This is the best heal we get in the game and there is a HUGEEEEE bug

Notice something? I got debuffed by my own Sunder AND slowdown from sperion combo
To ALL priests who value a healing attack skill that ALSO crits on mobs and procs for frost/demonic gift speed proc without needing to hit a mob, PASS THIS ON to all your friends to get this fixed. This is the best thing priests have gained in awhile but if R2 doesn't fix this terrible side effect, it will just show their negligence.
Notice something? I got debuffed by my own Sunder AND slowdown from sperion combo
To ALL priests who value a healing attack skill that ALSO crits on mobs and procs for frost/demonic gift speed proc without needing to hit a mob, PASS THIS ON to all your friends to get this fixed. This is the best thing priests have gained in awhile but if R2 doesn't fix this terrible side effect, it will just show their negligence.