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Expired rainstone bug

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  • Expired rainstone bug

    There's a bug with rainstones in Island of blessings. Expired rainstones from previous day can be turned in. They disappear only if the player that hold on them log off.

    Some player started to abuse this bug on my server, he don't turn in stones saying that his team didn't work hard enough (he doesn't need anything from IoB). But he can gather 40-60 stones alone so it affect both teams rewards.

  • #2
    Originally posted by R25743361 View Post
    There's a bug with rainstones in Island of blessings. Expired rainstones from previous day can be turned in. They disappear only if the player that hold on them log off.

    Some player started to abuse this bug on my server, he don't turn in stones saying that his team didn't work hard enough (he doesn't need anything from IoB). But he can gather 40-60 stones alone so it affect both teams rewards.
    And? Next time I'll just trash them instead if you prefer that. Not like I have to turn anything in. Also, the rules don't say anything about holding rainstones nor that you have to turn them in at that day / at all.

    On a side note: I usually farm around 80 stones.
    Last edited by sebastian1988; 08-16-2013, 06:09 PM.


    • #3
      I knew you would answer that.

      I was enjoying IoB before the last few days and actively collecting stones for my team most of the time. But now it's just useless with 80 stones less available, there's about 130 stones remaining. Spliited in two equals teams it would mean 65 stones for each side so maybe one green pack for each. And if one team dominate they'll probably won't even get a purple pack.

      There's also always some stones lost to DC and accidental Return to starglade so even less stones available.

      I've just tried to keep this event enjoyable, So I'm sorry if I offended you. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm the only one that feel that it's not enjoyable like that, but I'm only voicing my opinion.

      And if you trash the stones, I will just lose interest in IoB. It's not like I can do anything against you.

      Kongregate (S4)fireBall


      • #4
        Well Seb always has been known as a *****, thats just who he is. So ruining others fun seems like its his way of enjoying the game. Not much anyone can do about it him being a huge casher, just stay happy about your life, cause hes obviously not happy with his.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Haphaestus View Post
          Well Seb always has been known as a *****, thats just who he is. So ruining others fun seems like its his way of enjoying the game. Not much anyone can do about it him being a huge casher, just stay happy about your life, cause hes obviously not happy with his.
          Always has been known as? You don't even know me. lol
          You also don't know anything about my life. I have a great life, so your argument is void.

          Most people join IoB with an alt army, just being idle the whole time, complaining about the people who didn't collect stones fast enough for their alts to get purple packs.
          So, screw them. I honestly don't care about other people and their alts, nor about them enjoying the game or not. That doesn't make me a *****. Grow up, pal.

          If people would actually work for those packs, then I would turn the stones in as well. As long as their only interest is abusing this event with their alts, they won't get anything.
          Last edited by sebastian1988; 08-17-2013, 12:56 AM.

