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Wrong Item stats

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  • Wrong Item stats

    I know that so much % strike bonus is maybe cool, but every other higher set have 10%+ crit damage instead of over 10% crit strike so i guess it wrong item stat?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	01-horz.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	131.3 KB
ID:	1737277

    Every lvl 85 epic helm have +6% hp bonus and Dragon Slayer no?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	04.png
Views:	1
Size:	247.7 KB
ID:	1737337
    Last edited by TomGynda; 07-07-2013, 01:06 PM.

  • #2
    In the first place, what's difference between crit strike and crit damage anyway?

    sorry for asking. I'm still a noob


    • #3
      It's not wrong. Netheran is a crit strike set, the sets above are crit damage sets.
      Crit Strike = Amount of critical strikes.
      Crit Damage = Damage of critical strikes.


      • #4
        It's wrong actually, at least in every other version of crystal games, they are all crit dmg, Only in this version with lvl 80 legendary set, everyone can be a rogue with over 100 % crit chance.
        Last edited by Botolminum; 07-06-2013, 09:58 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
          It's wrong actually, at least in every other version of crystal games, they are all crit dmg, Only in this version with lvl 80 legendary set, everyone can be a rogue with over 100 % crit chance.
          It's not wrong. It's just different. This version is not the other versions. As you might have realized, this version, is constantly heading back to beta stage with a whole lot of fail updates, while other version publish quality updates.

          Also, all equips / wings / etc, give better stats on other versions. Skills are different as well.
          Not everything is the same.

          The only real issue is, that the Beast set is not significant better than purgatory and that there is no set bonus.


          • #6
            Also no lvl100 PVP equips, no honor store for 120, no diamond badges, missing several cash shop systems, no dragon pets, missing 8th pixie, pixie foods, 11-13th gems, graded gems (differnt for other 11-13th gems), mount food synthesis, pet soul crystal system, rune system, blood forte system, broken bone system, dragon pet system, ancient fruit tree system (i dislike this the most).


            • #7
              Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
              It's not wrong. It's just different. This version is not the other versions. As you might have realized, this version, is constantly heading back to beta stage with a whole lot of fail updates, while other version publish quality updates.

              Also, all equips / wings / etc, give better stats on other versions. Skills are different as well.
              Not everything is the same.

              The only real issue is, that the Beast set is not significant better than purgatory and that there is no set bonus.
              I guess you are right, I've been ignoring the difference in stats and other stuffs, I'd forget about them lol...


              • #8
                Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                Also no lvl100 PVP equips, no honor store for 120, no diamond badges, missing several cash shop systems, no dragon pets, missing 8th pixie, pixie foods, 11-13th gems, graded gems (differnt for other 11-13th gems), mount food synthesis, pet soul crystal system, rune system, blood forte system, broken bone system, dragon pet system, ancient fruit tree system (i dislike this the most).
                Also SHHHHHH, don't give them the ideas, there is as of now enough stuffs to work on. >_>
                Stalkers OP.

                Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                • #9
                  I would like the lvl 100 PVP equips and honor store if i gotta hold stacks of these honor things in my inventory when leveling above 120.

