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No ladder, TG, GR, Delivery for those above lvl 120.

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  • No ladder, TG, GR, Delivery for those above lvl 120.

    You introduced an event giving us rewards if we reached 130 with-in a week. I was too rushed to noticed that once i hit lvl 121, i would not be able to enter ladder. This is major disappointment...please fix asap or compensate those who cannot gain soul shards from ladder. I can solo to 75 so it is a big loss if this is not fixed ASAP.

  • #2
    Be glad you can lvl up, S1-S3 didn't get any main quest no new maps the only event that went through was the cards, This is the worst fail r2 has trolled us with yet ....


    • #3
      One person on my server hit 121 and he was able to do ladder.

      I wonder if maybe refreshing (or not refreshing) might have something to do with it.
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #4
        Currently aware of the situation, The matters will be addressed, please be patient - will inform when have more info, rest assured these are important matters to us&R2

        There are actually some things you can do. I'm lv 125. doing dungeons and a few other things. will see what I can participate in when I can and let know more. Look for anything that has a + mark next to level requirement. you can participate in the new events and special events. so that proves somethings do work. would suggest to go into chamber of fate with sieg an zodiac an etc etc etc etc as EXP buffs instead of TG. DO CHAMBER PLEASE> yes EXP buffs work in there. its awesome.
        If you have the GR quest, you might be able to get into it- doesn't let me accept quest but that is only message got that is stopping from entering
        ^seems like ladder is working for some


        • #5
          i see, good to hear. Also cannot enter treasure trove.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zalfe View Post
            i see, good to hear. Also cannot enter treasure trove.

            darn. was hoping could do that, ty for the info. will be making sure this gets sorted though just have to hang in there a little bit longer. will post thread when have concrete times or gm will post thread, keep a eye out for it so not caught off guard


            • #7
              Ladder still works I am lv121 and went in.
              IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
              Windshear Peaks
              Trap ranger


              • #8
                No Training Ground. No Guild Resource . No "Not The Boss of Me", No Seeds, No Daily Hunt, No Treasure Trove, No Avernal Realm And No Redemption too. hope it gets fixed soon
                Can enter Ladder, Bath, Sengolia, Chambers of Fate , Food Scramble, Hellstorm.
                No idea on Island Of Blessings yet. hopefully we can..
                Last edited by Caia_R21125326; 07-04-2013, 10:41 PM. Reason: forgot ladder
                Crystal Saga

                Ign: (S22)Caia
                Server:(S22)Tyria Village
                Spouse: (S23)Socrates
                Guild:(Lv.10) DivineAngels - GM (AngelOfDeath)

                Looking for>
                -Genie Crystals in Consumers Points
                -More Inventory (Bag) Space & Pages
                -Pixie Crystal in Mystery Packs


                • #9
                  Ladder does work. If you're having issues, try refreshing your toon. I did notice that even though it let me level to 121, the cap still said 120 until after I refreshed. Maybe something about that causes ladder to not work. If you refresh, it'll update your cap.
                  LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                  LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                  • #10
                    Hmmmmm... didn't this happen before when the raised the lv cap to 80 and 100 way back...?
                    Sith's Priest Guide

