What Berub meant to say:
if you got a good Knight/Ranger build with good soul work and i mean by working on patk/matk you hardly even need Eidolon skills
they're just there in case you want MOAR POWA"
This reminds me of a thread which say Priest can be OP too.
The very same repeated advice on every thread when someone cry about their class: "Work harder on your soul and gear!"
The question is, given all characters have the same gear, same enchant & gems, same soul development to max, same buff, same internet connection/lag, same pet/mount/fairy etc; which classes are the most superior/inferior judging by their Skills?
Edit: When the first time I play CS and saw cash shop, I wouldn't expect any pvp balance in this game just like any other MMO's out there with cash shop items. Sad but true.

This reminds me of a thread which say Priest can be OP too.
The very same repeated advice on every thread when someone cry about their class: "Work harder on your soul and gear!"
The question is, given all characters have the same gear, same enchant & gems, same soul development to max, same buff, same internet connection/lag, same pet/mount/fairy etc; which classes are the most superior/inferior judging by their Skills?
Edit: When the first time I play CS and saw cash shop, I wouldn't expect any pvp balance in this game just like any other MMO's out there with cash shop items. Sad but true.