reach Lv. 52+The King doesn't fall so easily boys
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Next time, try sending your screenshot in a ticket and see if staff is able to resolve it before you leave ladder. Sometimes ticket replies take a while, but then there's times where it seems like someone is right there waiting to reply to you. Worth a shot, if it happens again.New R2 Community Discord Server:
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I had the same problem. my group couldnt go past ladder lvl 8 were all scions lvl 100. I ticket and they tell me to empty cashe and relog. So does that mean that CS are not going to refund me my 5 soul shards that i could easily get with my group. my whole server is lagging and most are teleporting around.IGN: Blade5132/Bloodytears
Level: 70 Eidolon Hybrid Tank Knight/68 Eidolon Hybrid Support Priest
Server: Tundara
Guild: UnderWorld
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Was this a one time thing? Or has this happened many times?
If it only happened once... get over it, its just 4 soul shards. And from the picture, it doesnt look like you need the xp from that ladder being lvl 100
If it happens a lot of times then thats a problem that should be fixed.IGN: (S6)Brian21
Class: Anti-Mage Ranger
Honor: Archduke
Lvl: Scion 85
Pet: Super Demon, Teeka, Fire Lord
Guild: (S6)Athena
Server: Windshear Peaks
Wings: Angel Lord