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  • spammers

    i know u guys but a lvl restriction on the BB claim but yet ppl are still claiming at lvl 11 and quiet frankly it makes me mad since. i know its a hack but there must be in the code somewhere u guys need to make it so u cant even go to bloodforge til that lvl. also to try to close down hacks from outside sites i know i have looked on youtube for some stuff to help with enchanting and i see hacks that have been posted this year and its rediculous i mean come on now i know u guys can do something there at r2 about this. i mean if i have to work this hard to upgrade mounts i think everyone should

  • #2
    Do you have any sufficient evidence that the GMUTs are being claimed at Lv. 11?
    It's possible to make the Battle Bear at Lv. 11 yes, but claiming the reward for it is a different story.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #3
      no evidence of that but come now why would u do like 5 to 6 different characters to lvl 11 in like 20 mins


      • #4
        Are you even sure it's one person doing it or it's actually multiple people?
        The King doesn't fall so easily boys


        • #5
          when the name of the alts are numbered... like name1, name2, name3, name4 etc... pretty sure it's the same person. plus it's possible to trade bought mounts right? i always thought that was how it was done o.o i also dont think that's hacking, just taking advantage of gmut reward system

