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  • Enchanting

    Anyone else having trouble enchanting stuff..... for a few weeks now i have been having trouble enchanting my Aug frag, used so many DC and still only +4 way too many fails and way too much DC used just for it to keep failing.

  • #2
    Enchanting is entirely based on chance, so it's not entirely unusual to have bad enchanting day(s)/week(s). Augurics do also prove to be a little on the more difficult side to enchant.


    • #3
      Its based on random numbers just like the standard drop rate , best tip is to do dungeons first feel around if your getting good loot then try enchanting once if it fails dont continue, if it success then follow up
      I am he that siezes in the dark, the unseen fear that bites in the shadows, tooth and claw shall rend courage asunder, so no touch-backs, no do overs, no erasies, no take backsies , triple stamp it, seal it, and this whole server is homefreeeee!!!


      • #4
        Drop rates and successful enchantment percentages do not correlate. For example, simply because there are more Dragon Crystals dropping on a given day certainly does not mean enchantment rates are likewise.
        Last edited by Reverie; 10-05-2014, 10:35 PM.

