i see.. rogue are the strongest
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Knights vs. rogues...
Originally posted by Dinomite07 View PostRogue will stun the knight and even if it doesn't work knight will 75% of its attack because of the rogue's dodge!if lucky 95xD and of course it depend on how 1 build there rogues
IGN: Kouta
Server: Eternal Sanctum
Class: Rogues
indeed rogues for me r the best class i dont no about anyone else i love to dodge n stealth kill n all that, thats y i became ROGUE, the knight i killed is eidolon n slayers n all 32k patk dk gen5 also pikin on a lvl 87scion rogue with no so good stats, so i decided to jump in his thinking his high n mightyiv never seen so many buffs on 1 charcter b4 he even had seal broken goddess of war buff also, i went htere with no buffs n as is this knight has double my stats already u no so i go to get lvl 5 scion buff n lvl 5 blessing of light off a friend of mine btw the knight had lvl 6 scion buff on also and then i stunned and b4 it finished(the stun) he was dead plus i couldnt use my eidolon skill either my health didnt drop under 30%, i have devoid as eidolon skill so u judge on whos better knight or rogue
Hm,i actually dislike rogue as they just stealth kill me in seng when i'm either chasing a knight,laying a trap or killing a mage while he/she was aoeing blizzard..
Try a rogue once,it was my first char and really fun to play but i love range more so i went for trapper(ranger).
But let me warn you.
"once a rogue stun you,your either a dead meat or a knife(rogue) pierce through butter(you)".
That's the reason why i usually avoid rogue and went straight for other class because it was just way too easy to kill them instead of rogue. :PI'm boring. X_X"
once a knight is stunned he will b stunned for 4seconds then once that runs out all a rogue has to do is use vagabong increases dodge by 30% n then wen that runs out shadow strike n stun again, thats 12 seconds of rogue hits n rogues have big hits a klnight will not survive that i dont care wat u think i eat knight for breakfast i killed a knight with when he had nearly double my stats he didnt survive past the first stun n also ill add he had a gen5 dk with 32 patk thats more patk then me n my pet put togeather lol,
Fyi you people tend to forget pets can learn purification. all you need to do if its a knight or any class vsing at equal grounds agenist a shadow rouge is have a pet with purification because the instant they stun you the pet will debuff it, on top of that you also forget about knights power to debuff. so it would make rouges even more easier to pick on its how knights are able to com-peat with such over whelming class like priests/mages just removes their debuffs and their as good as dead. However one thing is for sure if you stand at equal ground with 3k soul completion full imac gems in your gear with immortal exorlorn at +13 with ulti demon lord wings+8 and max sperion. Its not gona come down to power, or surviabilty at that point it comes down to skills.
Come from one who has both a high lvl rouge and high lvl knight you all know your weakness and strengths its how you use it that wins the match remember that!Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
Server: Glacial Planes.
Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)
For in depth knight guide click the link below
"Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"