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Major Bug Issue during the Anniversary

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  • Major Bug Issue during the Anniversary

    So, I've been holding it back because I didn't care about this game anymore back then, but the people who abuse the INFINITE FIREWORKS, still upgrading until now, it's just pissing me off now...

    For those who didn't know, other servers or whatever, there was a major bug, just like last year 99 million xtal bug for 5 dollars on server 6,10,11 and those merged servers. This time it's involving the fireworks, somehow you can purchase infinite amount of fireworks for 0 gold, basically some people have managed to get probably 1 million fireworks or more ? Check out some people' Ares gear, before the event, they were nothing, and now most of the abusers have 200-300 k PATK / MATK, and still upgrading. Also check the sperions level around.

    Last year, the bug was obvious and some got banned, but this time, only alts got banned because people are smarter not to use their main to do the infinite fireworks trick. There is absolutely nothing that r2 did to solve this problem and seems to ignore it or something. Get this, writing in all caps, just in case the higher GM, the Head Moderators, etc can't see it. THERE IS NO WAY TO HAVE A PROOF OF SOMEONE CHEATING OR WHATEVER, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T REALLY TELL WHETHER IF HE REALLY ABUSE OR JUST CASH A LOT, ONE WAY TO DO IT IS IF YOU GUYS ON R2 MANAGEMENT ACTUALLY CHECK THEIR ACCOUNTS, CHECK THEIR SPENDINGS, DID THEY USE PAYPAL, UGC, MOL, SKRILL, OR ANYTHING OR WHATEVER ? BECAUSE IF THEY'RE NOT, AND THEY'RE UPGRADING LIKE CRAZY, IT'S EITHER MALLMMO, OTHER 3RD PARTY, OR BUG ABUSE.

    Honestly, I don't really know how you can handle this situation, I mean i know that you guys already knew about this bug, but did nothing except banning some alts.. while the main character roams free...

    Unless, this game is going bankrupt / closing down soon, then ignore this post i guess....

  • #2
    I completely understand your frustrations regarding the fireworks abuse; rest assured, I will be forwarding a list of suspect players for investigation. You may also report suspicious players via ticket here: Include their full IGN, perhaps a screenshot of the player's toon, and a brief explanation as to why you believe their characters need to be checked -- you can also suggest that their transaction history and trade logs be reviewed for suspicious quantities of rare items. The GMs will review the case and proceed from there.

    The level of immoral abuse of an [initially great] event is truly a shame. Coming from a server where this abuse was prevalent, I do support your cause in bringing attention to this matter as well as attempting to get this all straightened out. If you have further concerns, you're more than welcome to contact myself or any other active moderator.


    • #3
      I had to express my frustration here too...
      Seriously, we want to see you take some action.
      With the last year's crystal bug many cash spending players left the game frustrated. This time, the bug is no different than before since having unlimited anniversary packs also means valuable stuffs to trade.
      Why did some players spent cash here then? It's not fair to those people that invested in this game to stay on top. We put so much money/time/ and effort to build our toons and one bug will just put us under those bug abusers.
      Every time this kind of bug happens and take long to get the problem resolved, you guys are driving away players that are actually making this game run.
      The whole server know about the bug, you know about the bug, players know who abused... isn't it time to take action?


      • #4
        [[[[Can i get a GM confirmation on what's going to happen?]]]]

        This is honestly getting out of hand. People are upgrading from Legendary Divine Wing to Promethean in just a month, just from that Anniversary event. I'm sure more then a few people have ticketed or complained about this issue; yet you STILL NEED MORE PROOF AND SOME STUPID SCREENSHOT? SCREENSHOTS ISN'T GOING TO SHOW ENOUGH PROOF. MAYBE GET A GM TO WATCH OVER OUR SERVER 24/7 AND SEE THE SAME PEOPLE UPGRADING. THERE ARE A FEW PEOPLE WITH FULL ARES' EQUIP ( 150 Spirit of ares Un-cashable item ) No, they did not trade/buy, no they did not cash. So this is a either a lose-lose or a win-win. Ignore this issue you lose people that helped the server stay alive = the glitchers/buggers stay = no money for you, 'cause who needs money when you can bug (; I've played this game for years and years, wasted valuable time, wasted my whole life on this; people that barley played or worked hard had got 100k - 700k dmg with just the bug. Seeing my friends that've worked so hard on this game makes me upset; People that were once under them are now on top of them. I couldn't leave this game, but .. this went over the line, and i've lost my motivation to play, so this might be the end. If WE end this game for this reason, well.. i don't know what to say.


        • #5
          Hmmmmmmmm infinite ? lol how the heck do ppl find those bugs


          • #6
            Originally posted by FateAverruncus View Post
            Hmmmmmmmm infinite ? lol how the heck do ppl find those bugs
            I have no idea either, they managed to find it within the first day too.... which is why I was wondering, why some people offering me hundreds of spirit of ares, and there are a lot of people in my server who have hundreds of spirit of ares on day 1 of the event. At that time, I really thought they just have tons of alt, but then again, after the event was done, I thought, where did they get the money ? and was told about the bug, involving "semi-relogging" and you can purchase the fireworks for infinite amount without any gold at all.

            That is not all, there is currently an ongoing crypt bug or something where the first winner isn't announced.

            Another bug that I found is 'invisible' character farming corruption keys , basically no one is around, and the monsters around that area just keeps dying and dying.... and if there's a key being dropped, it's just suddenly gone. I won't be surprised if there's actually a bug to reach floor 10 without doing any effort or anything, basically like bugging the ladder , going to the top in 50 secs or minus time....


            • #7
              Another bug that I found is 'invisible' character farming corruption keys < i wanna see this.. any Screen shot?

              and the heck.. any proof on those things?
              Last edited by Caia_R21125326; 10-15-2014, 11:46 AM.
              Crystal Saga

              Ign: (S22)Caia
              Server:(S22)Tyria Village
              Spouse: (S23)Socrates
              Guild:(Lv.10) DivineAngels - GM (AngelOfDeath)

              Looking for>
              -Genie Crystals in Consumers Points
              -More Inventory (Bag) Space & Pages
              -Pixie Crystal in Mystery Packs

